Film "Crew" (2016): Released, Actors and Roles, Director


The film "Crew" directed by Nikolay Lebedev, whose release was held on April 21, 2016, gathered $ 24.7 million at the rental of a $ 24.7 million million viewers.

The actors, their roles, as well as interesting facts about creating a picture - in material 24cm.


In the center of the plot - the history of the talented pilot Alexei Ghushchina. A strong character and uncompromising interfere with the pilot to build a career both in military aviation and in military transport. Father Guschina attracts a son intern on the civil aircraft Pegas Avia company.

Sophisticated relationships with the mentor and beloved girl did not affect Alexey's beliefs. Everything will change when the hero will fall out a difficult choice, from which people's lives depend.

Actors and roles

The main roles of the film "Crew" are involved:

  • Danila Kozlovsky - Pilot Alexey Gushchin, who was fired with a bad characteristic for non-compliance with the order. The father's protection helps to stand in a civil airline, where Leonid Zinchenko, and Alexander Kuzmina, became a mentor, and Alexander Kuzmina, with which the hero had a novel.
  • Vladimir Mashkov - Leonid Zinchenko, crew commander, where Gushchin works. Principal pilot saw in a young train talent aviator. The mentor leads from under the blow of a temperamental pilot and offers a long-term business trip to Asia, wait for the hype with a scandal, in which Gushchin was involved.
  • Agne Break - the second pilot on board Zinchenko, Alexander Kuzmina. The girl is offended by doubts Gushchina in relation to her professionality. Suddenly came the signal about the earthquake on the island of Canvas. The crew is heading to the distress site to pick up people. The extreme situation forced Alexander to see the beloved on the other side.

Cast of the second plan are busy:

  • Ekaterina Spitza - Brigadier of Wiki Forecores. The girl shows sympathy for the Gushchina and is not ready to respond to the notice of the attention of Andrei colleagues.
  • Sergey Kepo - Festival Andrei. From the first acquaintance between the Gushcheni and Andrei there is dislike. However, the earthquake on the canvas allowed Andrei to reveal the heroic qualities and conquer the heart of the girl you like.
  • Sergey Shakurov - Igor Gushchin, Alexei's father, who once designed Tu-204. During the freelancer in the air, the Father helps his son to take a risky, but the right decision.
  • Sergey Romanovich - Valery, son Zinchenko. The young man threw studies and does not recognize the authority of the Father. However, the earthquake on the canvas helps the young man find a support in life.

The film also filmed:

  • Sergey Gazarov;
  • Elena Yakovlev;
  • Alena Babenko;
  • Vyacheslav Razzhegayev;
  • Vladimir Yaglych;
  • Vasily Mishchenko and others.

Interesting Facts

1. Despite the fact that the structure of the modern project repeats the Soviet drama, the film "Crew" is still not a remake. Differences are made in the genre and plot strokes.

2. Nikolay Lebedev since childhood dreamed of repeating the triumph of the film "Crew" in 1979. At school lessons, the future director wrote scenarios inspired by the project A. Mitty.

3. Bridge between Painting 1979 and 2016. She became an episodic role of Alexandra Yakovleva, who played Stewartess in the movie Mitta. And Nikolai Lebedev, this was an airline official who asked not to interfere with the crew to perform their work.

4. Actress Agne Brushes voiced Irina Lachina. Lithuanian celebrities predict the popularity of Ingeborgi Dapkin.

5. The descriptor artist Viktor Petrov left his life before the start of the filming. Relatives brought development and descriptions on the basis of which kinocartine was framed.

6. Especially for filming, aircraft salons were put on a height of 6 m and equipped with hydraulic devices that allowed to imitate aircraft movements in extreme conditions.

7. The film "Crew" contains reliable aircraft management shots, and real airborns are present in the decorations of the aircraft. The actors who played the main roles began to prepare for the shooting in advance and learned to manage the helm at a special air simulator.

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