Margarita Orsk - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs, Chanson 2021



In the Russian chance, along with brutal performers, a beautiful sex representative took their place. List of Kati Ogonos, Vorovayki Groups, Irina Krug, Vicky Tsyganova confidently continue Catherine Golitsyn, Zhurga, Tatyana Chubarova, Elena Vaenga and Margarita Ovsk. Fans of the latter do not get tired of replenishing youtube by copyright clips and rollers for many lovers songs.

Childhood and youth

Margarita Oska, as a true lady, prefers to hide the year of his birth, pointing only day and month - November 7. From the information published on the official website, it follows that the singer appeared in a small town in the Southern Urals. The name of the population itself, a woman did not declare, but most likely, it was reflected in the selected stage pseudonym.

A much sweeping performer told about the facts of early biography. The childhood of the girl, who fond of singing and tried to create in prose and verses, was not easy, and together with her parents had to wader at the neighboring regions and the republics of the former Soviet Union.

At school, Rita actively participated in amateur time and did not get out of festivals and reviews, combining his studies in secondary school with a music school. The next stage turned out to be a muse. A student who has chosen the choral conducting class, easily conquered a competition of vocalists and young conduits, taking prizes.

Despite the fact that the artist has always been strong for the whole "Patzansky" and later found herself in Chance and "Blame", she confessed that he was grew up not by the tip and hooligan, but a calm approximate child, to the joy of his father with his mother and teachers.

Personal life

On the personal life of Margarita can talk to journalists, but lowering unnecessary details. Therefore, it is known only that the woman is married, happy in marriage and together with his spouse is engaged in raising her daughter. Favorite man for the years spent together, learned not to jealous his wife to her fans and colleagues, quietly holidayling on tour and taking care of the housework.


A woman in chance - the phenomenon is often, but still amazing. And, of course, more often than other journalists are interested in the question of why one or another singer came to sing about "thieves, garages, balantes and cops." Orsk, being on the TV program "Russian Song", in an interview with Alexey Adamov admitted that, perhaps, her interest in this musical genre was born in adolescence through communication with families, whose relatives and relatives were serving a sentence in places of detention.

Before standing on the path of execution, Margarita mastered several professions - she worked as a teacher of singing, performed in restaurants and sent to the church chore for several years. The thrust for solo creativity in the end rearranged, and the girl sat down for the writing of his own songs, for the most part being autobiographical.

Gradually, the singles of the artist sneak into radio and television and found their listener. Together with Oleg Zhavyunoye, she went to a large tour of the tour of the cities of Russia, and then began to give concerts in prisons, camps and colonies.

In 2010, Rita recorded the Debut Album "Oshlela Fate", which included 14 songs - "Girlfriend is true", "Chet or University", "Crazy", "My Favorite Husband", "City of Childhood", "Going", "Non-permanent " etc.

Margarita Orsk now

What is now engaged in Margarita Ovsk, unknown. Despite the fact that on the official site of the artist in the section "Biography", located next to the "Photos" from childhood and with concerts, "contacts", "interview" and "ringtons", it is stated that it was preparing for the record of a new album, the long-awaited Replenishment of discography to the 2020-mu never happened.


  • 2010 - "Oshlela Fate"

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