Vasily Strelnikov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, MTV Russia 2021



In mid-December 2019, the media appeared in the media that RTVI launched the premiere series of podcasts "Tell died" presented in two formats - audio and video. The permanent leading Ekaterina Kotricadze and Vasily Azarov reason about the past, present and future television with star guests. Tikhon Dzhedko and Alexey Pivovarov, Nikita Mcitat and Gleb, Artemy Troitsky and Vasily Strelnikov became the main characters of the first issues.

Childhood and youth

In mid-May, the 1962th, on the 14th, in the family of a writer and journalist Boris Georgievich Strelnikov, who served the American Pravda, and his wife Yulia Valentinovna, who worked in the Soviet Embassy, ​​was replenished. Vasily was born in New York, and his childhood passed in Washington. Moving to the USSR took place when the teenager turned 13 years old, he received the certificate of maturity in Moscow SDM No. 127.

Remembering early years, a man told that he was a two-way at school and a hooligan. For this, parents often punished the child, forbidden to turn on the TV and walk with friends. But Mascatious Vasya found the way out - I put on the headphones that adults did not notice, and listened to the favorite radio, dreaming about work on it.

"I was not interested in going to school. I did not understand why I need to understand some strange formulas, in Iques and Games. I wanted to listen to the radio, the series Watch comedy, climb on construction sites and wait for the canisters with gasoline, blow up bulldozers and cranes, "Vasily shared in an interview.

Therefore, immediately after the end of the secondary educational institution, the young man who did not receive VGIK was set as a photo of Mosfilm, and after the English-speaking speaker on Radio Moscow World Service. After 2 years, the international program Vasily's Weekend was published, where Vasya took an interview with Biorn Ulveus and Benny Anderson from Abba, John Denver and Carlos Santana, Billy Joel and Annie Lenox, etc.

Personal life

About the personal life of the widget is not known almost anything: he never loved to frank with journalists to such an intimate topic. In 2002, a man replied for a direct question of a fan, but he is not married, but the second half is available and works in the same sphere as he.

In 2010, if you believe the publications in the Komsomolskaya Pravda, the radio host was still a single, but I dreamed of tie myself with the Uzami marriage and "give a bunch of children." However, tireless fans, focusing on the photo in "Instagram" in the company of charming soloist Sisters Shmid Yasi and Mila, put forward the assumption that they are his daughters.


Thanks to the efforts of Vasily in the mid-80s, a joint show with Casey Keysem appeared, then the "best TASS twenty". At the end of the decade, he worked in the MTV Europe News television company, in the end of the Echo of Moscow.

In the 90s, the Stranels added to his creative biography "Radio 7", "Europe Plus" and "Radio Classic", lit up on the NTV and until 2002 turned out to be a "voice" "MTV Russia". After leaving the musical TV channel, a man lured the TWS to himself, but as a result, the relationship was formed with CTS, Ren-TV, TV-3 and Disney.

The creation of the radio service also includes the creation of the first Russian podcast of Russian podcasting and many copyrights, the entry of the hit "Loch is fate" together with Natasha Kapustina, doll, Summary and PPK, work on the radio "Maximum" and "Lighthouse", shooting in kinocarthines , voicing and duplication into English "Cruel Romance", "Well, wait!" And "Vacation in Prostokvashino".

Vasily Strelnikov Now

Vasily Borisovich and now continues to go on the air "Lighthouse". Each week of the legend of the domestic broadcasting, which by the side of the star disease, meets the weekend with the listeners. Three hours - from 20:00 to 23:00 in Moscow - his "Inema" lasts, in the 2020th celebration of the 5th anniversary.


  • Since 1982 - Vasily's Weekend
  • Since 1987 - TASS TOP 20
  • 1990-1992 - "Evening Zoo" on the radio "Echo of Moscow"
  • Since 1992 - Vasily's Neighborhood on Radio 7
  • Since 1996 - "Show Business News" on the NTV television channel
  • 1998-2002 - "Voice" of the TV channel "MTV Russia", "Weekend Caprice", "So 90s", "Silent Hour"
  • 2002-2003 - "Vasya in Da House" and "Super!" on the channel STS.
  • 2004-2013 - "Voice" of the Ren-TV channel
  • 2006 - "Mozgolomes" on the TV channel "Ren-TV"
  • 2007-2010 - "UPS!", "Fear sellers", "Home Restaurant" on TV-3 TV channel
  • 2010 - "Vasya Online" at MTV Russia
  • From 2014 - "Voice" Disney TV channel
  • 2015-2018 - "Breakfast Club" on Radio "Lighthouse"
  • 2017 - "# Him" ​​on Radio "Lighthouse"
  • From 2015 - "Introduction. Vasily's Weekend »On Radio" Lighthouse "


  • 1988 - "Defeat"
  • 1992 - "Wolfhound"
  • 2005 - "Call me Jeann"
  • 2007 - "Antidur"
  • 2009 - "Death Path - 2: Atonement"

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