TV series "Barley" (2020): Release date, actors, director, STS


July 6, 2020 - the release date on the CTC channel of the 1st season of Sitkom from Ilya Kazankova and Philip Korshunov. The first of them is known for the work on the projects "Lekle Nesterov" and "Dr. Richter". The second is the creation of the Russian adaptation of the "bone" show. The series "drove" - ​​directed by the director was removed in the west of Road Mugi in the west, which began to master in the Russian cinema.

On the plot, actors and about the film-related entertaining facts - in the material 24cm.


The road is not just leaving the hinge ribbon, obedient under the wheel of the car, whether it is a heavy trucker's heavy tractor or a shabby car departed to the sea coast of the vacationer. The road is a challenge and test, this is the test of the strength of the spirit and readiness for all sorts of incidents and events, both pleasant and not too much. The road like spring will show ... What skeletons are hidden in the closet for everyone.

To experience all the delights of a long journey falls with a large family that went from Krasnoyarsk to the capital of Belarus to the final of the folk song contest. On the adventures and misadventures awaiting heroes on the way, and tells the series "drove".

Actors and roles

The role of the role was performed by actors:

  • Mikhail Truhin - Edward Osin, distinguished by an adventurous warehouse of the nature of Krasnoyarsk, together with his wife, children and her friend of the elder son who went to the distant Minsk by car. However, the newly new traveler did not take into account that to take the younger daughter to the competition passing in Belarus will not be as simple as it seemed at first glance. After all, the path is not necessary.
  • Olga Mednich - Alla Aspen, Eduard wife, mother 3 children. Like a husband, was unable to resist the tear asking younger daughter, persuading her parents to take her to the final of the folk song contest. True, the surprises who are preparing a long road, the woman was not ready.
  • Artem Fadeev - Kirill, the eldest son of Alla and Eduard, who went together by his relatives on a trip to the VOLKSWAGEN minibus species to support the youngest sister.
  • Alexander Kiseleva - Dasha, Kirill's girlfriend. The girl decided to make a company to the company Orsin's family because she needs to meet with Raper Decl. After all, the Popular in the 90s performer can quite be her father - in any case, so the mother said.
  • Vitaly Kornienko - Barbara, younger daughter Alla and Edward. It is her desire to speak (and certainly to win!) In the final of the song contest, it becomes power, pulling the family of Osin from a raised place and guiding it towards funny adventure.
  • Alexander Bulatov - Peter, the middle Son of Osin, with his characteristic curiosity that observing the events occurring around the family and with pleasure participating in all of this disgrace.
  • Dmitry Lysenkov - Vitya Vitya, the younger brother of Edward Aspen, still living with the romantics of the gangster 90s in the shower and trying torturing the "torment." Unfortunately for Victor himself, nothing comes out of his criminal clauses.

Also, the series was filmed: Ivan Efremov, Ruslan Smirnov, Masha Lobytseva, Miroslav Mikhailov and Irina Pegov in the role of Natalia, Mother Dasha.

Interesting Facts

1. The series "drove" - ​​an attempt of the authors of the project to study while a niche of films in the genre of Road Movi still studied by Russian cinematographers.

2. Mikhail Trucin, who played the father of the family, admits that he likes to travel with family by car. The actor tramcled the floor in this way. But Olga Mednichn claims that now it would not be decided on such a move - too used to comfort. However, in childhood, it was repeatedly with her parents from Severodvinsk to her grandmother living in Ukraine, "in those years, such journeys were like her.

3. In the draft Kirill Tolmatsky played himself. The role was last in the filmography of the artist - in 2019, rapper died from a heart stop.

4. The series "Rone" was filmed in the Krasnodar Territory, Moscow and Adygea in 2018. Initially, the premiere was planned for 2019, but as a result, the release date "moved" to the 2020th. 2 retro autobus Volkswagen participated in the survey. One - for shooting travel, and the second, disassembled, - to work in the pavilion.

The series "drove" - ​​Trailer:

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