What does Natalia Fateeva do: 2020, now, shooting, activity


Natalia Fateeva, who became famous after the release of the comedy "Three Plus two," caused envy and admiration for women and forced men to lose their head. For alien to the Soviet film screen, the beauty of the actress was compared with the famous Sophie Lauren. However, the life of the artist has developed at all so rosy, like the famous Italian. About why disappeared, where now lives and what the People's Artist of the RSFSR is engaged in, - in the material 24cm.

Way to the top and success

Natalya Fateeva has been interested in the acting profession from ornamental years, however, the future star "Gentlemen" did not take the future star "Gentlemen of Good luck" - it turned out to be too high. Then the little Natasha tried to get into art with another way - through music. However, Natalia did not work out with the career of the pianist, according to the actresses, to blame for the teachers of the music school, where parents gave the girl.

It seemed that success was expected to faith in sports: Natalia, adopted in the section, one athletic discipline was conquered for another - the girl became the champion of the city on the pushing of the kernel, as well as jumping in length and height. However, dreams of the scene did not leave - the result was the receipt to the Kharkov Theater Institute, despite the fact that parents and friends tried Natalia Fateev to dissuade from this increasing, in their opinion, step.

Although everything seemed to be in Kharkov, it seemed to be great, the girl was still able to finish the institute yet - the student was expelled. But then Natalia Fateeva did not lower his arms and, having decided to start all over again, went to conquer Moscow. He entered VGIK, and thanks to the help of the director Sergei Gerasimov, immediately to the 4th course.

In each embodiment on the screen and theatrical scene, the image of the artist tried to invest in full, turning the characters depicted, even if they appear in the picture or the performance of episodically, in volumetric and multifaceted.

Before the film "Three Plus Two" Fateene managed not only to play in a number of film, among which "there is such a guy", "Captain" Old Turtle "," Battle of the Way "and" Our General Friend ", but also to visit the leading first issues KVN. However, only after the comedy who was loved by the Soviet viewer of Henrich Oganenaya, a loud fame came to the actress.

"Children of Don Quixote" Evgenia Karelova became another step towards all-union glory and related audience adoration. And then the 70s came and became in the biography of Natalia Fateeva period of bright takeoff. Then there were also valid "Gentlemen of Good luck" by Alexander Gray, and the musical "summer dreams" Vitaly Koltsov, and the historical-comedic "tobacco captain" of Igor Usov, and even the fantastic Dilogy of Richard Viktorova - "Moscow - Cassiopeia" and "Longs in the Universe".

Among the television brightest work, Fateeva criticism and viewers invariably refer to the role of Alla, executed in the 2-serial film Konstantin Khudyakova in 1981 "from the evening to noon" on the screens in 1981.

In addition to filming, I was engaged in Natalya and other activities in those years - the characters of foreign actresses were spoken by the voice of the Soviet spectators: Sophie Lauren, Barbara Brylskaya, Jessica Walter, Barbara Khorphtuvna, Beat Tyshkevich and others.

After glory

Although in the filmography of the actresses enough of diverse paintings and roles, remember and love it primarily for tapes 70-80s. Moreover, at the beginning of the last decade of the XX century, playing at once in several paintings and feeling new trends in the national cinema, Natalia Fateeva and hurried to divert from him. She said that the desire was not experiencing in Chernukha.

After that, the actress was infrequently possible to see on the screen. Over the years since 1991, Natalia Fateeva filmography has replenished only 1.5 dozen kinocartin and television serials. Among them are the most famous - "Crusader" and "Secrets of Palace Dobor". In the 2010th, the artist and at all became more famous for the rare manifestations of opposition activity than creative activities.

In 2018, the director Valery Kharchenko invited Fateev to participate in the filming of the painting on the "boring history" Chekhov. However, the consequences of the complications arising from the operation on the hip joint made by celebrity several years ago did not allow her to join the project.

The actress was 3 husband: Actor Leonid Tarabarinov, director Vladimir Basov and Cosmonaut Boris Egorov. But she did not hold marriage with her longer than 5 years, since the household and prolonged relationships were not for Natalia Fateeva. From the novels with Andrei Mironov and the resident of Soviet intelligence, Mikhail Lyubimov also did not come out. And with the native children - the son of Vladimir and the daughter of Natalia - the relationship with the artist is cool.

So in 2020, the actress leads the quiet life of the gate in his Moscow apartment, rarely appearing on the street because of problems with the musculoskeletal system and preferring loneliness to society of acquaintances and children. Even congratulations on their own 85-year anniversary Natalya Fateeva took advantagely by telephone.

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