Sagit Agish - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books, poems



Bashkir's Bashkir Sagit Agish (real name - Sagit Ishmukhametovich Agishev) did not believe in either Jesus, nor in Allah and entered the Communist Party in the winter of 1941. In the biography and works of the writer, Russian and Bashkir traditions, tsarism and Soviet power are bizarrectically intertwined.

Childhood and youth

The author of the books for children and adults was born in the family of Mullah, who had two wives - a senior, occupied by the economy and children, and the youngest, who traded in a bench at the mosque and taught rural girls the basics of Islam. Malaya Motherland Sagita - Bashkir Village of Iesangildino under Orenburg.

In the youth of Ishmukhamete Agishev on the royal discharge as the most capable boy in the village sent to study in St. Petersburg. On the spiritual path, the father of the writer rose, already served by an officer. Mullah Ishmukhamet was unusual - he was friends with the Orthodox father, planted the village by trees, and though he filed alms, but he advised less to pray and work more and work more, because the work of Allah is pleasing than praising his name.

Bashkir Writer Sagit Agish

Sagita had elder brother Mukhamet and two sisters. Father planned to give an education to the first century, and the younger son should be left with him to convey to him the workers' management breeders. But in 1917, 12-year-old Sagit escaped from someone at home in Orenburg, because he really wanted to learn.

The teenager got a closer to the shop, who traded the Citz, and entered the Madrasa "Husainia" where he became friends with Musa Jallem, which later wrote a story "Countrymen". Lifeling to persuasion of younger wife, Ishmukhemet Agishev came to Orenburg and forgave a runaway son.

In 1919, Sagit got sorrow and received a complication of his eyes. Father taking a son for the best ophthalmologist of Russia Vladimir Filatov. However, the doctor could not help, stating at the young man atrophy of the visual nerves.

From experiences because of the son and occurring public cataclysms, Ishmukham has developed depression, and the man committed suicide. After six months after the death of the father, the mother of Sagita died.

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Contrary to forecasts, the vision of the guy gradually improved, and Agishev Jr., having joined Komsomol, began to study in the Bashkir Institute of National Education, which opened the door in Orenburg.

In 1924, the sagit began to blind again. However, the guy was very foolish and plastic and managed to learn in the Kazan Theater Technical School. Artistry, ability and desire to play around the surrounding Agish carried through a lifetime. Since 1925, a man worked in the "Youth Bashkortostan" newspaper.

Personal life

The personal life of Sagita was decorated with mutual love with his wife Ferdana, on which a beginner writer married in 1929. At the wedding photo it can be seen that the groom was much lower than the bride. Green-eyed beauty Agishev conquered a beautiful speech.

Couple had three daughters, the eldest Lena and the twins of Lida and Lira. When Agish was sent to a link to a distant Bashkir village, twins withers - Lida died, and Lira received a lifetime disabilities. Sagit trembled to the health of surviving daughters. When Lena got sick, his father felt it, being a hundred kilometers from the house: The writer participated in the concerts of the artistic brigades left to the front.

Despite all the adversity, the sagit remained a faithful communist. The favorite delicacy of the spouses of the Agievic was ice cream sold in the Gorky Moscow Park.


Bibliography Agish includes poetic and prosaic books, works for adults and children. In 1928, the first collection of poems of Sagita "Our Laughter" came out.

In the prose of the Bashkir writer, small forms prevailed. Adult readers fell in love with the witty stories of Agish "Honor for honor" and "The case is not in samovar", and the young - Novalla "Groundko", telling about the stallion, who managed to protect her herd from wolves. Sagit sought to write very concise, focusing on Anton Chekhov's style, whose works translated into Bashkir.

Sagit Agish and Ferdan Agisheva

In the works of the military years "Ahmadulla", "to the front", "my three months" writer instilled in the readers faith in victory, told about the inseparable bond of advanced and rear. The biggest work of Agish Roman "Fundam" is the Bashkir version of the "raised virgin" Mikhail Sholokhov. In 1975, the writer was posthumously awarded the Republican Prize of Salavat Yulaeva.


At the end of the life, the Bashkir Poet and Prosisais practically land and flames. Agish died on May 21, 1973. The cause of death became a stroke. Over the late atheist, the Quran 90-year-old Uncle Ferdany Majuz-Babai, who made a hajk in Mecca at a tsarism, was reading over the late atheist. Woven the body of a friend of the deceased, the nomenclature party worker.

The grave of Sagita Ishmukhametovich is located on the Magometan cemetery of the Bashkir capital. In memory of the writer, part of the Polar Street in Ufa is renamed to Agish Street. On the walls of the house 57 on the Ufa Street Karl Marx, where Sagit lived, and on the school building in the village of Saitbab, where the writer worked as a teacher, memorial plaques were installed. To the 100th anniversary of the writer, the favorite granddaughter of Agysh Guseel published the memories of the grandfather in the publishing house.


  • 1928 - "Our Laughter"
  • 1933 - "Ground"
  • 1933 - "Honor of honor"
  • 1939 - "The case is not in samovar"
  • 1939 - "Makhmutov"
  • 1939 - "Guys" ("Djigites")
  • 1940 - "In the house of Muzzin"
  • 1942 - "Horseman Ilmurza"
  • 1944 - "Ahmadulla"
  • 1944 - "On the front"
  • 1944 - "My three months"
  • 1950 - "Fundam"
  • 1952 - "At the river"
  • 1957 - Fathi Soldier
  • 1961 - "Two Dawn"
  • 1964 - "Countrymen"
  • 1967 - "On the way"

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