Slimming stars after childbirth: Russian, Hollywood, 2020, ways


During the waiting for the birth of a child, women inevitably gain weight, as the future kid needs nutrients. Extra kilograms darken the joy of maternity, so the girls are long before delivery begin to study which methods of rapid body bringing into the form.

Slimming stars after childbirth in this case admire, because the celebrities "managed" to build an ideal body in a short time. About their ways to combat the consequences of pregnancy and will tell the material 24cm.

1. Jennifer Lopez - Low-calorie

In 2008, the American singer gave birth to twins - Max and Emmy. During pregnancy, Jennifer Lopez scored 20 kg, since it is prone to completeness. Reset overweight Jay Lo managed with the help of regular (5-6 times a week) sports, including triathlon, attacks and squats. However, no power adjustment did not cost: Jennifer adhered to a low-calorie diet, coordinating the necessary shortages with doctors.

2. Holly Berry - Diet "3-2-1"

Immediately after the birth, Holly Berry had given enough time to walk, as sports were contraindicated. Later, the Hollywood actress began to stick the "3-2-1" nutrition system, the essence of which consisted in three full meals, two light snacks and one drink. The rest of the time the young mother saw water. Later he connected the workout and returned to the form for a month and a half.

3. Mill Yovovich - "5 factors"

Hollywood celebrity, which in 2020 gave birth to a second child, became a vivid example that the slimming of stars after childbirth may be exhausting and long. When having tooling firstborn Milla Yovovich did not limit himself in food and gained a record 34 kg (before birth weighed 92 kg).

The method was rescued by the method called "5 factors": five-volume nutrition and five workouts per week. Sporting training included five exercises: warm-up, riding a bike, exercise on ellipse, running, ABS training (strengthening of the muscles of the press and back).

4. Mariah Carey - Aquaaerobics

The performer during pregnancy twins recovered by 30 kg. As Mariah Carey itself was recognized, half left immediately after childbirth, but with the rest had to fight for a long time and stubbornly fight the help of nutrition and occupying aquaerobics and stretching (active workouts are contraindicated after cesarean sections).

5. Layisan Urtyasheva - Gymnastics

During pregnancy, Robert (2012), Paul's spouse, did not create restrictions in nutrition, because of which she scored 15 kg. However, the position of Layisan Utyasheva is: the restrictions in nutrition will not affect positively on the form, since the prohibitions strengthen the desire to eat "harm", and the scaled weight easily returns. Slimming stars after giving birth was in an intense complex approach: gymnastics, wrapping and massages.

6. Polina Gagarin - Correction of meals

Slimming stars after childbirth can take place for six months, as in the case of polyna Gagarina. The Russian executor recovered during the pregnancy of Andrei by 40 kg. The second child "gave" a singer to smaller losses. It was possible to achieve a discharge of excess weight to the woman only with the help of a tight diet with the correction of food meals (in the morning - carbohydrates, day - fiber and proteins, in the evening - proteins) and regular sports.

7. Elena Temnikova - Lymphatic Industry

The ex-soloist of the Serebro group in 2015 after the birth of a daughter in an interview with Lady Mail confessed, which recovered during pregnancy by 18 kg and even before birth, he had a goal quickly back into the form. Surprisingly, Elena Dameman managed to do it. The secret is simple: a comprehensive approach is able to work wonders. The singer attended the sports hall, went to my content (exposure to electric shock muscles), lymphatic drainage massage. The skin's elasticity helped return daily wraps.

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