Star parents of boys: Russian, Hollywood, 2020


If the pregnancy of the married couple is not the first, and in the family there are several children of one sex, then parents begin to look for effective ways to help plan the emergence of a certain sex child. There are methods such as: Calculation on the ancient Chinese table, a Japanese calculation system, prayer, diet, - but the most correct is the ECO procedure (in Russia, the choice of the floor of the future child is prohibited by law).

Whether the star parents of boys dream about a small heiress - in the material 24cm.

1. Maria Kozhevnikova

In July 2017, the Russian actress became a mom for the third time. So, in the family of Maria Kozhevnikova and the businessman Evgenia Vasilyeva grow up three sons: Ivan, Maxim and Vasily. The star of the series "University" stated in 2019 on the air of the Star Program, "which does not exclude the fourth pregnancy, however, he does not hold the dreams of the dream" about three sons and a fellow daughter. " For permanent questions of fans about the field of the child, Maria meets restraint: "Do not argue with nature, and even more so with the Most High, in heaven know better who need your family!"

2. Glafira Tarkhanov

The large mother's mother of Glafira Tarkhanov brings up four sons: Rooting, Yermola, Proud and Nikifora. In 2017, after the birth of a younger child, rumors crawled in the network that the artist would soon expect childbirth, but then it turned out that it was not true. In the program of Boris Korchevnikov "Fate of a Man", the actress admitted that he did not exclude the appearance of the fifth baby, but the child did not report on the desired field.

3. Polina Dibrova

In the Dmitry family and Polina Dibrov three Sons: Alexander, Fyodor and Ilya. Star parents of boys do not hide that they want a girl, and even invented the name - Lisa. In December 2017, the network has information that Polina is in an interesting position, but later the model has refuted this hearing. In February 2018, the girl published a photograph with a newborn girl girlfriend, under which fans expressed the opinion: "Polina, she can see, are ready to go to the maternity hospital."

4. Maria Pogrebnyak

In November 2020, Maria Pogrebnyak will be 32 years old, and during this time the woman won the title not only a wonderful mother of her mother, but also a successful singer, blogger and fashion model. In the family of Paul and Mary, three sons are brought up: Artem, Paul and Alexey. It is known that the Russian Star Couple does not exclude the appearance of the fourth baby. In early August 2020, Maria Pogrebnyak in Instagram-Account reported that he had entered Moscow International University and plans to study remotely, so, most likely, pregnancy is postponed indefinitely.

5. Ilon Mask.

For 8 years of Relations, Justine Wilson and Ilon Musk 5 times became the star parents of boys, having survived the terrible tragedy: their first son died due to the syndrome of sudden children's death. Later, the girl thanks to the Eco procedure endured twins and then triple. Since 2018, Ilon is in relations with Claire Bush, which in May 2020 presented the founder of Spacex another heir called X æ A-12.

6. Zinined Zidan

Married in 1994 with Veronica Lentisco-Fernandez, Zinined Zidan became the happy father of the whole football team. Enzo, Luka, Theo and Elias went in the footsteps of an outstanding French football player, so that a celebrity is unlikely to regret that the daughter does not grow up in their family.

7. Gwen Stephanie

Gwen Stefani presented Gavin Rossdaley Troy Sons. The marriage of the stellar couple ended in the divorce in 2016. Now the Hollywood actress and the performer is in relations with the musician Blake Shelton and dreams to get pregnant from the beloved. However, the couple did not give comments about the desired sex of the child.

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