Popular Artists: After leaving the Group, Russian, 2020, Career


Russian show-business welcomes creative teams in which everyone can choose a "pet". However, as soon as the celebrity has succeeded in the group, a solo career is brewing. Popular performers who left a successful musical project and did not lose, in material 24cm.

1. Sergey Lazarev

In the 2000s, the dark and light of SMASH !! They broke not one female heart. However, after 4 years, the group suddenly left Sergey Lazarev.

The Career of the ex-participant with the beginning of solo activities went to the mountain. Already in 2005, the first album of Lazarev appeared, and the fans with pleasure listened to the English-speaking hits of Eye of the Storm and Fake. And in 2016, Sergey debuted at the Eurovision contest with the song You Are The Only One and took 3rd place.

2. Stas Kostyushkin

18 years has existed "Tea together", in which popular performers sang touching love songs. But as soon as Stasi Kostyushkin passed over 40 years, he, despite the persuasion of the second soloist Denis Klyaver, left the duet. After leaving the Koszykin group, the A-Dessa project was created, which produced dance tracks with imperfall texts.

Initially, the audience looked at the solo work of the "pitch". However, with the advent of such hits as "a woman, I am not dancing" and "I'm bounnik", the musician has become recognizable. Later, celebrities managed to realize himself in the show on television and build an acting career in the cinema.

3. Elena Temnikova

Three years after the "Star Factory", in 2006, Elena Temnikov appeared as part of the Silver Group, which was distinguished by the original style and provocative concert costumes. Suddenly, in the spring of 2014, Temnikov announced the termination of the contract with the project, which caused discontent with the producer. The loud scandal between Max Fadeev and the soloist ended with the "Exchange of Conditions".

And already in November of the same year, Elena changed the image and appeared before the audience in another role with the composition "Dependence", making an emphasis on femininity. As a result, the vocalist did not lose popularity, recorded 4 solo albums and receives prestigious musical awards.

4. Vera Brezhnev

The singer Vera Brezhnev once entered the gold composition of "VIA GRA", from 2003 to 2007. After leaving the group of Brezhnev, it took a year to gather with thoughts. And then the country of mine "love will save the world", "Good morning", "close people".

By the way, faith is still considered the sexiest woman of show business, and the singer shines as a fineness and actress.

5. Svetlana Loboda

Another participant "VIA GRA", which left 4 months later, because she was too closely within the project, Svetlana Loboda became. After leaving the group, the girl recorded the Singles "40 degrees", "to the line of love", "Your eyes", which flew into domestic charts.

In 2009, Loboda went to Eurovision from Ukraine with the composition Be My Valentine. Critics recognized a non-format song for the competition, nevertheless, she was interested in the public, and the singer brought popularity. Svetlana and in the 2020th remains in ratings and musical nominations, earning in their work solid fees.

6. Vlad Sokolovsky

Even before the 7th "Star Factory", Vlad Sokolovsky has a creative fate formed well. However, the popularity of the young man brought the Bis Group, which flew into the hit parades until the end of the "factory" life in 2007.

After 3 years, Sokolovsky switched to the solo career, and later married the Rita Dakota. In 2020, Vlad is a noticeable person in a secular chronicle. The creative life of celebrities is also at the peak, as evidenced by 3 solo albums and such hits like "fragments of the soul", "La La La", "Come to me."

7. Anna Semenovich

Popular artists after leaving the group remain noticeable, but not always due to vocal abilities. Ex-"brilliant" Anna Semenovich began a solo career in 2007. Hits "On the Sea", "love over the clouds", "not just love" were interesting to fans not only in Russia, but also got into the Ukrainian top 100.

However, the attention of fans of the vocalist brought a career in the cinema and on television. In 2020, Anna released a new song "Mani Fight", which claims to become a site of summer.

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