Movie "Goalkeeper Galaxy" (2020): Release date, actors, Roles, Russia


At the end of the summer, Russians were waiting for a film trip from Janika Fayziev, not the first time the viewers of the audience with his projects, among which "Turkish Gambit", "August. The eighth "and" Legend of Kovrovrat ". This time the director turned to the genre of fiction - the film "Goalkeeper of Galaxy" created by him, the date of the output of which abroad was postponed by 2021, in Russia started on August 27, 2020.

On the plot of ribbons associated with her curious facts, as well as about actors and their roles - in the material 24cm.


The film "Goalkeeper of the Galaxy" will tell that by 2071, earthlings learned with absolute accuracy that not alone in the universe. However, the format of acquaintance with the alien reason was drunk - the Galactic War, which affects the edge of mankind, led to the destruction of the moon and the displacement of magnetic poles. The result of cataclysms was the global climate change on the planet: Russia is now drowning in tropical thickets, and New York fled under the ice.

At the Grand Stadium, which is a giant aliens's giant ship hanging over Moscow, there are intergalactic competitions on the cosmobol - combining elements of sports and gladiator fighting discipline, in which only athletes possess incredible abilities. And, as it turns out, the future of land depends on the results of the tournament.

Actors and roles

The following actors were performed in the painting of Janika Faisiyev's role:

Evgeny Romantz - Anton, the protagonist of the paintings, unlike the absolute majority of people, not a cosmobal fan: young people are interested in questions more hard - he needs to get a job to help his beloved mother. Of course, the young man never occurred to the idea that one day he would become a real athlete, but he woken up due to the emergency suprasile.

Now Anton, who learned from the coach, how important for all mankind seeming exclusively the game of the competition is to learn how to own their own forces and become a member of the Native Planet national team. In order not to give opponents to win in the struggle for the fate of the Earth.

Victoria Agalakova - Natasha, partner of Anton on the cosmobal team, helping with the rest of the guys a newcomer to master the recently obtained suprasiles.

Elena Yakovlev - Anton's mother, suffering from serious illness. In order to help the infected mother with medicines, a young man and seeks to find a permanent job. However, the acquisition of inhuman opportunities give a chance to the main character not only to participate in the fate of the planet, but also to make a deal that allows you to save a mother from the illness.

Evgeny Mironov - Bolo, a fair-haired scholar, who occupies the post coach of the national team of the Cosmobol and seeking to save the planet from a threatening danger. Thanks to the instructions, Bool Anton with teammates confidently oppose alien athletes.

Also in the film filmed: Svetlana Ivanova, Mikhail Efremov, Elizabeth Taichchenachev, Maria Foxov, Dmitry Nazarov, Blochene Christine, Gosh Kutsenko and Ivan Ivanovich in the role of Pele.

Interesting Facts

1. The film "Goalkeeper of the Galaxy" is based on the French Mercy Series "Galactic Football", which started in 2006 and telling the team "Snow Kids", collected by the former football star named Arch.

2. Shooting the picture The director Janik Fayziev began in 2017 - on the creation of a ribbon from the filmmatic team, 3 years left. The main reason for such a long-term work on the film was the abundance of difficult in scenes using complex computer graphics - the creators of the space sports blockbuster promise a picture at the level of the best Hollywood samples.

3. The film "Galaxy Goalkeeper" became the first large-scale Russian release, released in 2020 after the end of the country of quarantine events related to the need to stop the further spread of coronavirus infection.

The film "Goalkeeper Galaxy" - Trailer:

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