Salvador Alende - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Death, President Chile



The politician Salvador Allende was elected president of the Republic of Chile and the first member of the Socialist Party, who managed to legally take this post. He matched for the democratization of all spheres of life and made reforms in the field of economics, but a military coup was prevented by a successful execution of projects.

Childhood and youth

Salvador Guillermo Allende Gossenes was born in the summer of 1908 in the Chilean city of Valpariso, where his family lived. The ancestors were known in society as aristocrats and liberals, so politically active friends were going to the house.

The center of the conversations was a grandfather - a doctor, a mason and a reformer, who organized one of the first secondary schools on the territory of the African state. He wanted local children to grow developed, studied classic items, engaged in creativity and played football.

Educated parents fully supported the ideas of the Senior Families Representative, and Salvador at a young age entered the progressive lyceum. Becoming a member of the Athletics team, the boy managed in all subjects, and his mind and physical data were proud teachers.

The only drawback of Allend in the youth was considered to be a passion for anarchist glances, which openly expressed the local master shovel on the streets. The statements on the topic of politics that the young man represented in disputes invariably put the peers and intelligent relatives in a dead end.

Fortunately, at the time of release from the lyceum Salvador with his head plunged into science and easily passed the exams in the University of Chilean. He chose medicine as a specialty and thanks to the experienced German professor in mid-1932 graduated with honors from the Faculty of Chosen.

Subsequently, thinking about the future career, the guy defended his scientific dissertation, in which medicine was considered in the key of the burning social topics. During this period, he became the leader of the political student movement, was arrested on the demonstration, but managed to avoid problems.

The death of his father for a while changed the views and biography of Allende, and he decided to throw dangerous organizations and become an ordinary doctor. Starting a career of the pathologist in the Walparo Regional Hospital, he avoided public life, which in the 30s beat the key.

However, being in the team, not indifferent to the events that happened in Chile, Salvador returned to politics and began to lead an active life. He joined Masonry and participated in the creation of a socialist party, the basis of which was the left forces preaching Marxism.

Personal life

Judging by the photographs, Salvador Allenda possessed an average growth and pleasant appearance. In mid-1940, he arranged a personal life. The legitimate spouse Oritary Boussi, who gave birth to three children from politics, was a hostess who performed any desire and whim.


In 1936, Allende joined the electoral coalition, which in Chile was named "Folk Front". He became the leader and president of the department in his hometown and hoped that a new career horizon would soon open.

So it happened on the universal election in the chamber of the National Parliament, where a little more than a dozen initiative people made it from socialists. And then there was a campaign dedicated to the arrival of the new legal chapter of the state, during which the young politician presented a number of progressive ideas.

During the reign of Pedro Agirre Sedra Salvador was the Minister of Health and achieved a decrease in mortality from diseases by organizing the supply of medication. Its reports on dental services and combating venereal infections caused folk responses and awakened mass interest.

In 1943, Allende became a senator from a number of provinces, as well as by the Secretary General of the Party, by that time the "People's Front" had left. He regularly participated in the elections, opposing himself to the Communists, and thanks to the contribution of politics, he won by a majority vote.

In the late 1940s, due to the coalition of socialists with radicals, politicians left the ranks of former supporters and gathered new people. He got close to the left movements, created the organization "Folk Action" and with fresh forces plunged into the sea of ​​parliamentary passions.

Since 1952, Allenda fought for the presidential chair, but three times lost to other nominals and eventually headed the Senate. He met with the revolutionary Che Gewar and the leader of Venezuelan Romulo Betankur, and also attended the meeting of the Organization of African states.

At the 1970 elections, Salvador finally smiled at luck, and his victory was an example of the establishment of democracy in peaceful way. The new leader promised the people, which would rule rightly, take into account the third opinion and unquestionably comply with the law.

The first actions of Allende concerned the internal policy of the state and were aimed at the transition to socialism following the example of the USSR. Trying to restore the falnial economy, the politician planned to freeze prices, as well as increase wages and hold reforms in a number of areas.

The international society did not approve the initiatives of the new president of Chile, and in search of support and understanding had to appeal to colleagues from Moscow. He also in contact with Fidel Castro, a revolutionary leader of Cuba, and made everything possible for the prosperity of his native country.

Unfortunately, the changes led to irreversible consequences in the field of foreign policy, and the American government of Richard Nixon declared the African boycott state. In fact, an economic crisis has come, which caused the emergence of a black market, and it was kicked out the protesters of the Chilean people into the streets.

Mass demonstrations of the employees of key spheres of industry began, and Allende was forced to dissolve the ministers and resort to the assistance of the Armed Forces. The army generals received posts in the newly formed environment, and this approach once stopped the riots.

However, by the mid-1973, the country was divided into 2 camps, which included supporters of the president and opponents of his reforms. The last with the active support of the government of the United States of America was preparing to seize power by illegal military.

The ranks of those who are dissatisfied under the leadership of General Captain Augusto Pinochet did not allow a referendum, able to secure power. After an armed coup in August 1973, the Socialist system was inevitably destined to fall.


On September 11, 1973, the authorities had a change in Chile, and as a result, the self-proclaimed ruler became General Augusto Pinochet. Salvador Alende tragically died during a military coup, but the true causes and circumstances of death are still unknown.

According to one of the versions, the president was shot by someone from the supporters of the new government, and on the other, more common, he reduced the scores with his hand. One way or another, the dead body was buried without honors in the cemetery, and for a long time a lonely grave was not crowned with a cross or a slab.

In 1990, after the release of films about Allende's life, the head of Chile Patricio Eylvin gave a distant predecessor debt. He ordered a ceremony, a decent political leader, where officials, family members and a military regiment were present.


  • Salvador Avenue Avenue in Havana (Cuba)
  • Salvador Allenda Street in Moscow (Russia)
  • Salvador Allenda Street in Havre (France)
  • Postage stamps of the USSR, GDR, Bulgaria, Cuba, Hungary

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