Mikhail Nesterov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Each educated person knows the great native of the city of Ufa - the Russian painter Mikhail Nesterov, who gave the world of the film "Vision of the Patterns of Bartholomew", "Dressman" and "For Lady Potion". Unfortunately, few have information that now in Russia lives and fruitfully worries on the literary field of his namesake and one-fampots. The writer has quite succeeded in creating fantastic and plenty works, especially pleasing to the men's half of the readers.

Childhood and youth

After 17 days after the occurrence of 1959, the 2nd son of Misha was born in Kuibyshev in the next city. A little earlier, his brother Victor appeared on the world, who subsequently entered the service in Gru and, unfortunately, was tragically died in 1983.

In 1966, the future writer went to the 1st class of local school No. 76, in parallel visiting and music school in the Bayan class. One tool boy, apparently, it seemed a little, and he learned the game on the saxophone and the pipe. But the artistic career was not destined to happen - the resulting annoying injury was affected.

Mikhail Nesterov at a school with a classmate

In addition to melodic art, Mikhail's heart has seen fantastic and adventure literature since childhood. The teenager did not let the novel from the novels of Jules Verne, Robert Lewis Stevenson, Alexander Belyaeva and Eduard Kondratov. It was in the book of the last "according to the Bagrrow Trop in Eldorado", the young reader found a short episode about the collision of conquistadors with unknown led by the Amazons, who remembered for life.

"I began to think: who these brave women who taught their martial arts, etc. As I remember now: I mentally drew the image of a young woman on a treadmill. It concerns the finish tape and disappears, as if teleported. So the plot of "Messengers of the Great Alma" was born, "the writer shared in a rare interview.

But writing on a professional level man began only after built a military career and resigned. Nesterov is a veteran of war in Afghanistan and has the rank of officer.

Personal life

In addition to the professional career, the writer has developed a personal life. And although the novelist does not like to frank it on her, it is known that he has long been happily married, along with his wife Natalia raised at least 1 son - Peter. In friends of the latter in Facebook, several people with the surname Nesterov (Eugene, Tatiana and Olga) are listed (Evgeny, Tatiana and Olga) who may come to him and Father relatives.

Mikhail Nesterov in Samara

A little more information is available about the favorite hobbies of the Master of Literary Affairs: he is engaged in the eastern martial arts and crazy about dogs. Accounts Men on social networks contain full photos with brothers smaller, named Max and here.

Mikhail delivered a co-founder and leader of the Roxy Music Brian Ferry Group, the best for herself called "Poiro Agatha Christie", among the books, Den Brown and Red Storm Tom Clancy allocated among the books.


In 1996, the debut "Messengers of the Great Alma" came out from under the author's pen - it took him to shut up with a dozen printed publications about the Epoch of Christopher Columbus and familiarize themselves with the diaries and records. The publication of the novel took place in 2 years on the pages of the Samara Almanach "Kaleidoscope".

The success of the 1st literary work was inspired by Nesterov to create subsequent works. As the writer noted, they were harder to him in the sense that there was a mandatory editorial framework. But with imagination or syllable there were no problems.

For work, the artist of the word at that time (for the absence of a computer) was required clean paper with a working handle, a tutu of cigarettes and 10 cups of coffee. And all this - on an empty stomach. Mikhail Petrovich did not experience problems with inspiration, only one was worried about: whether the next creations will love to publishers and whether he can be printed further.

The man confessed to achieve heights and not worrying about the financial side of life a wife helped him, who made the spouse could be guaranteed to provide a family with everything necessary. A rich bibliography is a bright proof of this.

From year to year, Proskeyaker Radded fans with new essays from the series "Spetsnaz GRU" ("Fucking Steen", "Volnaya Arrows"), "Jeb" ("Demonstration of Force", "Playing for Your Rules"), "Markovtsy" ("Slennik Revenge "," Weak link ")," Romanian "(" In the battle of intermission does not happen, "Your name is the number"). Individual books were also published - for example, "Kara and Small Usa" and "Kunya".

Mikhail Nesterov Now

In 2019, Samaret surprised loyal readers by the release of a new military fantastic cycle called "Stalin Oskol", which entered the "commander", "Comda", "Combrig" and "KESC". In 2020, they joined them and replenished the creative biography of Marshal Aviation.

The author endowed them with a common chief hero-northeat Oleg North, mysteriously found out on the Great Patriotic War and witnessed events after her. As for the covers for the first edition of the listed works, the artists of Alexander Rudenko and Igor Vavran worked on them.


  • 1996 - "Messengers of the Great Alma"
  • 2001 - "Markovtsy. Slennik Vesti "
  • 2002 - "Markovtsy. Weak link
  • 2005 - "Jeb. Demonstration of Power "
  • 2005 - "Jeb. Game in your rules "
  • 2007 - "Romanian. There is no intermission in battle. "
  • 2007 - "Romanian. Your name is the number »
  • 2009 - "Kara and Small Usa"
  • 2012 - "Special Forces GRU. Flaw "
  • 2014 - "Specnas GRU. Smart Shot "
  • 2019 - "Stalin Oskol. Commander
  • 2019 - "Stalin Oskol. Comda "
  • 2019 - "Stalin Oskol. Combrig "
  • 2019 - "Stalin Oskol. KOMESK »
  • 2020 - "Stalin Oskol. Air Marshal"

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