Pavel Mikes: 2020, biography, personal life, TV series, "Olga", "Brigade", songs


The artist repeatedly appeared in front of the viewer in military uniform - to recall at least the series "Soldiers". Located in filmography and roles of a different plan - for example, an alcoholic Zhora from the channel TNT "Olga" channel. However, the actor had the greatest fame, embodying the image of the criminal on the screen.

On October 15, 2020, he celebrated his 45th anniversary of the bee from the famous Brigade - Pavel Maikov. On the entertaining details of the personal life and the creative biography of celebrities - in the material 24cmi.

1. Noble blood

Pavel Mikov is the heir to the ancient noble family, whose heater worked by Decik in the XV century, during the reign of Dark Vasily.

Among the members of the family, there are more than half a hundred years of official history, there were state-owned people - strish, servicemen, landlords, secret advisors - and creative. For example, the famous poet Apollo Mikov is also a leaving from this surname, as well as the painter Nikolai Maikov. Even the saints are found as Nile Sorovsky, who wears the name of Nikolai and the former brother mentioned already to Deak.

According to his own recognition of the artist, the presence of noble blood, he does not feel in itself, but inherited from Prapraded, the poetic gift was useful in the song creativity.

2. Flour of choice

Miken's artist decided only for 12 years. Before that, the boy saw himself in the future either as a doctor or a pilot than a somewhat thorough his own mother who wanted the Son to go to her feet and became an artist.

3. Debut without a script

In school from sciences, the future artist preferred firstly the humanitarian, most of all loved literature with history. But with an accurate young man did not make shape. It even reached the point that Paul had to persuade the director of the cancellation to exclude it, finally launched geometry and algebra, from school.

According to Maikova, it is probably precisely then in it, acting talent sprouts truly cut. After all, who experienced a serious fright from the realization that the dream of the theater scene may well, because of his inherent racking to remain unnecessary, the student was still able to melt the heart of a strict woman and make a complicate.

However, the negligence in their studies later played a cruel joke with an artist, because he did not manage to enter the first time in Gitis. Only with the third attempt, the persistence of a young man was rewarded by merit.

4. Thanks to Vladimir Semenovich

The actor claims to enter the institute to do the love of the work of Vladimir Vysotsky, whose songs of which the artist listened to the three-year-old age. "Lyrical" - this composition of the bard performed the future actor before the admission committee, which managed to carry strict examiners.

5. "Brigade"

Remembering how I got into the series "Brigade", who brought Artist's fame, Pavel Maikov says that it is obliged to this event to his classmate, who invited to go on samples with him - for the company.

Having heard the name of the project, the actor admitted, first thought that the film was devoted to every builders, but the initial assumptions were erroneous. Subsequently, Mikes repeatedly expressed in the key that it was thanks to the series Alexei Sidorov in Russia, the image of the bandit was overly romanticized by the representatives of young people.

By the way, Mikov told a funny episode associated with the sensational project. In order to "go out" to each other, young artists before shooting in Brigade for a week turned to colleagues only on the nicknames of their cinematic characters. So even years later, when communicating, the familiar nicknames still continue to use: Paul himself willingly respond to the bee, and Dmitry Duzhezh - on space.

6. In all serious

Unlike his colleagues, "Brigade" in the beginning of the "zero" cult status, Pavel Mikov now much less often appears on television and film screen. The artist alone explains his own intolerance to falsehood, which is too much in the near-infinity circles.

However, the actor does not sit - works by TV presenter, plays theatrical productions, and also puts performances on its own scenarios. Pavel still stands up with his group "Magrit", the work of which the actor promotes through the page in "Instagram". Songs for the team Artist writes himself - came in handy skills that Mikov owes the mother who gave the Son to a music school.

7. Undercover

Now the artist is in third marriage - Maria Saffa became his chief. For one and a half years, the artist did not give signs of what is in love with his spouse of his good acquaintance - actor and director Mikhail Grief. However, when I noticed that Maria answers his timid marks of attention reciprocity, nevertheless could not resist recognition. As a result, both left their second half to be along with a loved one.

The wedding of the young decided not to advertise, "bonding" the birthday of the sister Pavel Anastasia Stotskoy. Suggested that the attention of the press will first of all be riveted to the famous singer. And the regulation workers were asked to hold the ceremony in the shortest possible time. For which the artist was required by the help of television drivers.

Pavel Mikov then worked the leader and persuaded his colleagues to make a letter on the official form of the TV channel, where it was indicated that he would soon be left in the "hot spot" as a journalist, and therefore it is necessary to paint with a beloved in the shortest possible time - until they killed.

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