Nikolay Pogodin: biography, personal life, 2020, death, movies, family


His filmography has not abounded by the main roles. On the contrary, it was familiar to him to embody the heroes of the second echelon. Who only the artist did not have time to visit the years of its creative activity: both the tractor driver, and a policeman, and a soldier, and the boss, and even a bandit. But the usual thing in the frame of Nikolai Pogodin looked with Garmoy.

On the entertaining facts from the personal life and the work biography of the actor, who would have been 90 years old, in the material 24cm.

1. Next to Meldoma

Although the Family of the Future actor did not belong to the artistic environment, to call it at all far from art will not work. Nikolai Pogodin from ornaments had the opportunity to observe how his mother sings. Without a woman with astounding vocal data, not a single event of the city (or even the district!) Scale. Yes, and Nikolay himself visited a music school, taking lessons on the Bayan class, and sang well from the young age.

2. For the first time on the screen

The dream of becoming an actor completely crashed by a boyish heart when the future artist was barely seven years old. Nikolay Pogodin in 1937 was on the shooting area of ​​the Gavrosh movie, in which he was offered to fulfill the role of the news.

Although the picture based on immortal "disconnected" Viktor Hugo, he got such an unfriendly episode that the name of Pusher did not even indicate in the credits, Nikolai was seriously thinking over to associate his own life with the service of the theater and cinema.

3. Following the dream

After school-eight-year-old, Nikolai Pogodin learned on the electrician technique in the railway technical school in Moscow and for two years she worked on the construction of Dontonnell-Building, one of the large-scale Soviet buildings, which was actively attracted by young.

There, the future artist worked in the posts of the electromechanik, and later - the head of the shift, at the same time receives education at the school of working youth. The desire to become an actor eventually took over the top, and Nikolai in 1952 entered VGIK to the course of Julia Rasmane.

4. "Girls"

The film "Girl" not only became a large milestone on the creative path of Pogodin, after which all-union fame came to him. But he determined in many ways his future role in the eyes of most directories. Improving in the picture of Yuri Chulukina, the image of a harmonic guy and duet with a duet with Lucio Oviennikova "Old Maple", Nikolai Pusodin fastened tightly as a character with a fur tool on his chest.

And after decades, the artist continued to invite such roles - even in his last picture, the film "Writing to the Victory Day" of 1998, the actor appeared with the accordion in his hands.

5. Reverse side

The young and talented Nikolai was distinguished both community and mild character. Often, making a company of his own mother on all sorts of festivities, Pogodin has encountered a serious problem with time, which has become a thrust for alcohol - a constant satellite of any feast.

Moreover, the mother of artist, Alexander Vladimirovna Pogodin, they say, not only did not hurry to reproach his own offspring for his disastrous habit, but even - to a certain extent - referred to the question favorably, if not to say - encouraged. For both a well-known weakness appeared to the hard drink.

6. According to Krivoy

Pusher repeatedly dismissed from theaters - it happened in the late 60s, and in the early 70s. It is known that after the last case for the eight years, the artist was forced to work exclusively in the contractual format, while in the 1980s did not donkey at a permanent basis in the Gorky theater, where he served until retirement.

Moreover, among the causes of separation with theatrical groups, various versions are called, among which conflicts with the bosses are also mentioned. However, the majority of biographers researchers are inclined to think that the cause of those most disagreements was the addiction of Nikolai pusher to alcohol, and not discrepancies in views on the activity of the theater.

7. Between mom and wife

Information about the personal life of the artist is not distinguished by the abundance of facts. So, it is known for certain that his wife for more than a decade was a certain Lydia Fedorovna, who gave birth to the actor daughter Elena. However, after seven years, from the moment the child appears to the light, the family broke up.

It is said that a considerable role in the disadvantage was played by the fact that Nikolai Pogodin was extremely dependent on his own mother, the will of which preferred not to twist until the death of a woman. Aggravated the position and thrust of the spouse to drink, silently approved by mother-in-law. The result was the divorce, after which Lydia took Lena with him - the former wife and daughter after parting almost did not meet with Nikolai Nikolayevich.

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