Victor Koklushkin: biography, personal life, 2020, wife, children, monologues, books


His stubborn awkward figure, a memorable vile voice and a thick beard lost in Lochams, but the face not devoid of charm is perfectly familiar with both residents of Russia and the population of the CIS countries. Like his work, forcing humorists in concerts of humorists to float tears from joyful laughter.

On November 27, 2020, Viktor Koklyushkin met his 75th anniversary. On the curious details of the personal life and the creative biography of satiri - in the material 24cm.

1. Childhood deed cases

The future writer grew in Ulansky Lane, which is in the center of Moscow. Next to the family of the Coclushkina, representatives of the Soviet elite, and people from the criminal world, such as members of the famous Gang "Black Cat".

And with such a neighborhood there is nothing surprising in the fact that with the surrounding vocabulary Victor Koklyushkin, like many other children of those years, met at the age of very young. The artist recalled how one day diligently portrayed an unproductive word on the fence. After that, it was forced to escape from the passer-caught rushing.

It was not possible to hide from the pursuer - he caught up with a summit and asked, it would be nice to the Mother of the "artist" to familiarize himself with his work or not. Realizing the offshore depth, Vitya subsequently never wrote a slicer on the walls and fences or on the asphalt.

2. Caution, humor!

Satiri recalled that funny stories began to write in school years. And the first His humorous story, which Victor Koklushkin sent to the newspaper, had very original consequences - in the editorial office, the work was counted with denunciation and promised to understand the situation.

And during the years of the army service, the next joke almost turned around with trouble. A chastushka about the colleague, invented by the future author of famous monologues, turned out to be overly tough. As a result, the offended soldier rushed to seek joker, pre-forgetting to visit the gun.

And by flashing to Stas Mikhailov, the artist once "flew" with the tram. A woman who managed passenger transport, viciously by eyeing his eyes towards standing at the Satirik stop, simply did not stop. That's what it means - to upset other fans!

3. Path to success

Despite the fact that the celebrity began experimenting with humor back in young years, to become a star of the pop star and Satyrian writer Viktor Koklyushkin was not going. He saw his life easier and forced to solve pressing problems.

Before tie his own fate with the writer, Viktor Koklyushkin managed not only to serve the urgent, but also change the mass of professions, bothering both the factory, and the corrector in the publishing house, and the commandant in the city military office, and the editor and the senior engineer.

4. So she is glory!

Published on the pages of the "Literary Gazeta" Viktor Koklushkin began only from the end of the 60s. Moreover, according to the recognition of Satirik himself, he managed to get on the last strip of a regular publication for the occasion. One way or another, but soon after the first publication, a beginner writer became a regular author of the section of Satira and humor "Club 12 chairs".

Although the name of Cocklushkina and began to appear in printed publications, the real popularity came only after a couple of years, when famous artists began to enter with his monologues and stories. And it is purposefully writing for the stage the author began only in the 80s.

By 2020, the writer of Labor gained a dozen books, which included works in various genres - not only monologues and stories, but also novels and stories.

5. Just a copy!

In the life of the artist enough fun cases. So, for example, once satyrika in the queue, one lady reported that he was amazingly very similar to Cocklushkina. So much that it would certainly won the twin contest. Then the interlocutor added that he could then get a decent fee and like. And it is dressed as a tramp.

6. Professional surname

Sometimes the audience doubt that Cocklushkin is a real name of the writer. Just many are confident that Viktor Mikhailovich is actually a Jew, but diligently hides his nationality. At such statements, the artist replies that he is Russian by origin. And the surname is at all - professional. For the expression "bile under the bumps" matters - "tell the bike".

7. The perfect husband is so-so grandpa

With the first spouse, who became Love Stpep - Estonian by nationality, - the artist met in the military unit. According to the recognition of Satirik himself, his entertaining surname of the girl hooked him and how cool that danced was hooked.

Unfortunately, the first marriage ended with betrayal: when the daughter was 10 years old, the wife put Viktor Mikhailovich in fame that she had a novel on the side. Since the wrong spouse and her lover there was no place to live, things gathered Cocklushkin himself. Of course, communicating with the former satir after the divorce did not. But at the same time with the child supported a constant connection.

The second wife of the artist became the kinend and writer Olga Zlotnod, who gave his satellite of the life of the son of Yana.

Despite the specific image of her husband created in monologues, Victor Koklushkin himself - the spouse is perfect. It admits that even if he does not go before his wife in String, but for the order in the house watches, starting every day with cleaning, and ending with washing dishes. At the same time, as about his grandfather, the artist responds negatively. Recognizes that extremely little time pays to the younger generation of his family.

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