Sergey Chvanov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Igor Casilov 2021



Sergey Chvanov - comedian, the real appearance of which is known to be a little. After all, most viewers are a humorist in the form of Matrena Ivanovna Nigmatullin, participants of the popular comedic duet "New Russian grandmas". The rooms that the artist creates with a partner on stage Igor Casilov become spectacular and incredibly funny.

Childhood and youth

About children's and youthful years in the biography of the actor, a little knows about his family. Sergey was born on January 19, 1965 in the city of Chistopol. From an early age, the future humorist demonstrated artistry and parody's talent. After school, the young man entered the Togliatti Polytechnic Institute. In his youth, he did not show a special zeal for his studies, but brightened on the stage of the student theater.

Personal life

Studying at the university, Sergey met with the future wife of Irina Fedorova. The girl also played in the play performances. The young man immediately fell in love with a pretty student, but that long rejected the admirer courting. The reason for this was the difference in age: Fedorov was 2 years older than Chvanov and considered this fact to the main obstacle to the development of the novel.

However, a humorist, confident that Irina is his only and unique lady of the heart, which will become part of his personal life, not retreated from the goal. This gave the result: graduating from the institute, young people signed. The wedding passed in the dining room of the university. Soon the children appeared in the family - the son of Danya and the daughter of Maria, which her homework was called Manya.

Humor and creativity

In the university, the artist met not only the future spouse, but also Igor Kasilov, with whom in a few years he created a duet "New Russian grandmas". After studying the way of young people for a while diverged. Sergey was invited to the local stage theater, where he became the head of the duet of musical parodii "Deficity".

In the early 1990s, Sergei was again brought again with a student friend. Together, Chwanov and Casilov created a humorous program "Dessert", which was broadcast on the Togliatti Channel "Lik". In parallel with this project, young comedians worked in the Igor Ugolnikov show "Both!", Where they showed comic scenes. To do this, friends had to fly into Moscow every month to shoot.

The duo gained popularity, became recognizable, so Sergey and Igor were often invited to act as an entertainer at various events from famous people. Later, the artists created the duet "New Russian grandmas". To be more accurate, the three participants were initially included in the composition: their buddy Andrei Vorobyev also played with friends.

The idea of ​​the birth of the project arose on the set of one of the issues of "dessert". Then the young people went to the village near Ulyanovsky and during the filming came delight from the specific method of led by local old women. It was decided to withdraw similar images on the screen. The requisite consisted only from headscarves taken from mothers. The first 2 issues were removed with the three participants, and then when the artists were offered a broadcast on the local Radio "August", Igor and Sergey decided that the project would grow further in the duet format.

The public came to the soul of funny "grandmas", and the actors understood that they could try their strength on a large humorous scene. In 1999, Chwanov and Casilov in the images of Matrena Ivanovna Nigmatullin and Claudia Ivanovna Flower participated in the Cup of the humor of Yevgeny Petrosyan.

The presentation of humorists liked the public, and critics noted that the comedians continue the traditions of the popular Soviet duet of the "old women" Veronika Mauritiyevna performed by Vadim Tonkov and Avdoti Nikitichna, the role of which Boris Vladimirov played. Yuri Galtsev and Andrei Danilko became the laureates of the same contest.

At the same time, the first solo concert of "grandmothers" in the Moscow State Treasure Theater was also held. Evgeny Vaganovich rated Sergey's potential and Igor and invited friends to his own pop miniature. Chwan, together with a friend moved to the capital. Soon the fans saw the loved artists as permanent participants in the transmission of the "Curve of the Mirror", as well as in the "Anchlage" and "Mortaceans".

Comic numbers performed by cute, slightly naive "old women" were close and clear audiences. This largely explained the popularity of the duet on television. Different types of heroines were successful: the flower, despite age, was charged with a positive, and Matrena looked at the behavior and ideas of a friend with irony and sarcasm.

In 2009, friends left the program, but remained on the same channel to have a Saturday evening show. In 2013, the duo presented the original performance at the KVN Stam competition together with the Paraparama Team. Then, many for the first time saw famous "grandmothers" without a grima.

The artists appeared on the scene by brutal rockers - in coarse, with alcohol, and then in seconds were transformed into familiar viewers images. According to the plot of the room to the role of Matrena, the captain of the team Ivan Abramov was gaining, and Sergey Chvanov, replacing Ivan in his team, paroding Konstantin Ernsta.

In the summer of 2015, pleasures created their own entertainment program "Merry Street". The basis of the transfer was comic sketches, humorous sketches, in which men performed in new roles - wives and husband, mother-in-law and son-in-law, grandson and grandmothers and others. Nikolai Valuev, Askold Sword, Dmitry Guberniev.

Sergey Chvanov now

In 2020, Sergey continues to work in a duet with Igor. Now friends are involved in various television programs - "Izmailovsky Park", "Kings of laughter" and others. Also, the artists give interviews, take pictures with fans, which then lay out photos from concerts in "Instagram".

TV programmes

  • "Joke for a joke"
  • "False mirror"
  • "Menthopanorama"
  • "Yumorina"
  • Izmailovsky Park
  • "Merry Street"
  • "Full house"

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