Akteon (God) - Picture, Sculpture, God, Hunt, Rastered Dogs


Character History

Acton - Character of an ancient Greek myth. Mortal, turned into a deer and ripped by dogs. The tragic figure described in the legend subjected to Divine Care. But the causes of the death of the hunter from version to version vary.

History of character creation

The legend is logically divided into two parts - events preceding the death of the hero, and, in fact, a terrible scene of death. And if the final of the legends in all sources is identical, then the description of the circumstances, to it, leading, is modified.

The myth researchers paid attention to this, making the conclusion that the episode of the torque of the acton dogs is primed. At that, the motivating part of the story is important in a similar key moment.

The earliest sources of origin legend refer to the VII-VI centuries BC. NS. The authors of these versions are Stsisikhor and Akusilai Argossky. The books contain information that the mortal died to wonder for the beloved Zeus, Mother of Dionysus, for which he was punished. In Stusikhor, Artemis (Diana) acted as the "executioner", and the Akusila is just the same supreme God punished man.

Diana and Acton from Ovidi Metamorphosis Set

In the third century BC NS. In the writings of Kallimach, the story of the actone is mentioned. This version has become the most popular, she continued Ovid, Hygin, Seneca and Paution. Diodor Sicilian added to the narration fact that the hunter tried to marry Diana. In this case, there is no scene with observation of nude goddess.

The meaning of the legend in different interpretations is reduced to the fact that the person is not allowed to see the gods. Otherwise, an inevitable car is waiting. In Greek mythology, there are several plots affecting this topic. And in each legend, the final is identical - the highest forces, one way or another, punish the mortal for trying to become with them one step.

The image and biography of the Akteon

In all sources, the character is called man, mortal. Nevertheless, the hero has divine ancestors. As the son of ATonia and Aristoes, the young man comes with grandson of Apollon himself.

The meaning of a young man is associated with hunting, the love of this occupation has brought Centaur Chiron in a man. He was a talented teacher, kind and wise. Among his grateful "listeners" was a member of Jason, Achill, Orpheus and Asclepius.

Acton grew by a skillful hunter. Once he left with friends in Kiferon's forest. At noon, it became very hot, and the men decided to arrange a halt. The young man began to wander in the valley in search of coolness and water.

He came to the Gargafia, in which fir chips, planenes and cypresses thickened. Heard the guy murmur stream and hurried to the saving source. And on the slope of the mountain discovered the grotto, accomplished by greens.

I did not know the mortal that Artemis was often rest at this point. When he approached, he became an invalid witness painting the ablution of the goddess. She gave onions and arrows to the nymphs, filmed sandals to swim.

The nymphs saw a man and shouted, trying to cover Artemis. The acton could not move, with amazement watching the woman of unprecedented beauty. The goddess accepted that her rest was broken, and decided to punish the mortal.

Next moment felt the young man Nelden. The horns began to grow on the head, and the body was covered with thick wool. He wanted to pour about mercy, but fell on all fours, seeing his own hooves. So the hunter turned into a deer and could only wash.

Tears rolled out of his eye, but nothing could be returned. Diana shouted that now he can go and tell everyone that she was looking for her without clothes. However, a far as an unfortunate hero did not succeed.

The acton heard Lai and rushed to run through the gorges of Kiferon, pursued by dogs. He carried at the speed of light, trying to avoid painful death.

But trained dogs overtook their own owner and dug into his body. Surging hounds, dried by the smell of blood, broke up a young man in the form of a deer on the part. And the other hunters who came on Lai were only pleased with such mining.

So the unfortunate mortal died, dared to see the beauty of the goddess.

Acton in culture

The scenes from the ancient Greek legend found an embodiment in ancient plastic, Vazopysis and Pompian frescoes. Later legend penetrated European art. Initially, these were illustrations for Ovid, then the canvas of the famous painters - Bassano Jacopez, Domenicino, Rembrandt, Delacroix and other artists.

The myth is based on the tragedy of the ancient Greek playwright of Eschil. In the work, the acton praasted with its talents, declaring that it is much better in the hunt than Artemis itself. For such speeches, the young man was punished, turned into a deer and confused by dogs. The text of the tragedy of Eschila "Lien" was almost lost, managed to restore only small fragments.

In addition, the hero became a central character in the tragedies of the Athenian, Cleophone and Fritios. These works describe a little other causes of the death of the young man. So, the reason for the wrath of gods is the fact that an ordinary person decided to marry the seleeles - the beloved of Zeus himself. Diana spoke as the punisher, which threw a deer on the mortal skin.

The description of the myth has become popular in painting in the XVI-XVII centuries. The most famous works of the Italian artist Titian - the paintings "Akteon observes a swimming artemide" and "death of the acton".

The moment of the shoot of the hero from the grotto captured Francesco Albani. And Jean-Leon Zhero in his canvase depicted frightened nymph, who noticed that the person was observed behind them.

Among the sculptures is a famous fountain in the Italian park in a cater. The composition consists of 2 parts. Right - angry Diana among helpers. Left - mythological character itself, already depicted by the receiving agent. His hunting dogs surrounds, some of them are already rushing to prey, without recognizing the owner.

The work of the Russian artist Ivan Petrovich Matrosov is represented in Petrodvorets. This sculpture from bronze also depicts the mythological character who stretches to arrows.

Independent life gained Pa de de Diana and the acton for the authorship of the Soviet actress of ballet Agrippines Yakovlevna Vaganova. She used music from the "King Kandavla", guided by Marius Petipa.

Interesting Facts

  • Dogs, confused by the owner, according to some versions, "ascended to the sky," turning into the constellation of small or large PSA.
  • After the death of Hunter, his mentor, Centaur Hiron, erected in honor of the deceased pupil statue.
  • The name of the mythological character was called several royal ships of the UK Navy.


  • VI-V century BC NS. - "Akteon"
  • V-IV century BC NS. - "Lien"
  • I century n. NS. - "Metamorphosis"

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