Sergey Zhvachkin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Governor of the Tomsk Region 2021



Sergey Anatolyevich Zhvachkin built an impressive managerial and political career. Earlier, a man was led by Tomskgazprom OJSC, and now holds the post of governor of the Tomsk region. In different years, he managed to visit the regional Duma and the President of the Football Club, received membership at the Academy of Technological Sciences.

Childhood and youth

The future governor was born in 1957 in Perm in the family of Anatoly and Galina Zhwashchny. The labor biography of the parents led them to the Tyumen lands, where they mastered gas-condensate deposits in the village of Berezovo. Here, Sergey with the younger sister Olga went to primary school.

Finished the 10-pilot boy already in Igrime. An excellent party did not have a guy, but also bad estimates of the parents did not upset, besides, all the extracurricular time devoted to developing classes: he studied to play the piano, he was engaged in sports. And in boxing, basketball, ski racing and shooting received discharges. The boyfriends were not alien to Sergey: he climb on the shores of Obi, looking for treasures and playing with peers, having loved the harsh Siberian nature from the soul. And in the evenings I read books so enthusiastically that sometimes parents were forcibly stacked to sleep.

Sergey Zhvachkin in youth

Having received a certificate in 1974, the graduate held a competition to the Engineering and Construction Institute of Tyumen, where he began to specialize in industrial and civil construction. The extracurricular time was actively: playing guitar and drums in the student musical group, he entered the Komsomol and headed the cultum work.

Already worked on the oil pipes, Zhwakhn decided to improve the qualifications and in 1983 received the second higher education in the Gorky Engineering and Construction Institute. Moved on the management stairs, Sergey continued to study: In 1991, he received a diploma of the German Academy of National Economy in Kiel.

Personal life

Personal life, a man has arranged in student years. Studying at the 2nd year of the Institute, Zhwakhan met the future wife Inn. A year later, the lovers got married, and the 4th course had already acquired by the daughter of Olga. In total, they have two children - in 1988, Anastasia was born in the spouses. Since 1979, the family moved to live in the city of the Strezheva Tomsk region.

The main hobby of the governor is a photo. A man takes Canon's favorite camera on vacation and in working trips, because she strives to fix the beauty of nature and the charm of the current moment. Sergey Anatolyevich's pictures are published in the gallery on his official website. However, an account in the "Instagram" does not lead a photo execution. Free time politician devotes grandchildren who have already four.

Career and politics

In the youth, Zhwayachkin was far from senior posts. He started from the position of the master, having passed all the production steps: from Proba to the chief engineer. The first place of work was the Trust Tomsknefestra. The man was engaged in the arrangement of the Wahskoye deposit. From the mid-1980s, Sergey began to show managerial talents and year after year to rise through the career ladder, starting with the Deputy Governing Company Tomskhasstroy. By the beginning of the 1990s, he is Doros to the position of the head of Tomsknefestray.

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In 1994, Zhwakhan - General Director of Tomskgaz OJSC. The leader had to be engaged in Vasyugan swamps of the prey and transportation of blue fuel. He sought investments, developed the delivery schemes for building materials, picked up frames and ordered equipment.

By the end of the 1990s, Tomsk gas projects began to engage in Gazprom, and Sergey Anatolyevich rose at the steering wheel of Eastokgazprom educated. The company covered gas production, the formation of traffic flows and export routes in 16 regions of Siberian and Far Eastern districts. The strategic center has remained Tomsk.

In 1999, Zhvachina is chosen by the deputy of the Tomsk Regional Duma, where he represented United Russia over 2 convocations. In parallel, the man received all new leadership posts in subsidiaries of Gazprom Company - Kubangazprom LLC and Gazprom Transgaz Krasnodar. The Director-General was exported by exporting gas pipelines between Russia and European countries.

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Having worked in the south of 8 years, in 2012, Sergey Anatolyevich returned to Tomsk. The reason for the initiative of President Dmitry Medvedev, who suggested that Zhwashchina become the governor of the Tomsk region. Most in the regional Duma supported the offer, and on March 17, the new head of the region entered into authority. After the expiration of the 5-year term, with the support of Vladimir Putin, Politician was again submitted to the position of office and thanks to 60.58% of countrymen, he was elected for the 2nd term.

Sergey Zhvachkin now

The coronavirus pandemic made changes to the course of life throughout the planet. Spring 2020 for most residents of Russia is in general self-insulation. The President instructed the leaders of the regions to independently introduce restrictive measures opposing the spread of malicious virus. On March 18, Zhvachin created a regional operational headquarters and introduced an increased readiness on the territory of the Tomsk region, as he told in a statement on the official website.

The main preventive measure manager considers the restriction of contacts. He encourages fellow countrymen to seriously comply with quarantine, calling social distances the only "medicine" from coronaivirus. On the speech, the governor identified that self-insulation in the region will act at least until April 30, and also extended a ban on massive entertainment activities, including the Victory Parade and Sports of All levels.


  • 1985 - Medal "For the development of the subsoil and development of the oil and gas complex of Western Siberia"
  • 1996 - Gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation
  • 1997 - Honored Mintopedenergo Worker RF
  • 1999 - Honor Order
  • 2000 - Gratitude of the Government of the Russian Federation
  • 2000 - Honorary Worker of the Gas Industry of the Russian Federation
  • 2001, 2002 - Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of the "Holy Plywood Prince Daniel Moscow" II and III degrees
  • 2001, 2003 - Golden Sign "Best Manager of Russia"
  • 2004 - Honorary Citizen of the Tomsk Region
  • 2014 - Honorary Medal "For merits in the protection of children of Russia"
  • 2016 - Order of Friendship

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