Henselt (character) - Photo, "Witcher", King Caedvena, Heralt, curse


Character History

Henselt is a unprincipled and hard ruler, King Caeidna. This is a secondary character of the Fantastic Saga Angea Sapkovsky "Witcher", which was further developed in the Franchise video games.

History of character creation

Polish writer created a fantasy universe, achieving deafening success. Saga about the Witcher gained world popularity, and it only increased with the advent of video games based on the work.

In addition, the story was based on the Polish mini-series 2002, as well as the new NetFlix 2019 film. 6 comics and rock operate "Road without refund" of the ESSE group was created.

Intended plot, bright images, cruelty and mercy, victories and defeat - for 8 books and several separate stories, the author does not cease to hold the reader's attention thanks to the fate of heroes.

The world "Witcher" is inhabited by the most different representatives of reasonable species: these are people, elves, magicians, vampires, dowels and others. Dozens of human-like creatures are also featured: leishes, demons, DRIADA, WATER.

Andrzey Sapkovsky described the biography of a whole continent, at which only the gnomes and elves had once lived. However, the people who saved there won the land, having sought local residents. As a result, human states combined by the term northern kingdoms appeared on the literary world map.

For many centuries, the rulers fought for each land block. By the time the narration of the largest territory became Caeden, whose name in the translation means "white forest".

This is a state with a harsh climate. However, his rulers do not differ. The reader meets King Henselt - a cruel person who is ready to go to everything to subjugate nearby territories.

An emerging conflict with the Nilfgard Empire contributes to the completion of internecine wars. The reader is represented by the ruler of Caedwen in the 6th chapter of the collection "Blood Elfs", where the lords of neighboring states decided to discuss joint actions in the planning confrontation.

Image and biography of Hencell

Angey Sapkovsky did not endorse Hencella with a bright appearance. Although one quote from the book allows you to add an unequivocal opinion about him:"With small insightful eyes, which were burning on a bearded, typically robbing physiognomy."

Throughout his reign, King Caedvena led the dispute over the territory with Demavend. Lower Marhiya was a resident where food production was conducted.

In addition, strategically advantageous accommodation between Pontar and Dyfni rivers also became the advantage of the state to which this valley belonged. The hero believed that this important location waseply Caeden, so she was eager to attach it.

Angey Sapkovsky endowed the character with hatred to all nonhumans. First of all, the man was negligiously related to the oldest peoples left on his territory - elves and dwarves.

Because of this, the Caedennes often took up the uprisings and followed by mass executions. A lot of means and strength king allocated to the struggle with the original inhabitants, in particular on the search for rebels.

For some time, a truce was concluded between the North and Nilfgark. Vizirimir, Demavennd, Meva, Folstet and Henselt - the heads of the North on the eve of the second Nilfgaga war held a meeting, where they considered the opportunity to break the contract with the empire.

King Caedvena believed that threats from Nilfgard - an empty sound. Nevertheless, after the army's occurrence, he concluded a separate world, having reached the capture of the topwear.

All the conquest characters have led only to the fact that he managed to attach the Kinggorn Principality. Having enlisted with the support of the editor, Hencells repeatedly tried to commit a punitive expedition to Kovir. However, no hike ended for him victory.

All territories surround it, a man considers an excellent bridgehead to expand the borders. But due to the lack of a skillful military tactic, his ideas remain in the embryo.

Ruler tough and chiter. Despite hatred for the Northern Kingdoms, he concludes treaties with them and helps, if he understands that otherwise it will be in danger. This happens when the Hencell Army supported the battle under the Barn. Blood Tirana does not like not only senior peoples, but also their own subjects.

In the end, the Kingdom of Caeden ended its existence. In the films based on the book sague, the hero did not appear. However, he received more unfolded history in the "Witcher-2".

Henselt in computer games

The name of the character is mentioned in the original game. In the "Witcher-2", the hero collects the army and goes with war to Watery, wanted to attach the lower marchy. During preparation for the king, Saskia is suitable, the custodian of Vergena, according to which hence first and is going to strike Henselt.

There may be a fight between them, and then both will be injured. Or the general battle will begin. In any case, the consequences are sad - the ruler will kill the priests of Olshan. And this magically will awaken an ancient curse.

At the battlefield, ghosts suddenly arise - killed warriors. From the faithful death, a man is saved by Detmold Rocher and Heralt. Henselt hires the Witcher in order to get rid of the curse. Tyrant says that Sabrina Gleissig devoured on his whole bodies before, as those burned on a fire.

The Witcher is instructed by the ruler of Caedwen and returns to him to hold a rite. After removing the curse, Geralt loses consciousness for three days. When the Witcher comes to himself, he learns that attempted at King. The organizer of the conspiracy was Rocher.

Heralt finds Detmold, and together they discover the camp with the traces of the murders of the blue stripes. And they also see Bianke - a warrior from the army of the theme, which, as it turned out, Hencelt raped. Rocher swars up that he will revenge the vague Tiran.

Further in the "Witcher-2" the player has a choice. He can allow Rocher to kill the hated ruler, and may also spare a cruel character. In the second case, the hero will arrive in negotiations in Lok Muinne, and subsequently will receive an upper marchy.

Interesting Facts

  • The character became the last of the kind of unicorns.
  • The book character has a heir. The game becomes clear that his son died.
  • In Russian dubbing the game "Witcher-2" King voiced Alexander Barinov.


"All the difficulties we say about, we are obliged to Nilfgarda. Emissary Emgyra are encouraged by nonhumands and call for unrest. "" To hell! Do not do this, do not rushing, it is impossible ... Did we gather to list what we can't do? "" Do not rush to pull the lion for the mustache, he is not dead. "


  • 1994 - "Blood Elf"
  • 1998 - "Lady Lady"

Computer games

  • 2011 - "Witcher 2: Kings Killers"
  • 2018 - "Gwint: Witcher. Card game"

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