Film "Beauty in Blow" (2020): 2021, Release date, Actors, Roles, Channel One


On January 22, 2021, the audience of the First Channel will see the film "Beauty in Blow", which became the leader of the rental in August 2020. The story of Polina, who felt his beautiful after fainting, reminds the subjective perception of beauty and give the audience those emotions that are so waiting after the outgoing winter holidays.

Actors and roles, as well as interesting facts from the project site - in the material 24cm.


Polina - a girl with ordinary appearance. About such people say "gray mouse". At her neck, her husband was sicked with failing business ideas, and at work colleagues called "Palych". Tired of life, the girl is solved on a plastic surgery, but the surgeon does not fall under the knife, but it becomes a beauty as if by magic. Spectators have to understand whether there seems to change the polynom or this attitude towards himself changes the reality.

Actors and roles

  • Julia Alexandrova - Polina, grabs for any work, including men, and constantly hearing reproaches from the mother, that it looks like a kid. Under pressure from the impression of the surrounding girl heads for consultation to the plastic surgeon. The actress is known for roles in the series "Call Dicaprio", as well as the films "The Best Day" and "Christmas Tree."
  • Larisa Kokayeva - a nonsense girlfriend Polina, ready to support the girl in all its endeavors. The performer remembered on the roles in the series "Izkanka 2" and "bad weather."
  • Maxim Blinov - Odnoklassnik Polina. The artist was remembered by the main role in the TV series "Menting Saga". The films "Union of salvation" and a multi-sieuled drama "and will again be noticeable".
  • Andrei Burkovsky is a plastic surgeon, which is tired of the sameness of the requests of his patients. The actor became noticeable after the projects "Tobol", "Dr. Lisa", "sober driver." Now the former Cave Independent is at the peak of a career, and in 2021 the premiere of the multi-trave "Mediator" with the Contractor is expected.
  • Gregory Kalinin - Yura, the unlucky Male Polina, who bumps Chinese goods and hopes to get rich on them. In the filmography of the actor, the multi-sieves projects "The Okayan Days" and "Soulodrama" were noticeable.

The film was also filmed: Yana Koshkin, Elena Shevchenko, Taisiya Vilkova, Pavel Vorozhov and others.

Interesting Facts

1. The release date of the film came on August 13, 2020. The comedy gathered about 10 million rubles at the rental.

2. The film "Beauty in Blow" is a directorial debut in the large meter of the director of Yana Smooth. At the time of filming, the smooth was pregnant, which did not affect the work with the film crew.

3. The idea of ​​the film is borrowed from the project "Beauty to the whole head" with Amy Sumer in the lead role. Russian adaptation, the film director was engaged in the Writer Eugene Christkov, familiar on the projects of "Christmas Trees" and "Troy".

4. In one of the episodes, the heroines will have to conquer the pylon. Actress Olga Ryzhkov, who performed the role of the dance coach on the sixth, he devoted this style for several years and even participated in international competitions.

5. The working title of the film is "Beauty".

6. It so happened that as an actress Yana smooth consists of a troupe of MHT them. A. P. Chekhov, where Andrei Burkovsky and Pavel Vorozhtsov and Pavel Vorovitsa are also overlooking theatrical layouts. Another creative point of contact was the series "Call Dicaprio", in which Burkovsky and Aleksandrov play lead roles, and Jan Koshkina, Pavel Vorozhtsov, Larisa Kokheva, are involved.

7. Yulia Alexandrova and Yana Smoothly saw each other once when the actress handed over the Grand Prix Director in the nomination "Best Short Meter".

8. Moscow and Moscow region locations.

9. The film "Beauty in the strike" ran into criticism for the non-original plot. Nevertheless, the rating after viewing was 5 out of 10.

The film "Beauty in Blow" - Trailer:

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