The fate of the actors of the Brazilian TV series - then and now, the roles, photos


Brazilian serials were surprised by the interweaving of the plot, and the emotions of tanned people with living facial expressions in the frame delivered pleasure. The screens were going to families, and everyone was worried about the events in the life of a beloved character. How was the fate of the actors of Brazilian TV series years and what they do now - in the material 24cm.

Susana Vieir (1942)

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Actress Suzana Vieyr is recognized as a Brazilian sex symbol. The star of the series "The Secret Tropicanki" and "In the Name of Love" will be recognized by a radiant smile, which has become a class card of celebrities.

In the role of the performer, the role of strong, self-confident women. In 2015, the actress discovered an oncological disease. Despite the treatment, the star does not lose and continues to work in multi-metering projects. A female holiday with pleasure reveals the secrets of beauty and admits that he applied to plastic surgeons, does not save face care and annually participates in Brazilian carnival, which helps her look amazing for his years.

Fair Fisher (1951)

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Star of Brazilian TV series Vera Fisher - a recognized Queen of Beauty of Brazil in 1969. Her career developed in the model business, while the producers did not see the acting talent in Blond Beauty. By the time of the release of the television film "Clone", the performer was an unpleasant situation with a dependence on psychoactive substances.

The role of Ivesti returned to the best popularity when she exceeded 50. Until 2012, the actress was filmed in TV show. Then the star of the overall glory of a frivolous lady, which revolves novels with men younger it. Faith was disappointed with the work on the serials and fell into depression. Now the actress works in the theater and shares with the subscribers of social networks with their career achievements.

Letia Sabatella (1972)

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The creative fate of the actors of Brazilian serials is often connected with the roles they perform. Actress Letia Sabatell performed in the television film "clone" a modest oriental woman in Latif. The career of the performer with Italian roots after a negative heroine in the project "Road India" went to the decline.

Letia tried to engage in vocal performances, but did not work out. "Brazilians" became the last multi-sieu film in the career of the actress. Now the celebrity is concentrated on theatrical activity. In 2019, the project "Night Walk" with the participation of Sabatella.

Carolina Dicmann (1978)

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The actress of the Brazilian TV series Carolina Dicmann was remembered by a touching stage in the television show "Family Tives", when the sleek shaved in the frame.

The valve performer remains one of the most recognizable Brazilian actresses, but little is removed. Carolina focused on the family, happy in marriage and with her husband raises sons. Now the artist revealed as a blogger and leads a page in "Instagram", where the subscribers pleases with their photos.

Gloria Pir (1963)

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Actress Gloria Pires became popular after the TV film "Tropican Secret", where he performed the sisters of Twins Ruth and Raquel. It is noteworthy that initially the script was not impressed by the celebrity, and after filming Gloria called the "queen of soap operas."

The star filmography begins from 1968 and consists of more than 20 TV shows. In its 57, the actress remains in demand in cinema, and 3 of the celebrity daughters also tied fate with acting skills.

Muro Benicio (1971)

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The fate of the actors of Brazilian TV shows is often intertwined with a personal life. Muro Benicio is familiar to the roles of 3 twin brothers, which became the clone, which gave the name of the same series.

In the multiserial project "Clone", a celebrity became acquainted with the actress Giovanovaya Antonelli, in a relationship with whose a son had a son. However, the pair broke out due to the jealousness of the handsome. And later, the performer again met on the set with Deborah Flabella, with which she was previously starred in "Clone".

The sex symbol of Brazil tried to conquer Hollywood, but returned to his homeland. He could not repeat the success of the "clone", but remains in demand in a multi-sieuled television show.

Giovanna Antonelli (1976)

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The actress of Brazil Giovannna Antonelli rich in the fan community has become popular after the TV show "Clone", where they played a chief.

For 20 years, the actress practically did not change, although it became a mother of 3 children. The performer is still carefully worked out by the image of each character and is confirmed in an interview, which is happy when he sees people on the streets, copying her heroine style.

The actress is no less demanded than at the dawn of the career. She acts in the theater, filmed in television and engaged in charity.

Antonio Fagundes (1949)

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In the filmography of actor Antonio Fagins of work in such serials as "in the name of love", "New Sacrifice", "Fatal Inheritance". In his homeland, the performer is known as the most readable actor Brazil, who removes videos with his favorite passages from books for instagram subscribers. Now the star has passed the 70-year-old frontier and considers the years of the years lived with his advantage. The creative fate of the actor is still developing, and the filmography is replenished with new projects.

Charles Diaz (1990)

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Successful career start for the actress Karla Diaz began with the role of Hadigi in the television film "Clone", in which the star starred as a child. For work in the TV series, the celebrity was awarded awards as the best young actress.

Until 2012, the young star was in demand in cinema, and after focused on professional acting education.

About the personal life of the actress prefers to silence. From the angular teenager, the performer turned into a beauty that attracts the crowds of fans.

Realland Janeckini (1972)

The fate of the actors of the Brazilian TV series - then and now, the roles, photos 5687_10

Familiar for the role of EDA in the Motheric project "Family bonds" Actor Reynalda Janekkini is considered an idol of Brazilian housewives. Although criticism was collapsed at the star. For the performer stretches the Lovelace loan, which also reflected on the role.

The fate of the actors of Brazilian TV shows are unpredictable. In 2010, the artist took the creative pause, which is connected with the oncological disease. After 2 years, the actor managed to overcome the disease, however, he could not restore the former glory in the role of the Hero-lover. Now in the filmography of Janekini's work of the second plan.

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