TV series "Khaki Colors" (2021) - Release date, Channel One, Actors and Roles, Trailer


Misfortune never comes alone. And therefore, it seems likely that after a painful greetings from the past, other troubles will be launched, causing convulsively to look for ways to get out of the tightening tightness of Zeietnote. And desirable, disagreeing through the web of trouble, not to lose its "I". This demonstrated the audience the TV series "Khaki Resort", the release date on the first channel fell on February 24, 2021. Read more about the film - in the material 24cm.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the ribbon telling about suddenly turned upside down on the head of life, absolutely not ready for such changes in Lieutenant Colonel-Pogrman, played the following actors:
  • Daniel Strakhov - Alexei Streltsov, Lieutenant Colonel, the head of the station station stationed in the quiet resort town, accustomed to a calm and measured life with his wife and son, but after the arrival of the new chief, met with an old acquaintance and decided to translate to another place of service.
  • Svetlana Antonova - Faith, a devotee and loving spouse Alexei, relationship with whom threatened after the husband meets a long-lost, but not forgotten the love of 20 years ago.
  • Alexander Grishin - Mikhail Loginov, Colonel, a new, who occupied Promised by Streltsov.
  • Anna Kazychitsz - Svetlana, the spouse of Colonel Logvinova, in the past - the Bride of Streltsov, who escaped from under the crown and putting the deep mental injury to the abandoned bridegroom.
  • Mikhail Hmurov - General Meshcheryakov, who died during the mysterious circumstances, a father-in-law, discovered by grandson Danylu.

Also, the project was filmed: Alexander Mosolov, Dmitry Bogdan, Sophia Hilkova, Denis Doronin and Maxim Saprykin in the role of Son Alexei Streltsova Danil.


The production of the picture was engaged in the "KinoTudia KIT", which is part of the Gazprom-Media Holding, and the Cynotradition Studio Company. The director's chair took Alexander Karpilovsky, familiar to the viewer for the projects "Private Pioneer" and a number of paintings of the Franchise "Trees", as well as as an actor, shot in such films and serials as "border. Taiga novel "," Plot "," Liquidation ".

The shooting took place in the capital of Russia - in Moscow, cinematographers worked both in nature and in pavilions. And the role of a small cross-border town in which the heroes service passes, whose fate tells the series "Khaki Resort", played Gelendzhik. Moreover, in the working process, which came to the most peak of the velvet season, was not without all sorts of funny linings and misunderstandings.

So, for example, that the shooting passed calmly, I had to put out the cordon around the platform, because the holidays were glad not only with interest on the actors, director and operators, sometimes getting into the frame, but sometimes even went to the room with work equipment, studying with curiosity Monitors there are action.

And once, when the filmmakers were calculated to remove the scene to train the main character on the seashore, not in the morning, but against the background of the sun, hoping that in the evening there would be few people in the evening. It turned out that they were not guessed with forecasts. The number of holidaymakers, and invariably want to communicate with the actors and get into the frame, turned out to be excavating.

So out of 15 minutes left for minutes 10 were spent on the persuasion of the spent spectators not to interfere. And only 5 left at the double left - the benefit was performed from the first time Ideally not least thanks to both the professionalism of the crew members and the high level of skill of the actors.

According to the director, the events of the 8th-serial film Although unfolding against the background of military service by border guards, but the main characters are not the military, and people, even be wearing shape and epaulets. Like civilians who are able to fall in love, mistake, commit ugly towards their loved ones.


For performers of the main roles, the series "Resort Colors of Khaki" turned out to be a project with a non-born and entertaining, giving the opportunity to try on the images of the characters of deep, possessing their own advantages and disadvantages, alive.

So, speaking of his hero Alexei Streltsov, the actor Daniel fears confessed that this role was playing in instructive. After all, the character is a personality one, until recently, firmly confident in the future, but the abyss that produced in the edge, which is pushing the established circumstances.

In a pile, old love flashed with a new force. And the death of the test, to the death of which people are involved well known people, and even - friends. And aggravation of relationships with his wife. And the need to sort out itself, to understand what really wants who loves.

All this presses on the main character, causing looking for a way out, learn to accept themselves with all his desires, and not pull the strap of life, adjusting to the conditions, because "everyone is doing." This is the process of exploring the personality and joining the actor.

Anna Kazyuchits in his heroine saw a woman in a situation where unrealized ambitions and the need to remain in the position of the "man's wife", living in the golden cage of birds, force her in pursuit of the execution of once grateful desires to again step into the arms of the old lover. For it feels like a status beautiful thing that shame the position of the spouse, but a living woman.

I had to try and Svetlana Antonova, who in order to accomplish the role and play extremely reliably, was forced to closely chat with a otorinolaryngologist, adopting characteristic "chips", inherent in the work of such specialists. But as a result, the procedure for examining the patient in the frame performed by the actress looked fantastically naturally.


The series "Khaki Color Resort" immediately after the announcement caused a wave of discussions among the audience, and we were looking forward to waiting for the premiere and expressed that the plot, which is an entertaining spike of melodrama and detective, promises a lot of pleasant impressions when watching. Those who even pointed the creators who decided to limit such a curious narrative with all eight series were also found.

The series "Khaki Resort" - Trailer:

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