Ilya Azar - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Journalist, Arrest 2021



Ilya Azar is known in Russian journalism with bright and relevant reports. A man illuminates events that cause a wide public resonance. His articles and videos affect the themes of politics, society, freedom of speech. Several times the Muscovite career was arrested, but it did not prevent "Fighters for justice" to continue to work. Now his name again turned out to be in the news columns.

Childhood and youth

The correspondent was born on June 29, 1984 in Moscow. Father William Azar made a brilliant career in the sphere of science and politics. A man still in the Soviet period was engaged in issues of the tourism industry. Later, he took the post of first vice-president of the International Academy of Tourism. In the 90s, he was Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation.

About children's and adolescent years in the biography of a journalist knows little. Ilya studied at the school-gymnasium No. 1529, which is the name of Alexander Griboyedov. Having received secondary education, the young man became a student of the Higher School of Economics by choosing the Faculty of Political Science.

Personal life

About personal life the correspondent does not tell the press. Azar is married to Ekaterina Kuznetsova. In 2017, the spouse gave a daughter man. In the network, parents posted joint photos with a child.


After graduating university, the guy began to work in the specialty. At the beginning of the journalistic career, a young man created articles mainly for Soviet Sports sports publications, Total Football and others. In 2006, a talented journalist was invited to work in Here Ilya took the position of the Policy Corresponding.

In October 2007, during the Cafe Club "Gogol" political debate, an incident occurred. The Timur Teziev car mechanic tried to break the event, as a result of which the fight began. The oppositionist Alexei Navalny, who was present in the building shot in a mess of disorder from the traumatic pistol.

As the policies then argued, the repairman was selected by the Kremlin structures. The next day, after the events of Azar published an article illuminating the details of the collision of the parties. In August 2008, Ilya created several reports telling about hostilities between Georgia and South Ossetia.

In 2011, the young man began to cooperate with Lenta.Ru online publishing. In December, elections to the State Duma were held in Russia. Then the Moscow journalist together with colleagues conducted an independent investigation, which made it possible to expose "carousels". So the policy was called persons organizing in the time of elected events of stuff and falsification.

In mid-December, the editorial office sent Ilya to Zhanaozen, where the protests of the local oil workers passed. Strikes have grown into a serious conflict with victims. A number of opposition media noted that the authorities of Kazakhstan hide information about the incident, accurate number of dead and wounded. On December 18, the Russian correspondent was detained at the site of the Russian correspondent, but they released in a few hours.

Soon, in January 2012, Ilya Williamovich, together with the photoconduct of the newspaper "New Gazeta" by Evgeny Feldman and a deputy of the Moscow City Duma, Dmitry Gudkov unveiled the fact of fake signatures. They gathered in support of the presidential candidate Dmitry Mezentsev.

When Vladimir Putin's press conference was held in December 2012 with journalists, Azar with Catherine Vinokurona asked the President about the defendants of the "Bolotny Affairs", in particular about Vladimir Akimenkov. The correspondent raised the question of the activation of the "Left Front" activists, accused of trying to arrange a coup on the funds allocated by the Georgian deputy Guivi Targamadze.

On March 10, 2014, a large interview with a journalist with the leader of the Ukrainian "right sector" appeared on the website. Andrei Tarasenko. After 2 days, the edition was a warning from Roskomnadzor for this article. After that, Galina Timchenko, who led "" since 2004, was dismissed from the post of chief editor.

Ilya along with colleagues, being disagreeable with such a decision, wrote an application for dismissal. From March to September of the same year, he was invited to the radio station "Echo of Moscow" as a special correspondent. In October 2014, began work in the new Internet publishing "Medusa" created by Galina Timchenko. In 2016, went to Beslan to make a report on a long tragedy.

In 2017, Moskvich began to cooperate with the "new newspaper", in a year launched a local online publication "Moss. Municipal District Khamovnikov ", and in 2019 he took the post of chief editor of the Liviva newspaper.

In early June 2019, the Russian society shook the arrest of Ivan Golunov. A young man who worked as a journalist in several media and who made an investigation on the work of the Moscow City Hall, detained the suspicion of the sale of drugs. Events caused public protests, many talked about the illegality of action against Ivan.

Ilya Williamovich, who became a municipal deputy by that time, also defended the convicted person. On August 31, an unauthorized rally was held in Moscow, in which the demonstrators opposed political repression. During the event, the police did not make detentions and arrests.

However, on September 2, Azar was taken into custody by law enforcement agencies at the entrance of his home. The journalist was suspected as one of the organizers of the "folk unrest." According to the correspondent itself, that evening he was in the house with a small daughter, which was not yet fulfilled two years. Wife was at work.

Setting a baby to sleep, a man came out to smoke, and he was arrested by representatives of the rule of law. Ilya requested the police to wait for the spouse to come, because he could not leave the baby one. However, the requests of the Muscovite remained without attention. The incident was published, the post about what happened appeared on the page in "Instagram" Alexei Navalny.

Also were taken into custody, and after Lyaskin Lyasc and Nikolai Lyaskin were released. Video of the liberation of "suspects" later posted on the Yutiub-Channel "Rain". There were those who did not support the "prisoners". For example, Mikhail Khodorkovsky in Twitter wrote:

"How to get these invaders."

In December, Azar took an interview with actor Eduard Boyakova.

Ilya Azar now

In 2020, Ilya continued its activities on the Rain Channel. The guests of new programs became Maria Baronova and Maxim Katz. In May, the journalist was again detained by the police, this time for holding a single picket in support of Vladimir Vorontsov.

Vladimir is known as the founder of the "Ombudsman of the Police", which publishes materials on the abuse of powers in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition, Azar made a requirement to release Viktor Nemytov, who, together with Vorontsov, conducted shares in support of political prisoners.

On May 26, Ilya Vilmovich stood at the building of the Central Government of the capital on Petrovka. It had a protective mask and rubber gloves. Formally, the arrest was due to the fact that the journalist broke the prescription of the Mayor of Moscow to carry out events during the COVID-19 pandemic. The correspondent was detained for 15 days.

The occurrence immediately caused public excitement, as a result of which those who arranged pickets in support of Azara were also taken into custody. In the "New Gazette" on the occasion, an article was published under the heading "Manifest of the Insulation Violator".

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