Alexander Krasovitsky - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Maxim, Wife, Daughter, Married, "Instagram" 2021



Alexander Krasovitsky seriously became interested in creativity after 25 years, which did not prevent him from becoming popular. The singer conquered the public to create high-quality music, as well as sincere and heartfelt execution.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Krasovitsky appeared on June 8, 1972 in the Russian city of Magnitogorsk. As a childhood, Sasha was a calm and obedient child, did not give the parents of unnecessary trouble. He diligently studied, read a lot and engaged in the Greek-Roman struggle.

Already in the early years, the biography of the future celebrity began to show talent for creativity, and adults insisted that he visiting a music school. Krasovitsky sang in the choir, but the special thrust for music did not feel and wanted to associate life with science.

Therefore, after graduation, Sasha went to St. Petersburg, where he studied at the sociological faculty. During his studies in graduate school, the guy was at the concert of the famous rock band, which changed his views. Then Krasovitsky realized that his place on stage, and not in the auditorium.


The first steps to popularity the performer made as part of the Aqua Vita group, speaking in the Soft-Rock genre, was then a member of Vegetative. But the attention of fans the artist managed to attract only after the creation of the "Animal Jazz" team, which announced itself at the end of 2000.

After that, the singer became a permanent participant in music festivals, including "wings", "invasion" and "Maxidr", where the crowd of listeners collected, conquering them with a memorable voice voice and a bright manner of speeches. In parallel, he led a blog dedicated to little-known rock bands.

The breakthrough "Animal Jazz" took place in 2006, when their songs "Pag In Heat" and "Arabic" were used as soundtracks to the Russian film "Graffiti". During this period, Vocalist was actively invited to an interview and took autographs. The compositions of "three strips" and "in the kitchen", included in the track list of the Margosha series, were equally popular.

During working with the team, Alexander released 10 license rooms and 5 acoustic albums, spoke at the heated from Linkin Park. All these years, the group was able not only to create high-quality music, but also to be interesting for the public, to arrange shares and events. For example, on the presentation of the Spring Guardian plate, it was possible to make a tattoo with its symbol.

It is not surprising that the participants received a powerful return and soon thought about the use of crowdfunding to collect funds to issue albums. For the first time, they first embodied this at the first time and in subsequent years have repeatedly used the support of fans in replenishing discography.

Despite the success, Krasovitsky did not leave the idea of ​​creating a parallel project, which he successfully implemented together with the Keyman "Animal Jazz" by Alexander Zarakin. The duet was named Zero People and became the embodiment of emotions that were lacking in the main group. Songs are filled with longing, anxiety and more gloomy sound. Especially fans liked "Let me go", "Wall" and "Silence", recorded with Tusay Chaykina.

Another parallel artist project was LEMURIANZ, created together with Alexander Nekrasov. He appeared in 2016, noting the "Together" track. In the clip, the actress Polina is filmed on the composition.

In the spring of 2020, part of the speeches had to be transferred due to a coronavirus infection pandemic. In April, Krasovitsky gave an interview for "Our Radio", where he said that he was not going to miss quarantine, but actively engaged in creativity. Together with Animal Jazz, he held an online concert, and also released tracks "Cosmonauts" and "On Bread and Water", and with Zero People introduced the song "Temple".

Personal life

About the personal life of the musician knows little. In his youth, he was married, a daughter was born in marriage. But after Krasovitsky decided to make cardinal changes in life, he left the family and totally engaged in creativity. With a former wife, a man retained a warm relationship and as far as possible participated in the upbringing of the heiress.

In an interview, Alexander shared that it was not a little communicating with his daughter, he did not work out for her a good father and an example for imitation. But he does not blame himself. The musician expressed confidence: if someone from the parents does not like, it is necessary to disperse. Now the heir works as a biochemist.

Alexander Krasovitsky and Maxim

In 2012, Alexandra had a short affair with Singer Maxim. Artists recorded a joint track "Livi", which was removed by a spectacular and sensual video, and also performed at the Evening Urgant show. As a result, the relationship did not work out, and later the man dedicated the girl a whole album from the repertoire of Animal Jazz.

This period was one of the heaviest in the life of the artist. He said that he was simply blocked, and Alexander fell out of this "the problem of an universal scale."

Now, according to the singer, in his personal life it is all good - there is real love and even "Cat is cool." Despite the fact that in the media there is still no information about the date when Alexander married, he carries a wedding ring on a unnamed finger, and the Choirs calls his wife.

In early 2020, Vocalist fans were seriously concerned about the news that their idol was in an accident. The celebrity car was listed on the snow-covered track, but fortunately, Alexander almost did not suffer. He hurried to calm fans and wrote that such a little thing could not be a hindrance to continue the tour.

Alexander is divided into "Instagram" in its success, where publishes the photo and talks about the news.

Alexander Krasovitsky now

In May 2021, the artist became the hero of the show "Thorough". In an interview, the musician shared in that he still feels "unlitable," because he did not pay attention from his father and did not have time to establish trust relationships with him. In communicating with Yuri Dud, Krasovitsky frightened about the situation in the country, about the political situation in Belarus and Ukraine.

The time left for conversations about the music path of the artist. Now he understands why he needed the second project. For him, Zero People became the opportunity to start everything from scratch. And at least it was a successful story, both participants in the duet saw in this completely different - a chance to win the love of the listener.

In 2021, Zero People celebrated the first round anniversary. In honor of this, the musicians released a new disk "The Best: Obvious". By the way, there was no new song in the album track-leaf. All compositions are team hits performed in a new sound.


With "Animal Jaz"

  • 2002 - "Animalism"
  • 2004 - "Stereo and"
  • 2004 - "How people"
  • 2007 - "Pitch in the breath"
  • 2009 - "Egoist"
  • 2011 - "Animal Jaz"
  • 2013 - "Fast Sleep Phase"
  • 2015 - "Spring Guardian"
  • 2018 - "Happiness"
  • 2019 - "Time to Love"

With Zero People.

  • 2011 - "Silence Catcher"
  • 2014 - "Jedi"
  • 2016 - "Beautiful Life"
  • 2018 - "Beauty"
  • 2021 - "The Best: Obvious"

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