Celebrities that have survived the abduction of children - Russian, foreign, experiences, redemption, kidnappers


It is no coincidence that media persons hide a personal life and protect the heirs from close attention. Frank statement or annoying ability can serve as a crime to the star child. Celebrities who survived the abduction of children, and how ended the history of loud kidneppings - in the material 24cm.

Evgeny Kaspersky

On the evil intent of the pensioner Nikolai Savelyev, the TV shows about the star father Evgenia Kaspersky - IT-entrepreneur, whose state at that time was $ 800 million at that time.

And allowed to test the Dark Delcene on April 19, 2011 an excessive openness of Ivan Kaspersky in social networks. The young man pointed out the address of residence, study and place of work in Vkontakte. The pensioner managed to be a gang in which sons and their acquaintances were. The criminals began to follow Ivan, and then chose a little point and shook the young man into the car.

Son Evgeny Kaspersky Ivan in youth

After the abduction, the requirements were put forward to pay € 3 million. Cell phone was helped by the offended cell phone, according to which the attackers called. The next day after the signal was dragged, the gang was detained on the road for redemption. And Ivan Kaspersky was released.

During the investigation, it was established that the cause that pushing the grief-kidnappers to the crime was the Bank's debt of 10 million rubles. However, a source close to the Kaspersky spouse, Natalia, said that the mother suspected the abduction of the security officer of Kaspersky Lab, which later participated in the corporate coup.

After everything ended, Ivan Kaspersky changed the surname and left social networks. And Evgeny Kaspersky in court declared that he lost contact with his son. "The main reason for this is the abduction," the businessman emphasized.

Randolph Hearst

The media signal Randolf Hirst was on the list of "Celebrities, who survived the abduction of children" as a father who went to a deal with attackers. His daughter Patricscing Herst kidnapped on February 4, 1974, the terrorist grouping "Symbiological Liberation Army". Criminals put forward demands to free two political prisoners. The authorities refused.

Then the kidnappers asked for a family of foreign media signature to provide food assistance to the poor inhabitants of California. The family allocated $ 2 million, but the girl was not let go.

In total, 2 months of Patty held in captivity, where she was kept in a narrow closet with a bandage in his eyes and a gag, beaten and raped, suppressing the will.

And in early April, Patty said that he was joined by Sao. Later it turns out that the group leader tried to recruit the girl and make it a symbol of political struggle. Patti give the name of Tanya in honor of the revolutionary Tamara Bunke. The heirs participated in the criminal activity of bandits, and only in September the gang was caught, and the girl was freed.

After the abduction, Patty was sentenced to 7 years in prison. Protection was built on post-traumatic psyche violations. It was possible to prove that Patricia Heurst was a victim of violence and was in a state of extreme horror.

In prison, the heirs spent about 3 years and was released, subject to agreement on psychiatric treatment. After liberation, the girl married a police officer who led the investigation. Couple had two children. In 1981, Hearst published memoirs with memories of the events. Her personal life has developed well, one of the daughters, Lydia Hearst, built a career model. And Patricia itself became a breeder of rare dog breeds.

Paul Ghetty

The 3 generations of the Ghetty family were not able to negotiate, which led to sad consequences. The 16-year grandson of the billionaire and oil magnate Paul Ghetti was kidnapped in 1973. The attackers immediately put the terms of paying $ 17 million.

However, "Grandfather Scrudge" refused to believe that Semi Ghetty III is threatened with danger, and concluded that this is the stage of heirs who thus want to get start-up capital. The heart of rich neither public censure, nor the ear grandson with strands, expelled by mail.

"I have 14 grandchildren, and if today I will pay at least Penny, tomorrow I will have 14 abducted grandchildren," said the billionaire and closed the topic with the discussion.

The case has shifted from the dead point when the mother of the teenager simplifies the mother-in-law to help. He paid for the work of a detective. As a result, it was possible to come to an agreement to pay redemption of $ 3 million. The grandfather gave exactly $ 2.2 million, so as not to pay taxes, and the remaining amount was led by the father of the floor under 4% per annum.

Criminals caught. They were representatives of the Mafiosis clan "NDrangeti". Of the 9 convicts, behind the bars were 2. The floor was not able to identify the kidnappers, because I did not see them.

At 18, the young man married and became his father. But the experience from the past was not released. In 25 years, against the background of large doses of sedatives, drugs and alcohol of GETTI-Jr. paralyzed, and he is numb. The grandson of the billionaire died in a poverty in 54 years.

Charles Lindberg

The pilot Charles Lindberg, who committed the first independent transatlantic flight from New York to Paris in 1927, also hit the list of "Celebrities, who survived the abduction of children."

On March 1, 1932, the son of the pilot of Charles Jr. kidnapped through the window of his bedroom on the 2nd floor. Nearby was the staircase. The windowsill lay an envelope with the requirements in which the redemption of $ 50 thousand was stated after the incident became known to all of America, the amount increased to $ 70 thousand.

Parents paid money with laundered bills, but the child did not return. After 11 days, the body of Charles Jr. was found a few miles from the house. Examination showed that the baby died from the skull injury. During the investigation, it was possible to find out what, probably, the child fell from height.

According to labeled bills, Bruuna Hauptman was discovered. However, the accused assured that he did not commit a crime. Meanwhile, the carpenter was sentenced to the death penalty.

Later, two more versions appeared, which indicated the guilt of the Father. On one theory, the baby fell during the horseback walk from the horse, and the family and servants helped hide the accident. And on the other, the pilot with a world-famous named so stopped the torment of a child suffering from dementia.

Frank Sinatra

The son of the legendary singer Frank Sinatra became a victim of Kidnepping in December 1963. 19-year-old Frankie kidnapped three criminals in the hotel room. Requirements have been put forward to pay $ 240 thousand.

Father himself went to negotiations and carried out the police recommendations. Criminals led dialogue through the phone in the telephone booth. When the father ended coins for a call, he experienced the strongest stress. Since then, in the habits of Sinatra, the older was coins for the machine.

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The attackers then turned out to be a closer mind, they failed to agree among themselves and let the heir were released. The kidnappers were caught and condemned for a lifelong conclusion, and after the sentence appealed. There were rumors that the abduction was planned by the Father for Advertising. But the subsequent investigation has proven not involved in the senior synatria.

Andrey Belyanin

The son of the Russian science fiction writer Andrei Belyanin became a victim of a classmate and his older brother on May 12, 2004. Ivan Belyanin kidnapped classmate Kirill Kostylevel, with whom the teenager was sitting at one desk. After the conflict, Ivan moved for another desk, and at the end of the school day, the guys went out together.

Odnoklassnik headed Ivan to a deserted place where the children were waiting for the brother of Kostyleva, who, according to the investigators, strangled the heir to the writer. And then the Kostylene-senior put forward the demand to pay him $ 100 thousand in exchange for the boy.

The case was opened only with respect to the older brother. Kirill Kostyleva sent to a correctional institution for 1 year. And on August 18, 2005, the accomplice of the murder of the son of Fantasta Kirill kidnapped, taken out to the wasteland and killed.

Celebrities who have experienced abductions of children often do not experience emotions against criminals. Andrei Belyanin after the time after the death of his son referred to the Supreme Justice, mentioning God as the Higher Institution, and said that he had not been experiencing a son "neither sympathy nor antipathy".

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