Series "Dress from Daisy" (2021) - Release date, Home, Actors and Roles, Facts


The series "Dress from Margaritals", whose release date on "home" fell on March 23, 2021, will tell the story of the pathological love and female resistance that makes moving forward contrary to life circumstances. Actors, roles and interesting facts of the project - in material 24cm.


In the center of the plot - the story of Lisa, dreaming of becoming a designer. The girl's father abuses alcohol, mother is sick. But Lisa was lucky: she has a Misha who is experiencing sympathy for it.

Young is planning a further joint life, but by the laws of the genre of the melodrama there is an unforeseen case. Lisa liked the local "owner of the city" Albert, who decided that the beauty would belong to him.

Playing the girl's interest in the design, Albert suits Lisa the first order, praises her talent and starts courting. The persistent fan is not interested in heroine, she plans to secretly move with the beloved to another city. However, the plans are not destined to come true. Father Lisa causes young when they are going to escape, shoots Misha and goes behind the bars.

And Lisa agrees to marry an unloved, but provided person. Albert surround love and attention to a young wife, and when the door is closed at home, turns into a home tyrant.

The fact that she has become a victim of domestic violence, Lisa understands not immediately. And when chooses free life, runs away from her husband and trying to hide. But pathological love and obsessive interest in the life of the ex-wife are forced Albert to pursue a woman. Lisa learns to fight for himself.

The director of the project was Maxim Mecheda. Over the scenario, Mikhail Barcan, known for the semitable projects "Sea Devils. Friends of the homeland "and franchise" White Wolves ".

Maxim Koshevarov and Alexander Maev, who were composers in the TV series "Andreevsky Flag" and the film "Rzhev" worked on musical accompaniment.

The produce armchair was divided into Julia Vasilyeva, for which the series "Dress from Margaritals" - debut in the role of the project's creator, as well as Irina Bosov ("Surrogate Mother") and Marina Khripunova ("Female Doctor").

Actors and roles

In the series "Dress from Margaritals" starred:

  • Zoryan Marchenko - Lisa, which for the sake of the well-being of the family agreed to marriage with an unloved person;
  • Alexander Kobzar - Albert Kayumov, Lisa's husband, confident that after the stamp in the passport, the wife became property;
  • Daniel Peakshkin - Misha, beloved Lisa, affected by the girl's father's shot;
  • Sergey Money - Alexander Borisovich, Father Misha, dreaming that the Son will go to his footsteps;
  • Svetlana Standko - the mother of Lisa, confident that "extinguishing, worship," and ignoring the suffering of his daughter;
  • Vladimir Yamnenko - Father Lisa.

The series also starred : Andrei Isaenko, Artem Poghosyan, Anastasia Szeged, Olga Slezen, Andrei Karpov.

Interesting Facts

1. Director Maxim Meheda is known to the Russian audience for multi-sieuled projects "according to the laws of military time" and "powder and fraction."

2. Ukrainian spectators saw the premiere of the series on October 31, 2020. The project was shot in homes, apartments, offices and the streets of the city. The visual series emphasizes the music that distinguishes the exciting moments.

3. In the amplua of the popular Ukrainian actor Alexander Kobzar, there are often negative characters. The performer himself admits that he likes to play the villains more, because a fantasy is required and a wider field of activity.

4. The episodes will appear young performers - Margarita Lapina and Nikita Brusnitsin, who have already become the stars of cinema with a rich filmography.

5. The series "Dress out of daisies" will take the audience favorably. In the reviews, the fans of the melodrama noted the rates of violence in the family and self-affirmation in life.

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