Interesting Facts about Sergey Nikonenko - youth, wife, grandson, theater


On April 16, 2021, Sergey Nikonenko celebrated the 80th anniversary. He is called "lucky", "plead man" and a person who found his soul mate. Other interesting facts about Sergei Nikonenko - in the material 24cmi.

Feat mother

The luck of Sergei Nikonenko began practically from birth, when at 2 months of age, the actor was with her mother in the occupation near Smolensky. On June 21, 1941, the Father of the celebrity sent the heir to drink pair milk and heal in the fresh air, but they looked down to relatives along the way. The next day of Mother and Sergey, it was necessary to make a transfer to the village and then did the news of the beginning of the war. The first thought of the woman was to return home, but relatives persuaded to stay. Yes, I could not believe that the war would delay for a long time.

In the fall, German technical parts were included in the village, repairing a broken technique, and at the beginning of winter left the village. It became known that the Soviet troops returned the terrain. Mom immediately picked up the baby and carried on his hands from the occupied territory.

This fact from life follows Mom, Nina Mikhailovna. The road was not a lung. Taming the heir in front and hanging the storms from behind, the parent suffered his son home. Then more than a kilometer dragged on a raincoat. The path on front roads turned out to be terrible. The roads lay dead and dying children who left the desperate mothers to survive themselves.

Mom Sergey Petrovich advised to throw a child and not torture himself, because such a road was not to withstand, and the woman to carry the heir to the hands of the heir - it means to obrace himself on the faithful death. But Nina Mikhailovna stubbornly told: "If surviving, surviving and sellers." In Moscow, only in 1944 came to Moscow, and on the way they lived in Vyshny Volochka and Podolsk. During this time, Mom tried to the specialty of the chests and the storekeers, worked and raised her son.

Cottage discord

On this series of randomness in the life of celebrities, it was not over. "I found my ideal," Sergei Petrovich confessed in an interview. With his wife, the actor together half a century. And the first meeting took place in the youth, in 1969, when he met a strict girl from the old-supplied family.

Ekaterina Voronina studied at the acting faculty, on the course Boris Babocha. The girl turned out to be impregnable and Sergey had a year to seek favor and the first kiss of beauty.

When Sergey asked his lover's hands, he was warned that marriage in old-supplied traditions was for life. The wedding was played on July 14, 1972, in the symbolic date of the take of Bastille.

The secret of family happiness Sergey Nikonenko calls a banal coincidence of two halves.

True, once between the spouses still happened. Having decided to make a surprise wife, Nikolai Petrovich began to rebuild the cottage on Valdai. To find free time for construction, he lealed for the weekend and did not explain the cause of his absence.

Wife alert such behavior, and she asked her husband's question. The spouse prepared a woman to answer, offered to sit down and admitted that he lives on two houses. What Ekaterina Alekseevna began to blame himself in family problems with the phrase "where my eyes were!".

Withstanding a pause, Nikonenko still explained his wife that both homes belong to her, and another woman between them is present. Catherine appreciated the joke.

Children's cunning

By the way, from children's years, Sergey Nikonenko loved to intrigue and delivered trouble to parents. Exact sciences at school were given Sergey with difficulty. In the diary, two times were attended and cola. But classes in the studio of the art word delivered pleasure. Once Sergey was invited to perform on the king of pioneers in Leningrad. The organizer of the trip clarified how schoolboy learns. What Sergey did not blink with the eye said: "Without triples".

And the combination flashed in the head. If after the call to school, they ask why he lied, it turns out that he did not lie at all. The study was without triple, or rather one twins. But then the situation was saving the younger brother, who was a round excellent student, and the tablel was confused.

And when Niconenko fell ill with the theater, he passed on the performances in deception. Supervisory Sergius noticed that those who entered the street to ride, were calmly missed in the hall. He took advantage of this find.

To slip through the tickets, Sergey Petrovich was winding up with newspapers, topped with T-shirt, shirt, sweater and jacket. And so I fed to the theater and passed inside, explaining that the tickets remained from the mother.

Dangerous fun

Meanwhile, along with harmless actions, there were really dangerous fun. They were running on the roofs. And one years at 10-11, the idea of ​​making a homemade parachute came to Sergey.

The device for descent to earth Nikonenko made himself, sewing two sheets. Checking the landing place, Sergey jumped from the 3rd floor. Below insured comrade. The experience turned out to be unsuccessful, and the landing was not without bruises. But there was no thinking about this time. It was necessary to resort, wash and stroke the sheets.

The parents still told the neighbors about the "feat" of the Son, and she adds impressions on a soft place. In interesting facts about Sergei Nikonenko, you can add the fact that with a parachute later he jumped once again. It was on the 1st year of Vgika, and the jump took place from the balloon.

School love

At about the same, in school years, the acting profession has come and has come. In the 2nd grade Sergey Nikonenko first went on the scene in the image of Snow Maiden. Then the boys studied separately from girls, and for the school holiday, a student was required, who will play a female role.

Sergey sewed out the outfit, put the wig, and he performed at the event, to Mama admiration. "What a wonderful girl!" - She told the parental, forcing the Son to be proud of what was able to deceive everyone.

And at 13, the first love was led by Nikonenko at the Moscow House of Pioneers, Irina Melnikova. The girl worried the future actor, and he considered special happiness to keep his beloved by his hand and ride her ice skating. The acting game was passionate than Sergey. In the future, Irina chose a specialty Philologist, and Sergey Nikonenko went to conquer theatrical educational institutions.

After 10 years since the dating, the young got married. True, family life did not hold down, and the remuneration of the remuneration was interfered with the relationship. One day, Sergey returned home and saw the mother-in-law, who, together with his daughter, hurried somewhere. It turned out that the wife is pregnant and hurries to get rid of the child. The betrayal Nikonientko did not forgive.

The second birthday

In interesting facts about Sergei Nikonenko, you can add the fact that the actor was in the hairs of death several times. The beginning of the 70s was generally disturbed for the artist.

In 1970, Sergei Nikonenko, Sergey Nikonenko, was able to sprinkle under the artillery instrument charged with idle. For a while, Yuri Ozers suspended shooting, and then resumed again, and the shot occurred earlier than the planned term.

It would be closer to the meter's gun - and the tragedy would happen on the set. But it cost, and the case was completed for Nikonenko partial hearing loss per ear.

And in 1971, Sergey Petrovich almost killed. Somehow, with Gennady Schapalikov, the actor went to the cottage to a friend, where a drunk man was waking up and tried to touch Nikonenko with a knife. The actor fought back stool. Since then, in his biography, two birthdays.

Strict grandfather

As it turned out, Sergei Petrovich's losses were overtaking in the new millennium. In 2011, a daughter-in-law Nikonenko died in 29 years from the brain cancer. Grandma and grandfather decided that the boy would be better with them than with a stepmother.

The strict grandfather of the heir does not indulge. He says that heal is one thing. And it is necessary to raise so that the child grew up a man.

Interesting facts about Sergey Nikonenko should be supplemented by the fact that the life force of the artist became support for the family. Time cures. And the son married. Now the strict grandfather has his Peter the first and Catherine the second, as a joke calls gramless grandchildren.

The grandson grows by a fond of guy, studies insects and chemistry. However, the artist heir to become does not want to make his grandfather, as he considers the acting profession to destroy for desperate.

Today, Sergey Petrovich argues about what a happy life he lived. The actor finds time for a family and work, engaged in the education of Peter and confident that grandchildren became the most important, great happiness in the life.

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