Series "Mediator" (2021) - release date, actors and roles, facts, trailer


The TV series "Mediator", whose release fell on April 16, 2021, will tell about a professional negotiator who can find a common language with people, but the faith in herself. Actors, roles and interesting facts of the project - in material 24cm.


In the center of the plot - Andrei Pavlov, who has passed special preparation and able to establish contact with any person. The main income of the hero receives from private clients who pay so that he pushes people to the right actions.

The talent of the mediator is multifaceted, and the natural flair still as a child was supported by hard relationships with his mother. Feeling the mood of the interlocutor, Andrei is instantly reincarnated in another person, presses the right strings of the soul and solves the task by manipulation.

However, the ethical side of the question of Pavlov worries a little. In his arguments about work there is a share of cynicism and in something he is right. He practices with people only those things that they allow him to do. Solving psychological riddles and plunging into the motives of any actions of other people, the expert goes into work that at times he loses himself and turns out to be on the verge of madness. Adds the drama of the situation and the fact that the loss of loved ones he could not forgive himself.

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Over the project scenario, 2 years worked. Anna Kozlova, known for the series "Short course of happy life" and "Yasmin". The actors involved in the project agreed to participate after they found out who made the screenwriter.

Another argument in favor of filming was the participation of Artem Aksenko as a director. The production chair of the project was divided by Eduard Iloyan, Irina Pineza, Vitaly Hatppo, known for working on multi-sieves projects "Designs" and "Passengers".

The composer Vadim Maevsky worked on the musical, whose melodies can be heard in the films "T-34", "Beauty in impact" and in the TV series "Cold shores".

Shooting started on July 30, 2020, and completed in January 2021. It was planned to extract 10 episodes, but later received information that they would show 16 episodes: in the 1st season - 10, and in the fall, the audience will see another 6. Judging by the statements of young actors on social networks, the shooting of the series was kept secret and information provided dosage, keeping and heated intrigue.

The project was prepared for the Start video service and is represented in the show-case to international purchases on the largest MIPTV media market.

Actors and roles

The main characters in the TV series "Mediator" performed:

  • Andrei Burkovsky - Andrei Pavlov, who became a negotiators due to the ability to establish contact with people;
  • Daria Moroz - Vera, a woman with a sacrificent syndrome, brought up by a despotic father and can manipulate cruelly. She sees a worthy opponent in Pavlov;
  • Julia Peresilde - Masha Rusanova, an employee of power structures. For the mask of a relaxed person in it, the inclinations of sociopath are hidden;
  • Victoria Tolstoganova - Anna, hiding skeletons in the closet and interested in Pavlov to join her team in the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • Irina Star'shenbaum is an Anna's rampant daughter, manipulating and hosting the rules of the game with Andrey.

The series also starred: Daria Melnikova, Mariana Spivak, Evgenia Simonova, Anastasia Mikulchina, Elena Panova, Kirill Zaitsev, Daniel Vorobyov, Anna Kamenkov and others.

Interesting Facts

1. Previously, Artem Aksenko's director worked on such projects as "fog", "Champions: faster. Higher. Stronger "and the series" Lapsey ".

2. The shooting took place in Moscow and the Moscow region. The special pavilion was located in the near Moscow region. It has created a room for interrogations, receiving MIA and a police station with a "cell".

3. The series will be held in the plot of the series on the "death groups" in social networks, and the filmistory is based on the real game "Blue Kit". In addition, love moves will be foreseen, but as Actress Julia Peresilde, "Without daisies under a pillow".

4. Actress Daria Moroz called the series "Mediator" expensive for himself. "The type of role, after which you are morally," the performer of the role of the main character. Daria opened the intrigue and said that for her it is a story about the duel of manipulators.

The actress also admitted that much read about the manipulation and in ordinary life tries to leave the relationships in which the subordination of the will and the game of guilt are traced. "In order not to fall on the manipulation, you need to realize what is an abusive relationship, and bypassing them," the star is displayed.

5. Irina Star'shenbaum noted an unusual manner of work with actors from Aksenenko. "He pulls out of you the things that you have not used before ..." - shared impressions from the shooting of a celebrity, replacing a positive image on the shock. "My heroine is not a victim, does not tolerate the bad manipulation of the Hero of Burkovsky," said Irina Starianbaum about the role of Irina.

6. Before shooting in the series, Julia, Peresilde had to consult with the employee of power structures, which admitted that it came across the questions of sexism at work. "And in our cinema everything is exactly the opposite," the secret of the plot of the actress opened the secrets.

For the executor, the role of the film will affect such topics as indifference, inability to build contact, lack of love, sincerity. "We live in the world of manipulators," the actress summarizes and adds that as soon as it felt glowing to violence, the relationship should be finished.

7. The director of the project built a story in various genres, collecting elements of documentary in the spirit of Alexei German and bringing them to the absurdity, as was customary from David Lynch and Christopher Nolan. The genre of the psychological drama The director of his performance called "the synmatographic eclecticism dictated by an unpredictable plot." And the character of Borkova, despite the controversial actions, also received the authority of the rescuer.

8. The general producer of Eduard Iloyan called the series "Mediator" "story about the strength of persuasion," where the power of the word will be shown, and people who know how to convey ideas are equated to peacemakers. "After all, people say, the weapon does not shoot," says the creator of the project.

9. Before filming Andrei Burkovsky, called the film psychological drama, in which the monologues had to act. And the difficulty for the hero, the performer saw in communicating with simple people, where Pavlov would deal with who hides internal pain and hides behind lies or mask.

10. The series "Mediator" fell in expectations of the audience with a rating of 93 out of 100. In response to the premiere, the project interest is expressed by professional mediators that will not wait to compare their weekdays with what they saw on the screen. Do not stand aside and fans of the major roles that are waiting for the movie with the participation of favorite actors.

The series "Mediator" - Trailer:

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