Vitani (character) - pictures, cartoon, "keeper lion", Kayon, Zira


Character History

Vitani - Devtreagonist Sicvel "King Lion: Simba pride." The lioness from the exiles (outsiders or renegades) is represented by antiheroin, while not deprived of positive qualities.

History of character creation

The plot of the sequel became a logical continuation of the events of the 1st part, demonstrating the life of Praid after the death of the scar and coming to the throne of Simba. The creators of the animation painting were in difficult conditions - Sicvel should not have to give up on the dynamics and entertainment of the 1994 cartoon.

The fight of the throne was once again the fight for the throne. Only this time the screenwriters decided to add a romantic line. A source of inspiration for them was the play of William Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet". As a result, it was possible to successfully show the war of two configuring clans, in which Vitani was a considerable role.

This heroine was originally planned to call Smetani. According to the already established tradition, the creators of the franchise took the name, relying on the tongue of Swahili. It helped to disclose the character of the characters, pointing to their strong features. Shethany means "demon." Such a nickname as the plot studies turned out to be not suitable for describing the detenders.

As a result, the young lion featured Vitani, the meaning of this name is "militant." She truth throughout the cartoon behaves bravely. However, if at the very beginning of its character prevails aggressiveness, then such "angularity" is smoothed to the final.

The character involved in the Keeper Lion cartoon. The concept of the painting was to show the audience missing events between the first two parts of the franchise. In particular, the history of Vitani demonstrated here. According to the scene, the sister Kovu took the post of the leader of the lion's guard, when Kayon (the previous leader) married the wound and became the king of the Tree of Life.

The creators of the militant lioness never allowed the answer to the main question of fans regarding parents, or rather the Father. Direct references to the fact that the daughter of the Zira bleed is connected with the scar, they are not traced anywhere, as well as the facts that contradict this.

Image and Biography of Vitani

The creators of the cartoon in the formation of the character images used not only the semantic associations resorting to ancient languages. Animators also tried to visually display the character and role of this or that hero involved in the plot.

Thus, the positive acting faces of the picture look neat, soft and light shades are dominated in color. Outsiders, on the contrary, are drawn using dark paints. They are characterized by angular shapes, sloppy species and disheveled wool.

Vitani differs in appearance from other renegades. And it is predictable, because her role in the cartoon ambiguously, and the heroine itself passes the complex path of personal growth.

It appears slim, even thin, mobile and maintenance lioness. She has acute claws and developing a greater limb rate, which gives an advantage in the hunt and in internecine wars. In addition to pronounced muscles, the lioness has developed combat skills. All these qualities make the heroine not only a dangerous opponent, but also a worthy heir to the villain of Zira.

As for the color, its dark straw color. Vitani's muzzle issues relations with Zira in it, although its wool is more dense and light. The obvious similarity with the clan traitors is the nose of pointed shape and dark eyelids around the eyes. Individual features of Praida's opponent - freckles. As well as other outsiders, the lioness looks untidy. And the image complements the hoarse voice. Interestingly, in the animated series "Keeper Lion" the character is presented with the same appearance.

In childhood, when the heroine was still far from plans to dismiss Simba, it was distinguished by a vanity body and even more shabby appearance. However, even then she looked greatly on the ziru with sharp features of the face and the characteristic form of the nose. But in the painting of fur - on the paws and stomach - there were cream shades. She also wore a long bang, which slightly covered dark purple eyes.

As an adult, namely when the lioness goes to the side of the Praid residents, she acquires a well-kept and healthy look.

Little Vitani showed negative character traits: aggressiveness, interest in cruelty, getting pleasure from ridicule over brothers. In his youth, the heroine had only one unconditional authority - the mother, which explains a lot.

Yaraya sequence of the rules and laws did not oppose what Cove was destined to become a king. And this gave her a reason to constantly mock Nuko, who felt deprived.

The future husband of Kiara also suffered from cunning sister's tricks. Vitani sought to show his superiority, although when the cow was a baby, gladly looked after him and helped Zira to raise a real leader.

She is self-confident and stupidly unreasonable. The sarcastic character inheritted from mother for a long time plays the role of a mask that does not give the audience to consider true features. However, the audience appreciated the first manifestations of the character's sincerity when she mourned the deceased nuku.

The courage is the most important thing than the heirs of Zira could boast. She bravely rushed into battle, fighting with more experienced tax. And he was not afraid to go against his own mother when she realized that she was ready to kill her for the vengeful plans. So, the heroine became the first of the renegades, which was in love with the speeches in love in Kiara Kov and came against the opinion of his own clan.

Despite the upbringing, innate evilness and aggressiveness, the future head of the lion's guard looked at the situation of the confrontation of outsiders and residents of Praida land. Her mind suggested that it was time for war to finish, so she turned his back without fear to the decranses and stood on the defense of the brother's satellow.

After Vitani joined the speech, her character began to change. She still remained militant and bold. But aggressiveness and ruthless tendencies gave way to prudence, prudence and responsibility. The lioness became more friendly, stopped rushing for everyone who considered worthy of contempt. It touched even Gien.

At the same time, the heroine did not cease to love his mother. Even after Zira threatened her daughter with death, she retained some respect in her eyes. After the death of the leader of Outsiders, the sister Kovu and Nuku was very saddened, but she had enough prudence not to look for guilt and not avenge.

In the animated series, Vitani demonstrated leadership qualities. She quickly set a friendly relationship with the team, effectively established her work and was laughed in dangerous adventures without fear.

Interesting Facts

  • In Russian dubbing, Anna Geller and Aglaya Gershov became a voice in Russian dubbing in the full-length film. The first actress voiced the adult heroine, and the second is a cub.
  • In comics franchise "King Lion" there is a character similar to the daughter of Zira - lion focus. The difference between them lies only in the color of the eyes.
  • In the animated series, the sister Kovu had a gift of the arms of the ancestors, although only members of royal families receive it.


"Nuk! Where is the top? Are you again threw him alone? "" Mom will come into rage! She told you to keep it! "


  • 1998 - "King Lion: Simba Pride"
  • 2016 - "Guardian Lev"

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