Interesting Facts about Vlad Leaves - Children, Channel One, Larry King, Relationship, Transmission


On May 10, 2021, the 60th anniversary of Vladislav Leaves, a journalist and TV host, who gave the audiences of the transfer, which still on the air of the Channel One, was noted. He was considered a man of the future, respected for creative enterprises and admired the ability to live in a positive towel and with attention to the problems of loved ones. Other interesting facts about Vlad Leaves - in the material 24cm.

Threats due to advertising

In the 90s, Vlad Listeyev's name knew the whole country. The journalist managed to turn the idea of ​​interesting television, and the leaves could speak "acute language" and at the same time show sensitivity and delicacy, regarding the interlocutor, which helped to remain "their among others."

It was interesting to prepare the style of the leissee. Even in the format of television interview, he preferred to resort a few minutes before the start of the ether. Without discussed the details of the upcoming conversation, he began the transmission, which heated in the right direction, showing the audience sincerity on the screen.

Such self-confidence was traced behind the scenes. According to the memoirs of colleagues, Vlad could easily say the truth in the eye or play the nerves of influential persons who had something to hide. Television, in the opinion of the journalist, should not be a means of propaganda. Broadcast was planned to make sharp, topical and able to entertain the viewer.

And even serious transformations of the ORT channel journalist with an inherent courage began with an order for the advertizing moratorium in order to break the monopoly of the agencies that received money due to the channel. This initiative caused discontent. Threats began to flow into the leissee.

However, Vlad was not serious about threats. "If I want to kill or smoke me, no bodyguards will save. And I'm not afraid of night robbers. What do I risk if I always have no more than three hundred rubles in my wallet? " - admitted in the interview Vladislav Leaves.

Meanwhile, colleagues warned a journalist about the danger. "Vlad began to think that he is untouchable," Alexander Politkovsky, Colleague Leaf, will say later. And it also served as the cause leading to the death of the TV journalist on March 1, 1995.


In interesting facts about Vlad Leaves, you should add what journalist and the audience, and colleagues recognized the right to make a mistake, because in the TV Crafts of the best pros on the Russian television it was difficult to find.

And even in weakness in relation to the female floor, Listeyev was observed some male grace. Eduard Sagalayev in a narrow circle called Vlad Gusar, justifying the nickname such characteristics as "mustache, several wives, then seemingly ease of behavior and in thoughts."

Alexander Politkovsky journalist looked deeper and saw in a colleague "Lieutenant Rzhevsky", recalling that Vlad was charming and positively tuned man.


Meanwhile, then, in the 90s, Vlad Listev was not only a talented TV presenter and a competent producer, but also a showman who was able to "break through" the Harisma screen and find themselves next to the viewer.

In the memoirs of the contemporaries of Vlad called the inventive journalist, who could find a different angle of view for the topic under discussion, which brought popularity to the leading. Added impressions relevant smile and characteristic nuances of the voice of the showman.

Listeyeva learned on the manner of speaking on the air. And Vladislav Nikolayevich himself turned out to be shocked by the first records for the radio station "INOVATING". From the sound of his own voice, the leaves came to horror, and this feeling, according to the TV presenter, did not disappear.


In an interview with the leaves, he recognized that he loves women. And representatives of the weak floor were frank with TV presenter, sharing such facts from the life that you can hear in the kitchen behind the closed door.

According to the memories of colleagues, the journalist knew how to find a common language with people and supported the relationship after he had a service. If during the call of the leaves the interlocutor complained about bad well-being, then Vlad called back the next day and was interested in how it was.

An interesting facts about Vlad Leaf can be attributed to the fact that the journalist was under the power to help establish relations to unfamiliar people, inviting them to the "field of miracles" as players, or cause a swivel by a non-standard decision when Lydia Ivanova was taken in the "topic". By the way, about 1.5 hours of material, but half were then cut out for the word, with the leaves for the releases of the "Topics".

The producer of Rimma Schulgin recalled that Vlad loved to make gifts and turned out to be a generous man. "I give the poor, although I know: the system of beggar clans is one of the strongest and rich mafia in Moscow," the leaves admitted in an interview.

Recognition of daughter

Officially, Vlad Leaves was married three times. Although even married was not deprived of female attention and, according to a survey of the magazine "Sponak", held the day before the sad events, was recognized as an ideal among Russian men according to Russians.

In the first two marriages, four children were born from the TV presenter. The first son did not live and the day, and the second boy discovered health problems and in 6 years he died from influenza complications.

Although the TV host itself assessed his own paternity as follows: "I am not too caring father. With my daughter from the first marriage I do not see at all. With the nine-year-old son from the second marriage I meet extremely rare. "

The daughter from the first marriage was born when parents had already separated. A month later a girl lived without a name, and his father refused to recognize the relationship, disappearing with radars with a request not to give the baby a wonderful name.

About who her father, Valery found out 7 years after the release of the "Wonderland", pursuing the similarity of the name with the leading transfer. Then mom explained that on the screen of her dad.

According to the memories of Mother's girls, Elena Esina, the first time to lift the baby Vlad Mother, and the father paid the alimony. Finally, the relationship between the former spouses was upset when the leaves asked for a court to reduce payments to the daughter after the birth of the son of Alexander.

Father and daughter never saw, although Lera and dreamed of meeting dad. To organize a meeting with daughter Vlad asked Amaika Akopian, but the meeting was not destined to occur.


Vlad Listeeva was called the imitator and reproached that he copies foreign telecast. However, the creative village of Showman turned borrowed ideas to popular projects.

After filming the release of the program "Carefully, Sobchak!", Dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the death of the journalist, Ksenia noted that the Vlata Leaves listened to various opinions and "Even about the suspenders such a multifaceted".

Indeed, the memorable image of the leaves appeared in the transmission of the "peak hour", although many are confident that this happened for the first time in the "topic". Then it was a reference to the American TV and TV presenter Larry King, who worked in the genre of tele-interview one on one.

In interesting facts about Vlad Leaf, it should be added to the fact that the image of the informal communication of the foreign colleague acquired in the interpretation of the phenomenal showman the Russian component and became in the eyes of the audience, the symbol of free journalism, which still remember.

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