Igor Gundarov - photos, biography, personal life, news, doctor 2021



Igor Gundarov dedicated all the conscious lives of research in the field of demography and medicine. He received fame thanks to loud statements about coronavirus infection.

Childhood and youth

Igor Gundarov was born on May 11, 1947 in the Russian city of Maykop. About his parents and early years of information biography. After graduation, the young man became a student of the Stavropol Medical Institute, then he entered the specialordience to get the right to work in African and Asian countries.

Another field of education Igor became philosophy. He studied in the graduate school of the Institute of Philosophy and defended his thesis, in which he considered the category "Relationship".

In subsequent years, Gundarov continued to improve knowledge in the field of medicine. The scientist visited courses on epidemiology in London and Berlin. Already in 1991, he was awarded the degree of doctor of medical sciences.

Personal life

About the personal life of a man knows little, as he prefers not to talk about it in an interview. According to information from open sources, the scientist is married and is the father of two children.

Medicine and activity

In 1994, the scientist began working as a professor at the Academy of Postgraduate Education, which consisted of almost 10 years. Two years later, he joined the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and received a position in the center of prophylactic medicine at the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

All these years, Igor Alekseevich was studying issues of medicine and demographics, studied articles of Russian and foreign scientists in these areas. He published several books, including "Why dying in Russia, how do we survive?" And the "demographic catastrophe in Russia", which outlined its own point of view for the causes of high mortality of Russians.

According to the concept of a scientist, the source of the problem is dissatisfaction with the standard of living and the atmosphere reigning in the state. In publications, Gundar insists that to improve the situation, the Soviet model of society should be returned.

Gundarov's statements were repeatedly criticized, in particular, for the lack of references to scientific research and insufficient argument, but it did not make a man to refuse belief.

Igor Gundarov now

In early 2020, the scientist became discussed by a person in the media, after shared an opinion on a coronavirus infection pandemic. The doctor said that she was not as dangerous as the authorities declare and even some virologists. Much terrible panic, provoked from the population that a man described as "psychotherrorism".

The words of Guandarov called resonance and became a reason for discussions on the network, including "Instagram", "Facebook" and "VKontakte", where photos and quotes of professors were published. He had both supporters and opponents, but at the same time many wished to invite a scientist on an interview. So, the video with the celebrity appeared on the Yutiub-Channels "TV channel Stalingrad" and "Free Press", he performed in the programs "Time will show" and "Evening with Vladimir Solovyov".

The man said that coronavirus infections existed in previous years, but were less pronounced. The fact is that the flu virus dominated the world, but after an active struggle began with him, other diseases came to replace, including COVID-19. At the same time, the epidemiologist noted that the mortality from it is not so frightening as they say.

As an argument, Igor Alekseevich led the statistics of deaths from pneumonia over the past years. He showed that annually peak falls on January, and it remained unchanged in the 2020th. In addition, it should be borne in mind that pneumonia causes not only coronavirus infection, but also other factors. The problem is that power makes information as if people are massively dying due to COVID-19.

Gundarov criticized security measures, because they almost do not protect against infection, but they provoke panic. And she, as Professor believes, is the cause of deteriorating well-being, because people decrease immunity, and they become vulnerable. But this condition is beneficial to the authorities, as society becomes easier to control.

Quarantine measures Igor Alekseevich also called unnecessary, as well as the status of a pandemic, since the epidemiological threshold was not exceeded. He also criticized forced vaccination and expressed doubts about the effectiveness of the preparations offered.

Professor urged people not to be afraid and use the standard prevention measures - wash his hands, to air the room and more often to be in the sun. Moreover, the man supported Academician Nikolai Filatov, who said that it was not necessary to fix children for quarantine, on the contrary, they should interact and develop immunity to illness.

The scientist remained aside and when discussing amendments to the Constitution. He gave an interview for the PRAVDA.ru portal, which discussed all the added add-ons. The professor called them excessive heavens, in which there is no point.

Now Gundarov has been working in the University of Sechenovsky and continues to share the opinion of public resonant events.


  • 1989 - "Medico-social problems of forming a healthy lifestyle"
  • 1995 - "Why die in Russia, how do we survive?"
  • 1997 - "Paradoxes of Russian Reforms"
  • 1998 - "What to do? : The concept of the revival of Russia "
  • 2001 - "Awakening: Ways to overcome the demographic catastrophe in Russia"
  • 2001 - "Spiritual disaster and demographic catastrophe"
  • 2001 - "Demographic catastrophe in Russia: causes, mechanism, paths overcoming"
  • 2005 - "Causes and ways to overcome the demographic catastrophe in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus"
  • 2009 - "What the president is sick"

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