Sappo - photos, biography, personal life, cause of death, Greek poetess



The ancient Greek Sappo poetess was a native of Lesbos Island, her heritage consisted of melic songs and poems. The Yamba and Elegy Lyrics, preserved in passages and fragments, belonged to the canonical literature over the centuries.

Childhood and youth

Researchers received information about the biography of Greek: Certificates (Testimonia), original chronicles and poems. It was believed that the Sappo was born in Mitylene on the island of Lesbos among the natural beauties created by the will of the Olympic gods.

The birth time poetess is considered to be 625 BC. e., the month and the date scientist failed to establish. In the literary works and works of historians philosophers for information about the first days of life, there was no special place.

Sappo relatives, presumably belonged to the well-known genus of the "new" Hellenian aristocrats from educated families. In their society, according to the extent, traditions were trained by the sciences and art of everyone without exception.

Portrait of Sappo

The father of the poetess scammannonim was a wealthy trader, he contained four descendants and clerical, legitimate wife. The girl grew up among the Arihy Brothers, Larich and Chase, has experienced respect for strength and outstanding mind.

According to the ancient Greek customs described in historical works, boys of noble origin on simposions were brought wine. Probably, at such moments for the youngest of blood relatives with increased interest, a minor Sappo was observed.

The state of reverence experienced in majestic temples developed fantasy poetess and revealed natural talent. The poetic hymns for the choir who spent on the thermal flaggeans knew every theater actor and a lyrical musician.

Girls were dedicated to the Olympic goddes of Artemide, the hostess of forests and water sources of the picturesque Aegean Islands. The early lyrics of poetess studied Timofey Gennadyevich Myakin, an employee of the Novosibirsk laboratory of the history of the ancient and mid-centuries.

At a young age, Sappo with the family left Mitilene and Lesbos due to the fact that Mirssil came to the supreme power - Brutal Tiran. The leading aristocratic families who achieved the overthrow of Pafelides got rid of potentially dangerous titled citizens.

The poetess with brothers and parents was hiding in Sicily, they returned to a small homeland after several years. The beauty of a matured girl, who gained education, made sincere admire the cultural ancient Greek light.

Personal life

A variety of legends, the first beloved, according to legend, was the musician and poet of Alkei, was about the personal life of the Sappo. It was believed that the ancient Greeks were communicated through poetic messages, but the version did not find confirmation from reputable people.

According to some researchers, a courageous and strong sailor, whom the name called Famon sighed in the native of the island. A woman who is completely absorbed by the gentle romantic feelings was waiting for a chosen on the rocks among hazardous stormy waves.

Sappo and alkey

In historical materials, in antiquity collected in the grains, information about the husband was discovered - the representative of the Italian tribes. Andrien Kerick, the father of Cleedis, the only of the children of the poetess, left the family.

In the Golden Epoch of Comedy, Sappo was often portrayed by a libertine who loved women and men. A number of Greek frescoes and art paintings became echoing such an opinion about the creator of poems.

Later in a fragmentary biography, the facts about homosexuality emerged, the orientation of poetess interests scientists so far. Scraps of memories of communication with juvenile girls, taken from the preserved texts, excite an unnecessary dispute.


According to scientists, the Sappo wrote nine collections of poems, but contemporaries judge her by fragments, miraculously reached the present day. Themes of passion, love and separation, characteristic of Elegi, were picked up by Katull, who lived in the Epoch of the Roman Kings.

The untouched merciless times remained three works, distinguished by a variety of genres and a unique selection of words. The merits of the ancient Greek poetess became the introduction of highly estimated by the descendants of new rhythmic samples.

Thanks to this, the love lyrics were performed under unobtrusive music, and the woman was often portrayed with string instruments in their hands. The bright example of this was the fresco "Parnass" Rafael Santi, an Italian painter, who worked in the 1500s.

The Greeks called the poetess the Divine and the Tenth Muse, the ODU "Miliation to the Herie" quoted hundreds of people. The ability to manipulate the minds of noble maidens and young men could envy the king of Ithaca - Waper-free Odyssey.

Along with Anacreontom and Alkem, Sappo became a master of a monodic lyrics, she knew the legend well and the local Lesbian folklore. Many literary works, in particular the ODU "God equal ...", performed well-known actors and traditional ancient choir.

Sappo and Erinna

The poems of the natives of Mitlyan from other authors were distinguished by a passion in natural manifestation and unacted eroticism. In excerpts about love for the girl, the author fully opened the soul, applying allegory, periprase and symbolism.

According to legend, they were dedicated to the young girlfriend Erinna, who wrote the poem "Spread" and a number of sparkling epigram. For a meeting that occurred on the territory of the islands of the Aegean Sea, Sappo gratitude to all ancient Greek deities.

The loss of interest in the cigriers of the official Melic canon became the main reason for the loss of dozen Ellenic poems. Byzantine academics forgot about the lyrics of a talented woman and buried the century-old heritage in the basements of new cities.

Fortunately, excerpts have been preserved in the ancient Egyptian signs found in the grouse of garbage researchers from European countries. In the collections of late Greek authors there were also works of poetess, they were part of a mandatory academic school plan.


About the circumstances and the causes of death, Greek poetess are not known, was the myth that the woman died, voluntarily jumping from the Lefkadian rocks. The tragic suicide was associated with unhappy love for Far, who sailed in the open sea and did not want a relationship.

In art

Sappo attributed to the category of nine greatest Greek lyrics, she was considered a talented author of melodic love poems. Vinjinti Vikentievich Veresaev and Yakov Emmanuilovich Golovasker transferred the hymns and OD in the early 1900s.

Sappo from Lesbos Island

The image of Grechany was perpetuated in cinema and painting, the film "Safo" was popularly in passionate erotic circles. Portraits of the work of Pierre Gerena and Charles of Auguste Menzhen were exhibited in famous places scattered around the world.

In honor of the author "Anthem Aphrodite" called the spectral asteroid, and David Tukhmanov's musician dedicated her whole album. Books, including the works of Kumir Roman, Horace, Lovers of young people read each other before bedtime.

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