Group Generation X - Photo, Creation History, Composition, News, Songs



Generation X is the British group that became famous in the 70s, her frontman was the famous London musician Billy Aidol. A pair of studio albums and a string of successful singles gave the opportunity to reveal a potential talent in Punk Rock.

The history of creation and composition

In the mid-1970s, William Michael Albert Broad, famous to the world as Billy Aidol, recognized a number of interesting people. The guy who played the guitar and fond of literature, had in stock millions of brightest creative ideas.

The leader of the punk rock team Chelsea Gina Oktober at that time required the creator of songs and an educated guitarist. Competitive selection of applicants, together with the frontman, carried out a fan producer and a beginner bassist.

Charisma Billy conquered the regulars of London clubs, and Broad without conversations was adopted in the original composition. As an experiment, the British group recorded the trowes on the tracks of The Beatles - Get Back and All You Need Is Love.

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After a couple of public concerts, William with Drikher John Touie, with the support of Basist Tony James, created their own project. In the history of the creation of the Group, which took the name from the book about generation of the 60s, was a turning point.

At first, inexperienced musicians headed the Accountant ACME attractions - fashion store, known in youth circles. This affected the appearance of the participants of the punk rock team, rehearsing in basements and littered garages.

An enterprising Andrew Chezovski advised guitarist to come up with a sonorous name and reveal the vocal talent. Thanks to the economist from the modest London boutique, Billy Aidol appeared - the great British musician.

The instrumental parties went to Bob Andrewsu - virtuoso, until the mid-70s, playing in the Paradox group. The staffed team trembled to art, the ideas were poured as strikes in such a sport as Thai boxing.

Billy Aidol, growing on the songs of the "Liverpool Four" The Beatles, became the author of melodies and texts that glorified punk rock team. Thanks to this, the plates of the 1970s received a prestigious status - an alternative exclusive.

Generation X was changed for various reasons, Ian Hunter and a number of other famous people were collaborated with the frontman. A concert with guitarist Steve Jones and a drummer Paul Cook became the topic for discussions and retrospective articles.


Generation X debut took place in the winter of 1976 at the improvised site of the school of design and arts. Caverits and new songs performed by a bright team called Students a storm of emotions and feelings.

Chezovski at that time was engaged in the opening of the fashion club "Roxy", the team of Billy Aidola became the first group, which gave a concert there. The creativity of the young British had to do with many people who had undoubted authority in the producer world.

English Entrepreneur John Ingham and Stewart Joseph, a successful promoter, began to cooperate with the band who purchased the weight in society. The songs of Frontman and a guitarist who performed lively, caused professional interest from specialists.

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A pair of businessmen achieved for Billy paid contract with an independent Chiswick Records Studio, known in alternative circles. While working on the material for a full-fledged plate, the participants of the punk rock band literally "stood on the ears."

Dexesia took place in February 1977, the album with the composition of You Generation came out in the same year. Politicized Listen Tracks, Personal TOO, Kiss Me Deadly criticized the views of the British, who were walking in power.

The edition with a white cover immediately acquired popularity, the presentation took place in large English cities. The words of the outstanding compositions of Kleenex and Rady Steady Go caused an add-on in young rapid minds.

During concerts in the crowd and the glass bottles threw on the stage, and some public shows were postponed and canceled. This did not prevent a group that acquired hundreds of fans, in the company The Police and Sting to go beyond the country.

After the international tour and participation in the radio program, Aidol and the producer decided to change the initial composition. The drummer did not fit in the image thanks to the competitive selection was replaced by a young man named Mark (Laffali) Laffe.

Musicians settled in a cozy basement on Fulham Road to create a full-fledged album. Later, the performance of the efforts caused a storm of indignation, the crushing comments in the press left Sir Elton John.

Updated old tracks hit the British charts, the photo artist Barney Babbles decorated a commercial project. The group sitting on the backyards of the London musical alternative, with the release of the official plate came out of the underground.

Billy Aidol was invited to television transfer, which became known to the world called Top of the Pops. There, Generation X received a bridgehead for a good advertising that contributed to the success of the album with the name of Valley of the Dolls.

The genre of the presented compositions went beyond alternatives, chorus and couplets resembled romantic hits. The authors of the songs were accused of betraying punk rock ideals, because new texts were lyrical and simple.

The failure of a commercial project, as well as additional singles forced the offended British to look for support on the side. Tracks King Rocker and Fridays Angels rated dancing lovers, at that time gave the heart to the popular new wave.

In the 80s, the group participants were tormented by creative conflicts, in search of the release, the musicians were hooked on beer and cocaine. The composition of Generation X was in favor of the frontman and vocalist, which led to the rupture of contracts without explaining the reasons.

The last attempt to save the team was the record of a separate single, but the audience did not appreciate the melody Dansing with Myself. The activities of London Pankov, Mixed New Wave and Underground, reminded Rock fans deception.


At the beginning of the 80s, Billy Aidol thought about the solo career and from the filing of producers was going to move over the ocean. Track Dansing with Myself was preserved in a new individual program and got into the best hundred top American programs.

The remaining members of the team resigned with the loss of vocalist, and the original pop punk group ceased to exist. After the decay, Generation X participants gathered to play on the Roxy Club scene for pleasure.

The album Sweet Revenge became the last in the discography of the collective, songs were published on vinyl in the late 90s. The increased interest of music lovers to the music of the 70s led to the exit of collections of rampant rock hits.


  • 1978 - Generation X
  • 1979 - Valley of the Dolls
  • 1981 - Kiss Me Deadly
  • 1998 - Sweet Revenge (recorded in 1979)

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