Wolf Eidelshtein - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Father Vladimir Zhirinovsky



Wolf Eidelshtein - entrepreneur, agronom, father of LDPR LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky. As the nationality of the Jewish, there was citizenship of four countries: the Russian Empire, the USSR, Poland and Israel. In his biography there were many unexpected turns and tragic losses.

Childhood and youth

Wolf Isaakovich Eidelstein was born on April 25, 1907 in Kostopol, Russian Empire, in the territory of modern Western Ukraine. It was a small settlement where only 800 people lived in hundreds of yards. His father Izhak Abrahamovich Eidelstein owned a plywood factory, which exported products to Germany and France. In the first world war at the occupation of Poland, the Germans destroyed the enterprise, but the head of the family took all the equipment to the Urals in time.

Wolf Eidelstein in youth

Kostopol was founded by the ancestors of Wolf along with the Minister of the Royal Court Duke Vercely. Eidelstein's parents were orthodox Jews.

The primary education boy received in the Gymnasium "Targut" in the city of Rivne. In 1921, Vladimir Lenin gave Kostopol independent Poland, and so Wolf first had to change the passport. The guy's red army did not take: he had a vision minus 6. In 1925, Eidelstein entered the Faculty of Law of the Grenoble University of the Iseris Department of France. He also learned on the agronomist, but a lawyer, contrary to legend, never worked.

Personal life

In the personal life of Wolf Isaakovich was at the same time happy, and unhappy.

In 1932, Eidelstein returned from France to Kostopol, where he met the ballerina Lydia Lisovskaya. Young people bathed together, burned fires. Before marriage, the case did not come. Itzhak was against the Son's relationship with Lydia. Wolf agreed to part with her, provided that the family will give the girl material support. She really paid money, while Lisovskaya did not marry the Polish officer.

In 1940, agronomas together with Brother Aron deported to Kazakhstan, and Wolf fell into a labor camp. True, soon the relative collected money and bought it.

In Kazakhstan, a man got acquainted with Colonel NKVD Andrei Zhirinovsky, exiled for some provinces. Soon, Chekist died of tuberculosis, but before his death asked a friend to take care of his wife Alexander and children. In 1945, Wolf married widow. Woman loomed for a long time, as Mourning was still wearing, but in the end handed over. Soon she became pregnant.

Wolf Eidelshtein and Vladimir Zhirinovsky

However, fate again struck. In April 1946, Wolf deported from Kazakhstan to Poland. He was forced to leave the family. Because of the excitement, Alexandra began premature contractions. The birth of the son of Wolf found out from the Soblyuk, who shouted the "joyful" news after the outgoing train. This child was Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Alexandra for another 3 months rewritten with her husband, sent him a photo of his son, but then under pressure the special services was forced to stop contacts.

In 1949, a man immigrated to Israel. Here lived in marriage with a woman named Lola. They did not have children.


In the 30s, Wolf was engaged in business in France for some time, then returned to his homeland. Together with Arone, the dealers engaged in woodworking and field industry. He had three workshops for the primary processing of wood and 74 hectares of land, where Hmel grown agronomist. In 1939, the Soviet power took away all the property from Eidelshtein. In the Kazakhstan link, Father Zhirinovsky worked as a forest specialist in Turksib.

Aron studied at Warsaw University together with the future Israeli Prime Minister Menahen Begin, who helped with emigration. Since 1960, Wolf Isaakovich worked at the company for the sale of chemicals and fertilizers "Amir". He received a decent reason for the time salary - $ 1.5 thousand.


In August 1983, Eidelstein was shot down by bus not far from home. With multiple fractures, he was in the hospital, where he died after 3 weeks. The cause of death became a stroke.

Wolf Eidelshtein in old age

Wife survived Wolf Isaakovich for 8 years. The graves of spouses are near the cemetery in the city of Holon, not far from Tel Aviv.

Zhirinovsky in 2006 presented a lawsuit for the bus company of Israel, demanding compensation for father's death.

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