Svetlana Urozarova - biography, personal life, news, photo, wife Mikhail Shufutinsky, dancer, daughter 2021



The biography of Mikhail Shufutinsky developed in such a way that after two marriages (very short and very long), a man aged 72 years later turned out to be a groom. Svetlana Urozarova, with which he families is families for many years.

Childhood and youth

About childhood and adolescence Svetlana knows little. The future dancer of the show ballet "Ataman", with whom Mikhail Zakharovich stands, was born in Ukraine in 1976. Thus, both Sons of Shufutinsky, David and Anton, older stepmother. From childing, she was engaged in choreography, and graduating from school, moved to the capital of Russia.


Svetlana 20 years gave dancing in the show-ballet "Ataman". Now Urazov has been working as an administrator and PR manager Shufutinsky. The former dancer takes care of the health and physical shape of the chanson - thanks to the diet and swimming the weight of Mikhail Zakharovich in recent years decreased by 30 kg.

Personal life

On the dance to Mikhail Zakharovich, the native of Ukraine came in 1995. Although Shufutinsky has been married to the second wife Margarita Mikhailovna for 24 years, he began to provide signs of attention with a long-legged beauty. No wonder the chanson in one of his horses repeated:

"For lovely ladies, for lovely ladies

Always I am fresh not by year. "

However, Svetlana did not want to break the seven of the artist. The girl tried to arrange a personal life, got married and gave birth to Daughter Arina. The Christian marriage ended in a divorce, and the singer with the dancer gradually got together.

Margarita Shufutinskaya was familiar with Svetlana. Mikhail Zakharovich managed to maintain a balance and be at the same time a caring husband of elders from women and a mentor of the younger.

In 2015, Margarita Mikhailovna died suddenly. Mikhail Zakharovich found out about the death of spouse on tour in Israel and immediately flew to Los Angeles. The singer grumbled about the death of many years of life's companion and did not want to see anyone. To withdraw Shufutinsky from the depression was able to ulosza.

In 2016, Mikhail Zakharovich's novel and Svetlana told the girlfriend of the dancers. The singer did not hide that a new love came to his life, but the questions about the wedding missed that too young to marry.

For the first time, Mikhail Zakharovich presented Svetlana as the beloved in November 2019 on a banquet on the occasion of the presentation of the Victoria Music Prize. And about the fact that Shufutinsky calls his wife's companion, it became known on September 26, 2020 on the program Andrei Malakhov "Hello, Andrei!". The announcement of the transmission posted on the page in the "Instagram" actress and TV presenter Tatyana Vedeneev, who, together with Mikhail Zakharovich, voiced the spouses-kings in the cartoon "Brave Heart."

Shufutinsky and Urazov not only admitted to the program to each other in love, but also reported that they regularly work on the advent of children. " Singer's surprises were the appearance in the studio of his teacher on the music school named after Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov and video call with the first wife of Chance Tatiana Rostova, the marriage with which was last 3 months.

The former spouse said that he keeps good memories of Shufutinsky, and showed wedding photos. Tatiana returned the ring with Rubin, who belonged to the tragically deceased mother of the singer, who Mikhail gave her, being a fiance. The singer put on the finger of Svetlana Svetlana.

In the media, the information was instantly spread that the singer was married for the third time, despite the lack of any wedding photos in the network. Refuted information about Marriage Mikhail Zakharovich in April 2021 in the transmission of the "secret to a million".

Svetlana's civil husband took her daughter from the first marriage as a native. True, before the official announcement of relations, lovers hid the connection from Arina. Interestingly, Urozarov and Shufutinsky and today are diverted in the testimony about the duration of their union: everyone considers it in its own way when mutual sympathy has grown into something more.

Visiting Lera Kudryavtseva Svetlana to the question of leading about the desire to get married: those times when every girl wanted to become official wife, passed. But the singer hurried to comment on the answer of the civilian wife, promising that he would immediately go to the registry office if she says: "I want!".

Svetlana Urozarova now

Svetlana, unlike his star beloved, prefers not to share with the press details of a personal life. But her career successes are visible to the naked eye: from the moment she became a personal manager of the singer, Shufutinsky was very transformed - she was rareling, replaced the wardrobe.

Now Urazov is focused on husband's health due to the designated problems with the spine. At the same time, it does not allow the chosen one to fall in spirit, supporting his desire to give birth to a child.

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