Bill Heider - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor, Comedian 2021



Bill Heider - American comedian, actor and director. The creative actor also managed to be implemented as a producer and the script. In his piggy bank, several AMMI premiums, a nomination for the Golden Globe and the Pibody Award, the Prize of the Guild of Directories and Wizards of the United States. Artist's filmography is full of secondary roles in the full-length paintings and TV shows. He also tried himself in the voicing of cartoons.

Childhood and youth

William Thomas Heider was born on June 7, 1978 in the city of Tulsa, located in the American state of Oklahoma. Bill name - abbreviated from William. The mother's mother was a dance teacher, and his father tried himself in different roles: from the owner of a logistics company to a trucker, from the restaurant manager to the stand-comic comedian. The family was brought up 2 daughters, the younger sisters Heider - Katie and Kara.

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Bill Heider got primary education at Patrick Henry School. Then he studied in Edison schools and Kassa Hall. The guy graduated from the Institute of Arts Phoenix and Scottsdale College.

Personal life

In 2006, the comedian married the director and writer Maggie Carey. At first, the personal life of the couple was excellent. In 2009, their firstborn, the daughter of Hannah appeared. After 3 years, Harper was born, and in 2014 Haley. Despite the fact that Bill and Maggie became parents of 3 children, realizing that their union had exhausted themselves, the spouses decided to divorce. The application was pleased with Heider, and his wife was not against. In 2018, they officially broke up.Embed from getty images

Some time, the artist met with a colleague Rachel Bilson. Some time, the artist met with a colleague Rachel Bilson. Photo in the company actresses appeared in the press and in the artist fan account in "Instagram". The relations of the stars did not stand the test of time and ended earlier than the couple had time to celebrate the first anniversary.

The growth of the actor is 185 cm, and the weight is 80 kg.

Humor and creativity

As a child, Heider watched his father's scenic experience and dreamed of trying himself in the comedy genre. Ambitions pushed him to move to Los Angeles. The novice artist was in the Commiss-group Second City. The team was popular in narrow circles, because his members have repeatedly appeared on the air show Saturday Night Live.

In the youth, the actor performed at IO West, and in parallel he participated in the creation of DVD Empire of Dreams: The Story of the Star Wars Trilogy and Colladeral Damage, as well as realize The Surreal Life. Acquaintance with Megan Mulali, who has noticed Heider on a speech with comedians from Anovels From The Future, has become the beginning of a new stage in his creative biography.

In 2005, the artist made his debut in Saturday Night Live, and then became recognizable, thanks to the parodies on celebrities. He changed his face, reincarnated in Al Pacino, Charlie Sheen, John Malkovich and others. 2012 brought the Contractor a nomination for "Emmy". Bill claimed the prize as the best actor of the second plan in the comedy TV series.

The artist is partweed with Kristen Wig. After the departure of the colleague from the show, their joint sketches were removed from the ether. Television was not the only niche in which the comedian tried to realize. In 2006, the film "He, I and His Friends" came to the screens, in which Heider got a secondary role. At the site, he collaborated with Matt Dillon and Owen Wilson.

The talent of the artist noted the directors, and Bill began to invite to shooting in comedy projects. Gradually, his filmography was replenished with ribbons "Lot of pregnant", "Solomon Brothers", "Superpets". The role in the last picture increased the popularity of the actor. He was often invited to popular TV show. The comedian was busy in projects "in the span" and "Pineapple Express: I sit, smoke." Then followed participation in the "Soldiers of Failure", "Parks of Culture and Rest".

Being married to Maggie Carey, Bill Heider created several copyright short films, having tried himself as a producer and director. In 2009, he was involved in the films "Start of time" and "Night in the Museum - 2". The 2010 was marked by shooting in the film "Scott Pilgrim against All". Bill worked on the voice acting, embodying the image of a voice that sounded behind the scenes. By this time, the artist had an experience of voice acting "Cloudy, precipitation in the form of meatballs" and "Ice Age - 3: Era dinosaurs".

In 2012, Hader was invited to shooting in "People in Black - 3". In the frame, the performer embodied Andy Warhol. From 2013 to 2019, the actor worked on the voice acting cartoons. Among the full-length paintings with his participation, there were little projects known in Russia. The comedian participated in the creation of Kinokartin "Gemini", "Maggie Plan", "Mighty Rangers".

In 2019, the premiere of "it - 2" with Bill Scarchard in the role of Penniveza, James McEevia and James Ranson, which embodied the central characters. Finn Wolfeard, who played Hero Heider as a child, starred in the tape.

The public was also presented to Kinokartin "Noel" with the participation of Bill Heider.

The activity of the actor was not limited to work in the cinema and on television. The authorship of the comedian belongs the script The Line Crackle. He also acted as a consultant when creating the 12th season of the animated series "South Park" and received Emmy as one of the project producers. In a duet with a network Myers, Bill wrote a story, the chief hero of which was Spiderman, Spider-Man: The Short Halloween.

Heider participated in the voice acting of the 4th season of the animated series "Ventura Brothers" and presented his voice the hero of the GRAND THEFT AUTO IV computer game. In 2011, the actor acted as the lead show Essentials, JR, and in 2015, together with colleagues on Saturday Night Live, released a pseudocumental project called "Documentation Today!".

Bill Heider now

At the 2020th, the premiere of the cartoon "Family Addams - 2" is scheduled, in which Bill voiced Sairus. Now the artist continues to be filmed in movies and on television, and also participates in the creation of media products behind the scenes.


  • 2007 - "A little pregnant"
  • 2007 - "Superpersians"
  • 2009 - "Park of Culture and Rest"
  • 2009 - "Night in Museum 2"
  • 2009 - "Start of time"
  • 2011 - "Gender: Secret Mother"
  • 2012 - "People in Black 3"
  • 2013 - "Who to sleep with?!"
  • 2013 - "The disappearance of Eleanor Rigby"
  • 2014 - "Gemini"
  • 2014 - "They came together"
  • 2014 - "The disappearance of Eleanor Rigby"
  • 2015 - "Love Caps"
  • 2015 - "Girl without complexes"
  • 2015 - "Maggie Plan"
  • 20182019 - "Barry"
  • 2019 - "It 2"
  • 2019 - "Noel"

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