Oksana Caras - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Director 2021



On October 22, 2020, in Russian rental, the biographical drama "Dr. Liza" with Chulpan Hamaya and Konstantin Khabensky was published - a new "story about a real man", which was Elizabeth Glinka. The director Oksana Caras during work on a movie circuit was talked and consulted with a widow of a resuscitator doctor Gleb Glinka. Therefore, as a result, it turned out that 80% of the film was based on real events.

Childhood and youth

On June 19, 1979, Kharkivchanina Mikhail Karasa (the director subsequently hesitated the sofngth of a soft sign) Daughter Oksana was born. A few months later, the student's spouses together with the child moved to Kazakhstan: a graduate of the Jai was sent to develop atomic engineering. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the head of the family remained in the current Aktau, and his mother went to Moscow with the heirement, where she graduated from the capital school No. 1284.

In many films, celebrities found a real fact of her biography. For example, in a "good boy", childhood was reflected in the mid-90s, and in the "above the sky" - a difficult relationship with the mother.

"I have a very talented beautiful mother, but she is very strong, authoritarian, I would even say, in some questions despotic. I understand that I am my daughter my mother, and it never rejected. I know how much she gave me a lot, he taught a lot, and even, maybe these lessons were learned in the fight against her, "the artist told the artist in an interview.

When it came to be determined with further education, the girl in advance of the parent will was going to enter the Faculty of Law, sincerely dreaming to become a lawyer. In Moscow State University and the Law Academy, the ambitious attorient did not have a single score to the day office. But she did not lower her hands, in a year she conquered Rudn and settled to work on television.

The native of Ukraine worked on the "NTV-Plus Sport", where the artistic director of the Canal Anna Dmitrieva turned out to be the main mentor. The woman saw in young ward a huge potential, having trusting the creation of a ribbon on the runner of Paavo Nurmi in Finland.

Over the next decade, Oksana mastered the profession of the editor, the correspondent leading (Star Tuesday program), the commentator, covered the summer Olympiad in Sydney and did not cease to shoot documentary projects. Then he moved to the "culture", led the program "ClaySet" and drove into the Cannes and Berlin film festivals as a film resource.

Upon completion of the first university, she filed documents to VGIK, hitting the workshop of Game Cinema Game Film Valery Lonsky. At first, the Institute of Cinematography named after Sergei Gerasimov was angry with something inaccessible, but they eventually accepted here at once, it was worth only to appear.

Personal life

"Sergey Makhilsky is a large artist, one of the coolest operators-producer in Russia. There are not so many like matters. We met 3 years ago on the set and during this time they managed to remove the series, three full meters, short films and give birth to two sons, "the director was divided in 2019.Before acquaintance with the main hero of personal life, blue-eyed blonde consisted of long-term relations with his colleague Viktor Nabutov and on May 12, 2010 gave birth to daughter. October 15, 2017 Oksana and Sergey welcomed Sasha, and on July 1, 2019 - Petya, whose photos now more often fill on the artist's page in Instagram.
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The celebrity confessed in an interview that I had to combine work with the upbringing of children and take kids who were in breastfeeding, with me to the set. Only when the eldest son turned 9 months old, Karas decided to contact the nanny services.

Among her favorite films, "Flights in a dream and reality", "Rodna", "Conformist", "Fight Club", "Forrest Gump", "Rain Man", "Red Desert", "Sweet Life", "Sung Drozd lived "," Last breathing ". To Matrah, by which it will never pass, include Joel and Itan Cooney, Pedro Almodovar, David Fincher, Paolo Sorrentino, Kim Ki Duk, Lars von Trier, Jean-Pierre and Luke Dardenn, Andrei Zvyaginsev and Alexander Sokurov.

It was also famous for Joseph Brodsky very loves and would like to tell the audience about Alexander Blizzard and Boris Pasternak.


In 2008, Caras acted as a director of several series of "brothers - detectives" and a short "casting", where he also tried their strength in writing the script. The last kinocartine was successful and won the Grand Prix of the International Festival "Unprecedented Cinema" in Estonia.

In 2013, Oksana Mikhailovna put her hand to the "missing" (the episode "I want to remain invisible"), removed, starred and worked on the text of "rehearsals", where the main roles got Nikita Efremov and Alexander Vinogradova. Having visited the actress in the short "journey of Fedor in Moscow of the beginning of the XXI century," she spent and twisted the world of a "good boy."

The "Kinotaur" triumph and the owner of the 3rd place at the Vyborg Account Competition in the framework of the "window to Europe" was conceived in 2010 and represents the comedy of the upbringing of feelings, and the drama of adulthood, and a melodrama with a detective component. The most, according to the recognition of the Creator, had to suffer with the final, making a choice in favor of the "violent Heppi End."

In the filmography of the natives of Kharkov, the Princess Muay Thai, Icebreet, "as big", "not a wedding journey", "Karp frostbitten". In addition, there are the series "Excellent", which inspired the tape "I am twenty years old" Marlene Huziyev, and the titled "Angela Angela", where the audience was waiting for a meeting with Semen Trescukun.

Oksana Karas now

After a little over a year after the premiere of "above the sky", history and about young heroes, and about adults, where important psychological topics are filed with a smile and irony, Dr. Liza "Dr. Liza" was published.

For the first time, the biographical drama, based on the plot of which lies one day from the life of Elizabeth Glinka, was shown in September 2020 at the "Kinotavra", from where she took the prize of visual sympathies.

Cinematographer returned from the film festival, attacked journalists. And in a conversation with them, Caras declassified the nuances of the work and told about the plans for the future. For example, after Chulpan Hamatova gave its categorical consent, the scenario had to be changed by 80%, eliminating the "ELIA intonation of the narration".

Oksana Mikhailovna completed the shooting of the series "Okinnitsa" about corruption in the Ministry of Health, confessing that in his thoughts she has another specific project.


  • 2008 - "Brothers - detectives"
  • 2013 - "Missing Love"
  • 2013 - "Rehearsals"
  • 2016 - "How big"
  • 2016 - "Not Wedding Travel"
  • 2016 - "Good boy"
  • 2017 - "Excellent"
  • 2018 - "Angela Angrina"
  • 2019 - "Above the sky"
  • 2020 - "Dr. Lisa"
  • 2021 - "Official"

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