Sabina Gazeva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Wife Vladimir Mārukov 2021



On the night of November 2, 2020, Vladimir Marugov, Vladimir Marugov, died in his country site from the hands of two malice. The attack was committed when an entrepreneur, together with the Civilian wife, Sabina Gazeva was in the bath. The criminals tied the pair, but in the end the woman managed to escape to the neighbors and cause the police. Soon the criminal investigation officers detained one of the suspects, which was Alexander Mavridi, who became familiar to the former wife of the murdered.

Personal life

Romantic relations between Gazeva and Magov rose from service - a fairly long time in the professional biography of the girl was listed by the company "Internet wine". When the entrepreneur had a conflict with a former friend and his companion Evgeny Rybin (the latter tried to initiate a criminal case), he came from Russia with Sabina.

Sabina Gazeva and Vladimir Marugov

Upon returning to the Motherland, it became known that a businessman's companion became pregnant. After that, the "sausage king" left the legitimate wife, which turned out to be a strong blow. The son of Alexander, tragically died in an accident in the summer of 2019, in a difficult situation fell on the side of the mother.

"Half of our life in our bed lied another woman. There was a parallel life - buying cars, apartments. During the divorce, the husband showed unheard of generosity, leaving a country mansion on Rublevka, an apartment in the center of Moscow and even a sausage factory, because our son is his only heir, "Tatiana Mugova said in an interview.

However, later a man changed the initial decision, and litigation, more reminding war, resumed with a new force. The conflict was even discussed on the TV channel "Russia-1" in the framework of the program Andrei Malakhov "Direct Ether".

Despite the official divorce and the emergence of two common children, Vladimir Vyacheslavovich was not in a hurry to officially appear with the beloved.


In 2013, Sabina Ramizovna became the founder of Russian Winemal LLC, in 2017 - General Director of Internet Wines, and in 2018 he took a similar position in K-import. All organizations traded alcoholic beverages, including beer and ethyl alcohol. From October 3, 2019, it was listed by an individual entrepreneur.

According to some reports, it was after the birth of the first child of Marugov rewrote his wine company to the cohabitant.

Sabina Gazeva now

At the time of the crime in a country house, located in the village of Anosino Istrinsky district of the Moscow Region, Vladimir Vyacheslavovich was together with the Civil Wife, Children and Mother (the parents of the businessman and Nanny Philipins lived in the cottage). The latter later recalled that the son did not want to go to the bath, but the daughter-in-law insisted.

As a result, yielding to persuasion, the man went there along with his wife and child. A businessman grabbed when he stayed in a room with a cohabitant. The attackers tied the owners and demanded money, but a woman managed to free themselves, jump out into the window and escape to the neighbors, where she appealed to the police. Vladimir received a fatal wound from the crossbow, and the killers disappeared by throwing a car in the territory of the neighboring village.

Sabina Gazeva and Vladimir Marugov

Mother and beloved Magovov do not associate his death with entrepreneurial activities, believing that it was ordinary robbery. Now the investigation is working on all possible options, not in a hurry to endure the verdict and take into account the strange details of what happened. There is an assumption that the robbery attack is just a draw in order to eliminate the oligarch.

"Certain matters causes the behavior of a businessman's cohabitant. From her words, criminals tied them with Marugov and began to beat him, demanding to issue a cache with money. And allegedly she managed to free his feet from the rope and escape. At the same time, it is clear that the criminals knew exactly where and why they go. Someone brought them, "the Source of Law Enforcement Sources said to" Komsomolskaya Pravda ".

Moscow Komsomolets also focused on the behavior of 36-year-old Gazeva. First, only she saw the gangsters, secondly, before a conversation with the investigator diligently discharged (or even removed) from the phone certain numbers.

It is also known that recently the personal life of the couple did not differ in harmony and tranquility: quarrels were frequent due to the bad habits of Sabina Ramizna. Questions caused her frequent trips to St. Petersburg. However, on June 28, 2021, the program "In fact", experts found out that Gazeva is not accessed for the murder of Mugov.

On November 2, 2020, at 17:30 Moscow time, employees of the criminal investigation department of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Moscow region detained the first suspect in murder. Alexander Mavridi (Greek by nationality) was a native of Kazakhstan, but for a long time lived in Moscow. The attacker accounted for a long-standing acquaintance Tatiana Marugova.

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