Bo Biden - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Son Joe Bayden



The elected 46th US President Joe Biden is a large father. The eldest son Bo Biden went on his footsteps - became an American lawyer and a democrat politician. Accepted by him as the general prosecutor of the state of Delaware's strategic decisions helped enter into prison many criminals. It remains only to guess how much useful would this person manage to do if in 2015 he did not kill Glioblastoma.

Childhood and youth

At birth, politician received a noble name - Joseph Robintet (Bo) Biden III. He was born on February 3, 1969 in Wilmington, Delaware.

The presidential son has ever known what loss is. On December 18, 1972, the family fell into a serious car accident. As a result, Boiden lost her mother Nauli Hunter and Sister Naomi (1971. R.). Politician himself and his brother Hunter (1970 R.) Miraculously survived, although without serious injuries it did not cost.

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After this tragedy, Joe Biden plunged entirely into the care of her sons, forgetting about his career and personal life. It was enough to mature, they began to insist that the father would not get into himself and found a woman. The guys were asked a question straightforward: "When are we going to get married?".

In June 1977, Maja Bayden appeared stepmother - Jill Stevenson (in Maiden - Jacobs), educational teacher. After 4 years, his Soviet sister Ashley Biden was born.

From the early years, Boiden followed the footsteps of the Father. They even have the same educational institutions: Archmir Academy and Legal College of the University of Syracuse. In 1991, the Presidential Son also received a diploma of the University of Pennsylvania.

Personal life

In 2002, Halley Oliver became his wife Bo Bayden. Two children were brought up in the family. The first in 2004 the daughter of Natalie Naomi appeared. Her second name is a tribute to the memory of the deceased sister policy. In 2006, they met the heir, Robert was called him.

Politician has never endured a personal life for everyone to see. For him, Halli Oliver did. I did not have time to remove mourning for the deceased spouse, as a romantic relationship with his brother Hunter Biden. Woke 2017 year.

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A flurry of condemnation fell on a couple. First, at that time, the junior presidential son was still married to Kathleen Bul, although she was preparing for the divorce. Secondly, his personality is odious. In the service record of Hunter Bayiden - scandalous intervention in the internal policy of Ukraine, alcohol and narcotic dependence.

In April 2019, Halley Oliver put an end to the relationship. This date strangely coincided with the statement of Joe Bayden about the intention to participate in the 2020 presidential race.


Immediately after release from the Law College of the Syracuse University Bo Biden, I got a clerk to Stephen McPoliff - the district judge of New Hampshire. By 1995, experience was enough to go to the US Department of Justice. At first, the presidential son worked as an adviser to the management of policy development, then as the federal prosecutor.

In 1999, after the Kosovo war, Bo Biden worked on the spot on behalf of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). He was engaged in the selection and training of judges and prosecutors for the judicial system of a new partially recognized Republic of Kosovo.

Wanting to expand his knowledge and powers, in 2003 Bo Biden entered the Law Center and the School of the General Lawyer Judge at the University of Virginia. Home Discipline Here - Military Law. "Students" also pass military service. The presidential son fell into US troops.

The unit sent to Iraq at the same time, when Joe Biden was elected to the post of US vice president. In his speech, the politician admitted that he did not want to let his son go to the hot spot. Bo Biden served the time limit and returned in September 2009. In the lapel of his shape shone a combat award - "Bronze Star". She is awarded for a heroism manifested on the battlefield.

Before you go to Iraq, Bo Biden successfully ran into the post of Prosecutor General of Delaware. In the pre-election company of 2006, he told, as intends to fight sex criminals, Internet pirates, a cruel appeal with the elderly and domestic violence. The presidential son bypassed his opponent only 13 thousand votes, which is 5%. During the service in a hot spot, His duty was performed by Richard S. Galelin.

In 2008, Joe Biden became vice president of America. Then the rumors began to walk that his chair in the US Senate would inherit the eldest son. Politician warned by tricking:

"I sincerely believe that my son, the General Prosecutor of Delaware, will be the great senator of the United States. But, barely entering public life, he clearly gave me to understand - he intends to seek any position. "

Bo Biden really considered the opportunity to run into the US Senate. But refused to focus on the prosecution of Earla Bradley - minors serial discern. He was convicted of 14 lifetimes and another 165 years in prison without the right to early liberation.

Another loud service of Bo Bayden was the persecution of Robert Richards IV, the heir to the powerful family of Delaware. The Prosecutor General accused a man in sexual violence over his juvenile daughter and recommended to appoint 20 years in prison as a punishment. As a result, Robert Richards IV concluded a deal: he recognized himself guilty in exchange for 8 years of convention.

The eldest son of the 46th president of the United States explained that against Robert Richards IV was not irrefutable evidence, so the judge "showed a reasonable prudence."

In 2014, Boiden refused to run for the 3rd term as the Protection Prosecutor General. But I decided to claim the governor's chair of this state. Probably conceived would have succeeded, if not illness and sustainable death.


In May 2010, Baiden was hospitalized to Newark, Delaware, with complaints of headache, numbness and paralysis. Officials then stated that the politician suffered a stroke. The truth was opened only in August 2013: the presidential son was diagnosed with brain cancer.

Operational intervention, radiation and chemotherapy allowed to suspend the growth of malignant tumor. However, on May 20, 2015, Boiden was emergency to have been hospitalized. He died at Walter Rita Medical Center in Betiesd, Maryland, 10 days later. The cause of death is a recurrence of glioblastoma.

The funeral of the 46-year-old son Joe Bayden took place on June 6, 2015 in the Roman Catholic Church of St. Anthony of Paduansky in the hometown of the deceased. Judging by the photographs, the farewell ceremony visited the current US President Barack Obama with his family. He noted that Bo Biden "did in 46 years old that most of us would not be able to do in 146."

The grave policy is located in the Church of St. Joseph in Greenville, Delaware.

It is no secret that Bo Biden was a favorite son. After his death, the 46th president of the United States put a cross on the family conversations.

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