Anastasia Zaharine-Yuryeva (Anastasia Romanovna) - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, wife Ivan Grozny



Anastasia Zaharin-Yuryeva was the first woman from the Romanovsky dynasty, who had achieved a high position and asked for the royal throne. Ivan IV's IV's Grozny's wife did not do, she became famous as a skilled craftswoman and mother of the sovereign Fyodor I blissful, which was ruled in 1584-1598.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia Zaharin-Yuryeva, more well known as Anastasia Romanovna, according to Russian historians, was born in the early 1530s. The date of birth of the future queen, according to the church sacresses, was considered the day of the Martyr Ustina, which dropped out on October 2.

The father of the girl, whose biography began in the Moscow principality, was the regional ruler of Vasily III Roman Yuryevich Koshkin-Zhanov-Yuriev. The mother of the boyfriend Ulyana Fedorovna was the second or only wife of the court minister of the sovereign. The woman, presumably, who came to the daughter of Publicist and the diplomat Fedor Ivanovich Karpov, raised and raised numerous offspring and went to the Ascension Monastery.

Uncle Mikhail was considered a remarkable figure, the uncle Mikhail was considered, who performed the guardian responsibilities for the minor heir to the throne of John. They said that a powerful relative influenced the fate of the niece and contributed to the elevation of the Romanov dynasty.

The well-being of the family also reflected the fact that in the mid-1530s, the breadwinner received rank governors. Sons of Danil and Nikita, who were the brothers of Zakharian-Yuryeva, went on the father's footsteps.

The death of a man whose promotion was reflected in the discharge books, made the widow to their independently take care of the children. Anna's older daughter was given to his wife by Vasily Andreevich Sitsky, and the younger Anastasia sent a brides, arranged by a 16-year-old Ivan IV, which was taking the kingdom and received from the hands of Metropolitan Makariya Momomacha and other symbols of power.

Personal life

Following the ancient Russian traditions, the new ruler of the Moscow state in search of a decent spouse turned to the Boyars and Princes. Diplomas that marked the governors to take away worthy contenders, in 1547 scattered on major estates and cities.

As a result, young people were brought to the Kremlin chambers. There in the presence of the boyars and the courtie, the "final tour" was a glance.

According to legend, obeying the Council of the Spiritual Lord of All Russia and the guardian of Mikhail Zaharine, the son of Vasily III drew attention to the young Anastasia, distinguished by beautiful appearance and meek temper. The girl with low growth, the correct features of the face and dark hair fascinated the new king.

Historian Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, who studied archival documents, wrote that it was not an origin, and the personal qualities of Zakharian-Yurieva influenced the final choice. The daughter of the rally and the governors possessed such virtues as humility, piousness, chastity and a solid mind.

Parents gathered a dowry, supplemented by royal gifts. In the jewel box with jewels, there were golden crosses, stones earrings, carved bracelets, crests and openwork belts. However, the boyars were counted that the bride who did not belong to the originally noble race, disgraces the honor of the Moscow branch of Rurikovich, the descendants of Dmitry Donsky and Ivan I Kalita.

Despite the opinion of the approximate, the son of Vasily III was brought in marriage with Anastasia Romanovna. The girl brought up by his mother was a devotee and loyal wife. During the years of actual rule, the Moscow principality and the Russian state, the Queen, occupied by the device of personal life, was concerned about the husband and family.

The first wife of Ivan Grozny had a terr with maids. Women organized a workshop and spent time after the face sew. The manufacture of portraits of the Saints of the Great Martyrs was the main creative direction. Faces, distinguished by historical accuracy, appeared on the shields, the cover and the glory.

The process was briefly interrupted when the queen was pregnant and gave birth. Anastasia Romanovna and the Sovereign had six joint children.

Anna, Maria, Dmitry and Evdokia died in infancy. Ivan, who became the hero of the famous picture of Ilya Repin, according to legend, was killed by his father during a quarrel. Fedor I, John, who received the nickname, blissful, in May 1584, was elected Russian king on the side of the Zemsky Cathedral.


The health of Anastasia Romanovna, heavily restored after the emergence of each child, by the end of the 1550s left much to be desired. The state aggravated the negative attitude of the boyars.

In 1559, the Queen was seriously ill. The husband, quarreling with advisers and concerned about Moscow fires, took the spouse in Kolomenskoye and stayed with her for several days.

The death of Zakharian-Yuryeva for unknown reasons was deprived of Ivan the Terrible Cancer. During the funeral at the grave in the Ascension Monastery, located on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin, many people gathered. The subjects became eyewitnesses of genuine burning of the sovereign, sobbing and barely keen on the legs.

In subsequent years, the memories of the loss turned pale, but Ivan IV did not forget about the first chosen. Outlooking the character, widower compared with Anastasia Romanovna Maria Temryuknu, Marfa Dog, Anna Kolovtskaya and other mistresses and legitimate spouse.

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