Olga Leibman - biography, personal life, photo, news, businesswoman, "instagram", husband 2021



Olga Leibman - Businesswoman, Slebny Lioness, TV presenter. Making money in the field of medicine, the woman has developed its own diet. The results reported in "Instagram", publishing the photo where she demonstrated a slim figure in a swimsuit and fitting dresses. There he recorded a moraph of losing weight of everyone.

Childhood and youth

Olga Leibman was born in Kostroma on June 12, 1973. Parents occupied work specialties.

In the youth moved to Moscow, where he began the work biography of the seller of watermelons at the grocery market. By the formation of the actress and television speaker. I went to castings, hoping to get a role in the movies or to play in advertising. Then he got into the program "Store on the sofa", where sold the belt from dog wool. Then she led the restaurant rating, told the audience, where you can eat.


Olga Leibman tried himself in different spheres. Engaged in a construction and dance business. He managed the hotel, a restaurant "Caprice", led the call-centers. Holded the largest model agency VIDI Vici in Moscow.

The largest project of the entrepreneur was the Medical Center Meramed. His departments appeared in Moscow, Odessa, Kiev, Almaty.

There were many patients who had overweight problems. And Laibman, at the time herself fought with a similar problem: with height, 163 cm was gaining up to 90 kg. But gradually, watching patients, has developed a slimming system. Now its weight on average holds at a mark of 52 kg.

The essence was to eat, but often. You need to eat once an hour with small portions. The menu included fruits, cottage cheese, vegetables, yogurts. It was also necessary to take vitamins and play sports.

To try out the methodology, the businesswoman created the experimental group of "Costainka", consisting of friends who agreed to risk. For example, Olga's son-in-law dropped 13 kg, Cola - 16 kg.

In January 2018, the millionaire was on the ether of the Men's / Women's program. The ether was dedicated to the secular lionesses that earned huge states. Labman's house on Rublevka, in which 11 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms, Alexander Gordon compared with the Hermitage.

Personal life

Leibman's first husband was the Footballer of the Moscow Club "Dynamo" Sergey Nekrasov. His salary was $ 30 thousand. The daughter of Esther was born in marriage. Olga's spouse in 2003 opened the clinic to rehabilitate patients with a musculoskeletal system. Soon the husband fell ill, and the lady had moved away from affairs, and the management of the company was transferred to the friend's friend Valentina Solynikov. The partner did not cope with the leadership, and during the 2008 crisis, the company broke.

The second husband of a secular lioness became a businessman from the United States Vladimir Labman. Olga met him at the restaurant in 2009. The marriage in which two children appeared, ended in a divorce after 5 years. The reason was the drug addiction of the spouse.

In 2018, Olga married Kirill Yakovleva, who was younger than her for 17 years. At the time of the meeting with the future wife, he worked in strength structures and earned 30 thousand rubles. per month. The man met Labman on the Internet and persistently sought her attention. Soon she had doubts about satellite loyalty.

On November 22, 2018, the program "In fact" dated November 22, 2018, the businesswoman met the girl who said that she was pregnant from a young man. Checking at the polygraph showed that the feelings of Yakovlev were sincere, he loved Olga.

After some time, the business woman again decided on changes in his personal life, broke up with Kirill and began relations with Vasily Tarabanko. With him, the lady is also a big difference in age.

And in April 2021, in the studio show "In fact," Roman Olga was discussed with Andrei Kuranov, who are 11 years old. At the time of shooting the program, he already lived in her mansion, and the couple even thought about the wedding.

Olga Labman now

In August 2020, Labman, answering subscribers' questions in "Instagram", was mentioned that she once lived in Baku, where she had a novel with Minister of Sports Azad Ragimov. Her words became one of the most discussed topics in Azerbaijan. Since the minister - a married man, a secular lioness had to declare that the love relationship was not.

On September 22, 2020, Olga filed a statement on the police lawyer Mikhail Efremova Elman Pashayev. Between them, an agreement was concluded for the provision of legal services in the amount of $ 165 thousand. After receiving the amount, the defender did not fulfill the obligations assumed. A few more complaints were filed for him, the case took control of the head of the investigative committee Alexander Bastrykin. A few days earlier, a scandalous lawyer was deprived of professional status, and in August, Leibman exposed a furist in the transfer of Andrei Malakhov "Direct Ether".

It turned out that back in 2016, because of him, a woman fell into an awkward situation. Pashaev beat a lawyer who could not help Svetlana Tver, illegally accused of fraud. A lawyer hired Olga for her. The case has ended with the fact that Tverskaya also filed a complaint to the Tagansky court on the stellar coach, who recovered with Labeman a fine of $ 210 thousand.

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