Lina Dembikova - biography, personal life, photo, news, star stylist, TV presenter, "Reboot" on TNT 2021



It is difficult to imagine that in childhood, the famous beauties had to face domestic violence. The fact that they were subjected to physical and psychological effects on the part of close people mentioned Charlize Theron, Nastasya Samburskaya, Rosa Syabitov and even Edita Pieha. In the 2020th stylist Lina Dembikova replenished this sad list, saying that the Mother constantly beat her to the 3rd class of school, and the phone in the apartment regularly broke, because they were thrown.

Childhood and youth

One of the most famous "Malvin" of the Russian Fashion Industry was born on April 19, 1990 in Moscow. A little later she had a younger brother Dima. The atmosphere in secured and on the part of the seemingly prosperous family was very tense.

After the birth of the firstborn, the husband forbade his wife to build a career, coming home and leave him and leave without dinner. Scandals, accompanied by obscene brave, screams and vulsion in each other in each other, quickly became the norm. The man raised his hand to the spouse who provoked his spouse (but in minutes of the truce gave cars and drove to shopping), while she merged aggression on children.

Already at 4 years old Lina went to the preparatory group, and at the age of 6 - in the first class of school No. 1065, where he received some five. In the 5th grade, the girl moved to the secondary educational institution No. 1071. But the study was not charged here, and had to hide a diary with twins and three from adults who lived under the motto "Biotia determines consciousness."

At some point, the mother realized that her daughter was deceiving her, and beat her head about the wooden table. The next memories of childhood - a woman beats a child with sandals on a high platform. The relatives were unsuccessful tried to form a constantly scandalous pair, and Babushka Nina, with whom the granddaughter had a warm trust relationship, and they were not allowed to come at all.

Once, when the teenager turned 11 years old, there was a dust in the place of a torn bomb. And the parent instead of anointing the finger of the greenstone, held it in a glass with boiling water. From severe pain, the victim lost consciousness, a huge bubble swept on his hand - it was necessary to urgently go to the trauma.

Because of the home conflict, medical error and sepsis, a young patient, which was included in the synchronous swimming team, threatened amputation of an infected limb on the shoulder. After the 9th operations, doctors had to take away from the athletes to Falangu, which, however, did not prevent her to win the Russian Championship in group composition.

At the age of 14, the gold medalist entered the MGLU at the Faculty of Humanitarian and Applied Sciences, and a year later began to live separately. On the 3rd year, the student went to the University of London Arts to study the fashion, and then heed knowledge at Naba Nuova Accademia Di Belle Arti, Wordshop and Moscow State University.


At the age of 14, the girl left the big sport, for several years held the position of the trainer in AquaEurobic. Returning from studying from London and having time to be a stylist assistant on London Fashion Week, she opened Sunday Up Market. At that time, this designer market, where the clothing of little-known Russian brands was sold, was the largest and most unusual startup in the fashion industry.

Soon Lina was worried about the development of his own creative projects, image studios and photo and video-production. By her shoulders of art director at the Music Theater named after Konstantin Stanislavsky and Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko.

In October 2014, the businesswoman founded the rental of dresses and prepare for Dress Up Bar activities, conducting "cozy and spiritual bachelides", not forgetting the Call Me, Baby Beauty Bar! In the last ladies offer a wide range of cosmetology services (manicure, pedicure, styling, makeup, eyebrows).

In 2017, there was a series of Stylehunter training center, where "grow" future professionals in the fashion industry. Metropolitan Fueshhnaya School, which makes a bet on the union of the Western and domestic approach to education, offers courses (full-time and online) and for beginners, and for advanced specialists.

Required ambitious and talented dembic and television. Imjigologist who was responsible for the style of Laysan Utyasheva, Paul Will, Mitya Fomin, Christina Asmus (the full list is indicated on the official website, like the brands with which she collaborated) became an important part of the "reboot" on TNT and tried themselves as an expert "Podium "On" Friday! "

In the biography of the businesswoman there was a place and copyright columns in Cosmopolitan, Elle Girl, Woman's Day, "" and WMJ.RU. Also, Muscovite had a relation to the project "Dances", together with his leading launching the directions "Himself a stylist" and "imjidoology".

Personal life

"Returning to Moscow, I met a beloved man with whom for 10 years. Sasha is a kinded man with a lump over his head, loves all people and animals. With my parents and brother, I do not communicate last 5 years in general. My young man chose another way - the path of love, support and kindness in the family, "said Lina in the 2020th of his personal life.

A spectacular beauty with blue hair regularly lays out joint images with Alexander Konyashev on the page in "Instagram", who willingly telling the Follover's story of their love.

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One day the art director of the Music Theater named after Konstantin Stanislavsky and Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko, just broke with the first serious love, instructed the creation of a documentary film. Collecting the team of 4 people (editor Yulia, Operators Rudolf and Sasha) through Facebook, Dembikova went to Abkhazia. And soon, official relations with a colleague smoothly turned into romantic.

The slim figure of the stylist owning 5 languages, causes only admiration. However, it was not always that - in 19 years, the weight then the blonde was 70 kg, and at the time of dating with a boyfriend - 79 kg. On the secrets of weight loss to 60 kg in 5 years (now the indicators do not exceed 53-55 kg) and diet, adversely affected health, it shared with Peopletalk in 2019.

With the chosen one who makes photos for popular magazines and brands and shooting clips for Russian stars, the celebrity often works together and travels.

Lina Dembikova now

In the middle of the autumn of the 2020th brand, the "Snow Queen" presented a joint constructor with the Debica collection for men and women. And in December - a limited New Year's collaboration.

"I wanted to be with our things to be inspired by success and new experiments, I tried something unusual: a new stylization, bright lipstick to the image or just a new mood for a day. I wanted to show this collection that paired bows are not the same costumes, but consonant stylish images, "the stylist explained the stylist and designer in an interview.

And at the end of October, it became known that she left the TV file "Reboot" on TNT, helping guests to transform not only externally, but also internally. A colleague Katya Gershuni came to the place of Synevosa's presenter.

In November, a talented imageologist, regularly arranging the disclaiming of the stars wardrobe, got a Best Business Awards award in the nomination "The best leading and businesswoman in the field of beauty".

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