Anton Bagrov - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, «Sea devils», "Instagram" 2021



Anton Bagrov is the Russian actor, movie and television. It believes that the personality of the artist affects what roles he gets: good people play heroes, and bad people have to depict gangsters.

Childhood and youth

Anton Andreevich Bagrov was born on February 9, 1984 in Orel. The boy grew up without his father, he died when the future actor was 7 years old.

In an interview, Anton confessed in the complex of inferiority. The actor tried to prove the rest that he is no worse, even if he grew up in an infallible family. Difficult childhood also created the younger of problems in personal life.

In 2005, Bagrov graduated from the acting course Boris Naumovich Golubitsky. During his studies, 3 years served in the Oryol Drama Theater named after I. S. Turgenev. In the Novgorod Academic Drama Theater named after F. M. Dostoevsky rehearsed the "marriage of Figaro".

After study, he moved to St. Petersburg, where the year served in the Academic Small Drama Theater - the theater of Europe.

Theater and films

At the Baltic House of the Baghrov Theater-festival served from 2006 to 2011. Participated in the play "Marriage Balzaminov", collecting the full halls, and in the "seagull" with Josas Bruditis.

In the St. Petersburg Academic Theater named after Lensovet, the stamina played in the play "without guilt", which the audience took warmth. The viewers began to wipe the tears after the first act. Once the bugs came to the bows and saw the man sobbed in the first row.

Anton believed that it was more difficult to play on the stage than in front of the camera. The artist should live a lifetime in 2-3 hours, make an impression here and now. And it is every evening, despite the mood. And in the cinema laid out for five minutes and after a successful dub, you leave the role.

Together with the theater's troupe in 2014, the actor visited South Ossetia. Before the arrival of the artists warned that there is a danger of terrorist attack on site and they are at risk. Before Tskhinval, the team was taken by bus, and props - in the body of a truck, covered by insulation with holes from bullets. Everyone tried to take the safest places in the artwork, but Baghrov had to go next to the driver. At the entrance to the city of the bus stopped to detect the bomb laid on the road.

In the Multiserful Drama "Pregnancy Test", published on the first channel in 2015, the artist was filmed as Krishnait, her husband of one of the patients.

In 2017, the man was invited to the series "Sea Devils. Northern frontiers. " Baghrov played a security officer Igor Nikitina, who fell into the ranks of the special unit and tried to prove to his colleagues that he was not worse. Partners of Anton on the set were Daria Yurgens, Oleg Chernov, Ivan Parshin, Anton Glyaev. But Daria Cyberkin was already left the project, the actor colleague on the theater named Lensovet.

Shooting took place in conditions close to combat. Artists have collaborated with the troops, performed complex stunts without doubles, and once they had to go through this minefield.

Baghrov also participated next season - "Sea Devils. Landmarks ", which was filmed in Veliky Novgorod. Because of the 2018 World Cup 2018, the film production in both capitals was impossible.

Also, the man was filmed in the series "Streets of broken lanterns", "Wings of the Empire", "Such work", "Secrets of the Consequence."

In 2019, the Artist's filmography was replenished with the series "Love under a contract" about the official E Egor and Nurse, Anya, agreed to become a surrogate mother for him. In addition to Bagrova, Anna Arefieva, Andrei Soskov, Vitaly Kulikov played the main roles.

Another project in the biography of Anton was the film "Union of salvation", which proposed a rather original view of the Decembrists' uprising on the Senate Square of 1825. Sergey Muravyova-Apostle played Leonid Bechevin, Sergey Trubetsky - Maxim Matveyev, Pavel Pestel - Pavel Siluchny, Governor Mikhail Miloradovich General - Alexander Domogarov.

Personal life

In his youth, Bagrova had a sad love experience. When parted with the girl, he was very worried, for four years. The reason for the failure of Anton considered his attempts to be acting, seem not to those who are in fact.

The artist stated that he did not trust the actors and would never fall in love with the actress. He always liked to communicate with people from theatrical workshops. For example, in the "Baltic House" there were excellent relations with Watching Baba Katya. The woman survived the blockade, was a simple and sincere person. And fed Anton when he experienced difficult times.

The actor is not engaged in sports, because for him one performance is like three workouts in the fitness club, and in the TV shows it runs with a machine gun. So there is enough physical exertion.

Growth of Bagrova 183 cm, weight 75 kg.

Anton Bagrov Now

In October 2020, there was information that Anton Bagrov was infected with coronavirus infection. In addition to him, COVID-19 Nastign Strugachev's seeds, Nikita Volkova, head of the troupe, director with an assistant and two dispatchers. After that, new photos appeared in the artist's account in the "Instagram", therefore, there was no big damage to his health.

In December 2020, the premiere of the new season of the popular franchise 20 "Sea Devils took place. Special task. " Alexander Bolshakova joined the acting. This time, the "Nerpe" division was to investigate the causes of the aircraft crash in which the special forces fighters were killed.


  • 2006 - "Schedule"
  • 2011 - "Syndbad's Westerns"
  • 2014 - "Nevsky"
  • 2013-2020 - "Sea Devils"
  • 2014 - "Ultimatum"
  • 2015 - "Hunter for heads"
  • 2015 - "The last move of the queen"
  • 2015 - "Family Album"
  • 2017 - "Excellent"
  • 2018 - "Family Mystery"
  • 2018 - "Step into the abyss"
  • 2019 - "Kumir"
  • 2019 - "Love under the Contract"
  • 2019 - "Selfie for Memory"
  • 2019 - "Conditional Ment"
  • 2020 - "Magnificent Pyaterka-3"
  • 2020 - "Burning bridges"

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