Yuri Kovalchuk - biography, personal life, photos, news, friend Putin, Bank "Russia" 2021



Yuri Kovalchuk - Russian entrepreneur of Ukrainian nationality, banker, media signal. In his youth, he was engaged in science, after the collapse of the USSR became a successful businessman with huge revenues.

Childhood and youth

Yuri Valentinovich Kovalchuk was born on July 25, 1951 in Leningrad, the USSR. Father Valentin Mikhailovich - Soviet historian. He had access to classified documents, published materials about the Leningrad Blocade.

Mother Miriam Abramovna taught in universities. Brother Mikhail - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The family welcomed the love of knowledge, hard work, ingenuity and resourcefulness.

Yuri Valentinovich graduated from the Physics of the Leningrad State University, after which he was distributed to the Leningrad Institute of Physics and Technology named after A. F. Ioffe. He defended the candidate and doctoral and became the deputy director of Jorees Alferova. At the same time, I made friends with Andrei Fursenko and Vladimir Yakunin.

Career and business

In 1991, Yuri Valentinovich performed a sharp turn in his biography, creating an association of joint ventures of St. Petersburg. And then, together with Yakunin and Fursenko, founded the Bank "Russia", which is now recorded by the largest Russian media. Also through it, most of the communal payments of citizens take place.

In 1996, the Group of Owners of Russia, together with Vladimir Putin, established a cooperative "Lake" under St. Petersburg. In the same year, the bank bought a stake in the newspaper St. Petersburg Vedomosti.

In 2004, the Bank "Russia" bought the controlling stake in the Sogaz, serving Gazprom, Rosneft, RZD, ROSTOM, and other major organizations.

In 2005, Yuri Valentinovich acquired for $ 25 million the package of the TV company "TRK Petersburg", which turned into the "5th channel". Vladimir Putin signed a decree to assign the status of the All-Russian Channel with state financing of $ 40 million.

Yuri Kovalchuk and Vladimir Yakunin

In 2006, Kovalchuk became the owner of Ren TV, bought shares for $ 100 million from Alexey Mordashov and Vladimir Bogdanova.

In 2008, uniting his assets, Kovalchuk created the holding "National Media Group". The structure acquired a public council, which Mordashov entered, Bogdanov, Yuriy Valentinovich himself, Alina Kabaeva, Andrei Makarevich, Denis Matsuev, Andrei Konchalovsky and Daniel Donturee. Also, the businessman acquired the newspaper "Izvestia".

Kovalchuk was called the Shareholder of the First Channel, STS, "Stars", "Home", Sport-Express newspapers and the radio station "Echo of Moscow".

President of the President did not only media. He became the main organizer of the annual holiday graduates "Scarlet Sails". Also built under St. Petersburg the Ski Resort "Game" with bars, restaurants, a hotel and an ice palace.

In June 2013, a billionaire with a number of partners developed a project to create theater-cabaret in the Tauride Garden in Russia, which was planned to post in the building of the former cinema "Leningrad". The Spaniardo Ricardo Bofill, Creative Director, Felix Mikhailov, was spoken by the architect of the reconstruction, the author of the numerous television show.

In March 2014, the Bank "Russia" fell under the US sanctions, as Vladimir Putin opened an account there for accrualing his salary and pension. As a result, Visa and MasterSard ceased to serve the Bank's customers, and Coca-Cola has ceased to buy advertising on all TV channels belonging to Kovalchuk. At the same time, Yuri Valentinovich began expansion to the communal payments market, where he became the largest player.

Personal life

Wife Kovalchuk is called Tatiana. The son of Boris in 2001 graduated from the Law Faculty of St. Petersburg State University. From 1999 to 2006, he worked as a legal adviser to the Defense FSUE Grannie TsNII.

Later was appointed assistant Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. In March 2009, he entered the board of directors "Inter RAO UES".

Yuri Kovalchuk now

In July 2020, Yuri and Tatiana Kovalchuki established the Association "Support for the Regional Economic Environment" in St. Petersburg. The main direction of the organization was consulting on commercial activities and management.

In October 2020, the Moscow Tver Court arrested a member of the Board of Directors of the bankrupt company EMK-Engineering, which was part of Kovalchuk's business empire. The investigation believed that Andrei Chesnokov became the organizer of obtaining millions of government contracts of the Ministry of Defense.

In the case of the case, it was emphasized that the accused had citizenship of Estonia and Croatia, where he could hide from prosecution.

Yuri Kovalchuk and Vladimir Putin

In December 2020, journalists of the project "Project" published a compromising to Yuri Valentinovich, calling him "the old friend of Vladimir Putin and the second on the influence of man in the state." Kovalchuk seemed not only by the finances of the head of state, but also questions relating to his personal life.

According to the magazine, Brother billionaire Mikhail Kovalchuk held the post of Head of the Kurchatov Institute, which was submitted by the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences in May. The scientific institution was associated with anti-aging medicine, which the president called "one of the priorities of the Russian Federation", and also dealt the problem of the birth of genetically modified children.

On December 14, 2020, the company "South Project" ("Daughter" of the Bank "Russia") bought the Crimean winemaking "Massandra". The cost of the transaction amounted to 5.327 billion rubles.

According to press reports, the Bank "Russia" planned in 2021 to get control of the entire communal market of St. Petersburg.

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