Sergey Pustopalis - Biography, Personal Life, News, Photos, Films, Nationality, Filmography, Actor 2021



The creative biography of Sergey Pustopalis is easy to trace the map - there are many points, from the north to the south. The actor prefers peace and silence of small cities, but the provincial does not consider himself. And the main obstacle in self-realization calls not the lack of space under the metropolitan sun, but an underestimated self-esteem. Pustapalis moved into another geographical point only for the sake of new projects and dating with good people.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Vitauto Pustapalis was born on April 15, 1966 in Kursk. Own temperament, externally phlegmatic, but in fact strong, the actor explains that he has Lithuanian and Bulgarian roots, which from time to time "opposed" each other. Mom actor nodes from Bulgaria, and Father Vitautas Pustapalis - from Lithuania. In the Soviet passport, Sergey had a nationality of Lithuanian, and in an interview with the artist admitted that he still considers himself as such.

Father worked as a geologist, so a long time the family had to live in Chukotka, in Bilibino, then moved to Zheleznovodsk.

Sergey Pustopalis in youth and now

The first words of Pustapalis were spoken in their native language of the mother, later the boy spoke in Russian, but the state language of his native country, the artist never mastered. Seryozha did not want to upset his parents, trying to be an obedient son and deliver only a reason for pride. Although he thought that in the future would comprehend the profession of a military pilot, but developed himself in the creative sphere. The young man signed up in a dramatic circle, founded at the children's child room.

Pustapalis departed service in the Navy, after which he continued to learn. A secondary special education received in the Saratov Theater School in the course of Yuri Kiseleva, thanks to which after 10 years he became a deserved artist of Russia, playing the main, remembered by the viewer's role in the films "These free butterflies" and "Marriage Begingin".

Pustapalis received a diploma for higher education in Gitis under the persistent leadership of Curator Peter Fomenko. Even after the release and several years of adult and independent life, Sergey did not once recall the Peter Naumovich, who over the years of study became a real mentor for him.

"It seemed to me that I would not put it wrong. Roughly speaking, not scientifically. And Peter Naumovich freed me from all these fears. He said that everything was allowed in the work. "The main thing," he said, "only one thing cannot be done - it is impossible to miss and make boredom". "


In 2001, Pustapalis becomes a graduate of the Russian Academy of theatrical Art and as a graduation work presents the play "Twenty-seven", which independently put on the play Alexei Slapovsky. This work aroused universal admiration and was sent to the Baltic House festival. After the release, Pustapalis seriously took up the performance of performances and began to cooperate with the Slap, setting the performances by his works.

Sergey Pustopalis in the theater

Before the people found out about Sergey Pustopalis as a famous actor, a young man tries himself as a director, to visit the opportunity to Peter Fomenko himself directly. He took Puskapalis the assistant to work on the new production "Egyptian Nights".

In 2002, Sergey himself sits into the directorial chair and puts the performance called "Life is beautiful." For the first time, this work was presented to the audience on the stage of the Theater of the Drama and Comedy Kamchatka.

Pustopalis slowly and confidently went to achieve goals set in front of them. In the period from 2003 to 2007, he served in the Drama Theater in Magnitogorsk. During these 4 years, Sergey significantly replenished the list of the performances of the performances, which won the audience sympathy and collected the army of fans.

At the end of the contract, Puskapalis changed the place of work and moved to the position of chief director in the Academic Drama Theater Yaroslavl. In the first year of work, the director demonstrates on the stage the work "Do not part with your loved ones", then "Three sisters" comes to the light.

Sergey Pustopalis on stage

At the invitation of Oleg Tabakov, Sergey put on the MHT scene "last summer in Chulimsk" and "House". The recognition of such Matters, said Puskepalis, this is an indescribable pleasure, the admissive feeling of the need for people.


Sergey Pupuspalis hoped that he would talk about him as a talented director of famous performances, but could not think that he would have ever since the actual actor. The very first of his appearance in Kinokadra happened in the picture "Walk", over which the director Alexey Teacher worked.

Later, Puskapalis led to the set of Son Gleb, where he met the director Alexei Popogrebsky. He suggested the main role of the doctor in the picture "Simple things." The film received the top prize of the Festival "Kinotavr", and Sergey - "Nika", "White Elephant", awards of festivals in Vladivostok and Karlovy Vary.

Sergey Pustepalis in the film

Popogreb began to recommend Sergey's colleagues as a thoughtful professional. Soon, thanks to such recalls, the key roles were followed by the screening of the Roman Vladimir Orlov "Pharmacist" and in the drama "Spring Soon."

In the latter, the actor appeared in the image of a deadly sick man to whom love returns forces. Director Artem Antonov invited Pustopalis to play in the new film "Attempt by Faith," the artist gladly agreed. Together with Daniela Stanovich, he played spouse doctors who help women know the joy of motherhood, but they themselves do not work.

In the second decade of the 21st century, Puskepalis literally broke into the elite of Russian cinema, participating in high-profile and memorable projects. The beginning of a rapid climb put a thriller "How I spent this summer." The picture was filmed in real conditions of the North, in Chukotka, and turned out to be very accurate, although unusual. The film and actors are marked at the Berlin Film Festival.

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The next sign work of the actor was the film-catastrophe "Metro", filmed in the novel of Dmitry Safonov's novel. In Ribe, Puskapalis played the spouse of the heroine Svetlana Khodchenkova. For the role of Andrei Garin, who fell into a trap in the subway with her daughter, Pustapalis was nominated for the Golden Eagle Prize for the best male role.

In the same 2012, the series "Life and fate" came out, the plot of which unfolds at the height of the Great Patriotic War. Sergey Side Side played with such recognized actors as Sergey Makovetsky and Alexander Baluyev. I remembered the role of the actor in the project "And there was no better brother." The picture has developed a wonderful duet of Pustapalis and Yevgeny Tsyganov. Fans of the detective series "Creek Owl" called Sergey the best member of the project. In the film, he fulfilled the role of the Captain State Security, exposing the spy network in the Soviet outback.

Sergey Pustopalis and Konstantin Yushkevich Like

It is curious that Pustapalis is often confused with the playwright Evgeny Grishkovts and the popular actor Konstantin Yushkevich. With Evgeny Sergey Friezhen, but not ready, if necessary, replace comrade on filming, because he considers that uniqueness in terms of acting and literary features.

In 2015, the directorial film of Pustapalis took place - the film "Clinch" was released on the plays of Alexey Szhaloovsky. Premiere work is recognized as successful and even received a number of prizes at Russian film festivals. Music to the film wrote the B-2 group.

Then Sergey was filmed in the picture of the icebreaker. In it, he played the captain of the ice drift "Mikhail Gromov". A year later, an ironic detective "And in our yard" was released on the first channel, in which Ruskapalis and Ravshan Kurkov sang a policeman retired and janitor. Comic couple is investigating crimes by helping each other in everyday issues.

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In the production project Valery Todorovsky "Particle of the Universe", the actor received the role of the crew commander of the International Space Station. And without that difficult work is complicated by the fact that the wife of one cosmonaut turns the novel with the second. The rival of the hero of Pustapalis is the character of Alexei Makarov.

In 2019, the international festival "Pechorin-Fest" was held in Zheleznovodsk. The idea of ​​creating a cinema belongs to Sergey Pustopalis. Within the framework of the event, premieres of films, meetings with popular actors, screenwriters and directors.

In the historic ribbon "Golden Orda" in the image of the Voim of Yeremy made an acting ensemble with Alexander Ustyugov and Yulia Peresilde. In the adventure picture of Oleg Fomina "Operation" Muhabbat "" Pustapalis starred with her son.

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Sergey in who has already tried the epaulers of the police officer in the detective drama "idealist." His hero masterfully shares complex affairs and faces a criminal, which everyone has heard, but no one has seen. And he is because he does not lose faith in a person, even if it is a recidivist.

The actor received one of the main roles in the mystical series "Shaman" about the guy who can communicate with spirits. On the first channel it is planned to show the Military Drama "Encryptors". Pustapalis plays a GRU employee who, in submission, there are 4 analyst girls.

Personal life

Sergey Pustopalis, despite recognition, behaves quite modest compared to some colleagues. And the details from personal life or news can be leaning except from "Instagram" his son Gleb.

In earlier youth, Sergey Puskepalis married a colleague on the acting shop Elvira Danilina. True, the marriage lasted for a long time, they did not have children.

The second spouse in 1991 became Elena, a hydrogeologist by profession. In 1993, Gleb was born. Pustapalis remains a family man. With long-term cinema spells and travelings, he seeks to get home in Zheleznovodsk, to his beloved wife and son.

Sergey Pustopalis with his wife Elena

Gleb went in the footsteps of the Father and was educated in the same Russian Academy of Theater Art, Sergey Genovacha. Now the young man plays in the Moscow "Studio of theatrical Art", starred from Alexey Popogrebsky in Koktebel in the lead role.

The film was awarded a special prize of the "Silver Georgy" jury, FIPress awards and Russian criticism for the debut at the XXV Moscow Film Festival, Golden Lily at the Goeast International Festival in Wiesbaden. In addition, in the filmography of Puskepalisa Jr. - the paintings "Tree-5", "Inquisitor", "Operation" Muhabbat ".

It is said that in the photo the son is a copy of Sergey in his youth. The younger overtook the older in the growth (193 cm against 183 cm) and also looks solid in the frame, for example, in the Drama "9 days and one morning," where Pustapalis played father and son.

Sergey Putuspalis with son

Sergey Pustopalis has a lot of work in Moscow, where he has an apartment and an open restaurant, but to move to the capital to the capital categorically refuses. An excuse for this is the opinion that there is too much bustle and tension in the metropolis.

Sergey Puskepalis now

In May 2021, the actor received gratitude to Vladimir Putin with the wording "for a great contribution to the preparation and holding of socially significant events." The appropriate disposal of the president regarding the artist of the Academic Drama Theater them. Fyodor Volkova was exhibited on the official portal.

Words of admiration about the game of the actor expressed the writer Zakhar Prilepin. In an interview, the publicist noted his participation in the picture "How I spent this summer", using the phrase in relation to Poss, "I struck out".

Now for Sergey, the main thing is to serve the theater. Moreover, the cause of such a priority arrangement is not only the love of the artistic director to the scene, but also the obligations to the Ministry of Culture. But he tries not to leave the cinema, so in 2021 she continued shooting in the 3rd seasons of the series "SIFR".

The role of the best operative in the city of Pustopalis, followed in a dismanting ribbon "partners", the production of which started at the end of 2020. His companions on the set became Marusya Klimov and Andrei Bagirov. In an interview, Sergey shared that for a long time could not understand how his hero would be, in which there is a few neighborhood, responsibility and loneliness.


  • 2006 - "Simple Things"
  • 2009 - "Pharmacist"
  • 2010 - "How I spent this summer"
  • 2012 - "Metro"
  • 2013 - "Creek Owl"
  • 2014 - "Great"
  • 2015 - "Battle for Sevastopol"
  • 2016 - "Icebreaker"
  • 2017 - "Big Money"
  • 2017 - "CARP frostbitten"
  • 2017 - "Walking on the flour"
  • 2018 - "Yellow Eye Tiger"
  • 2018 - "Golden Horde"
  • 2019 - "Shaman"
  • 2019 - "Encryptors"

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