Oscar Karimov - biography, personal life, photo, news, "house-2", after the project, Stas Karimov 2021



Oscar Karimov is one of the first participants in the popular telestroy "House-2", whose care happened due to romantic relationships. Now, after many years after that, the show fans are wondering how the fate of this hero has developed.

Childhood and youth

The future popular DJ appeared on December 12, 1980 together with the twin brother Stas Karimov. The parents of the boys were not easy - both grew moving and inquisitive. However, Oscar in character was more active, often "walked" his brother for adventures.

As for hobbies, he was engaged in her hand-to-hand fight, danced well and demonstrated a musical talent. The latter later became a help in his professional biography.

Attractive, high and athletically folded twins have drawn attention of girls. But in the romantic sphere, Oscar found a reason for the drawing. For example, it often came on dates instead of Stas. They were so similar that even in educational institutions they donated exams for each other.

The first steps in Karimov career made in the field of sales. Being a communicable young man with a suspended language, he got a consultant in the radio engineering store.

When the casting was announced on a new program on TNT, the twins decided to try happiness - of course together.

"House 2"

The biography of a young man on the project, where everyone dreams of finding love started on May 12, 2004. In the first composition there were 15 people, including Marina Musiculov, Olga Nikolaev (Sun), Stepan Menshchikova, Elena Berkov.

Gemini brothers immediately liked the audience, and the fans of the show with interest were waiting for the development of their relationship. The girls on Telestroyka also gave the guys with meaningful glances, but no one liked Oscar from the current composition of the participants.

The fact is that the native of the city of Belebea at first glance fell in love with Ksenia Borodin. Then Karimov actively began to care for the colleague Ksenia Sobchak. However, that first time avoided the ward attempts to establish personal contact.

The Hero of the Project happened several short novels - first with Olga Kravchenko, then with Nicole Bodrov. With the last one, even for some time, lived in a separate house, however, it did not follow a serious continuation. And the guy still decided to achieve inaccessible leading.

Daiss the fan did not work. Borodin entered wisely - began to translate everything in a joke and even tried to establish friendly communication. Spectators gladly observed how these two exchanged compliments, worried and tried to keep emotions under control.

Water stone sharpens - it happened in this pair. The heart of an impregnable Ksenia could not stand and surrendered under the pressure of the courting of a young man. To follow them was fascinating - Oscar was constantly pleased with the beloved unexpected surprises and literally wore her in his arms.

None of the producers of the show did not expect such a turn. According to the rules of the project, the relationship between participants and leading was not welcomed. Karimov repeatedly said that you need to switch attention to another girl, but he did not hold for his place in "House-2".

Further events were expected. On December 16, 2004, the beloved Borodina went over the perimeter. However, no regret on this occasion was tested, because he achieved the desired - found his love.

After the project

Former participant lived in Moscow for some time together with Ksenia. The mother of the twins Valentina Vasilyevna came to visit. The woman saw his son happy and rejoiced that he made a personal life. Information about the planned wedding appeared in the media.

In fact, after the transfer, the relationship was rapidly deteriorated. The guy was jealous by Borodin to work, demanded more attention to himself. Soon the participant and the leading "House-2" broke up.

Oscar Karimov and Ksenia Borodin

Stas, who also hoped to find happiness on the TV project, left the project after his brother. Gemini decided not to return in their native whores. While in the capital, seriously engaged in music. Duet Karimov Brothers became increasingly popular. DJs performed in metropolitan clubs and private parties, specializing in creating retro song remixes.

In addition, enterprising twins have expanded the field of their activities. Oscar and Stas became businessmen - opened fashion store O.S.KAR, as well as a real estate agency and the Aqua Tour Travel Bureau.

Personal life

Despite the solid age, the blessing native, which settled in Moscow, did not get a full-fledged family. Although he has a civilian wife Elena, with which he, according to his personal admission, came out after a while after the project.

In Instagram account, Bashkira is not so many photos from the parent. For the general public, her personality remains a mystery. The former participant of the television show said that they have long stepped over a 10-year-old frontier in relations and even think about the birth of children.

Oscar Karimov now

Both brothers continue to develop in the music direction. Twins have an official page in "Instagram", where new tracks are regularly laid out. But each of them tries to develop solo projects. Oscar often travels with tours of the cities alone, is engaged in an part-time of the sound with the audio for tracks.

In "VKontakte" and "Instagram", a former guy Borodina puts his compositions. November and December 2020 became fruitful in a quarry. Among the winter novelties remixes on hits I Feel Alive and "Ha Mahepax".

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