Dmitry Bogdan - biography, personal life, photos, news, actor, TV series, "Instagram" 2021



Actor Dmitry Bogdan considers profession not by craft, but a tool for knowing life and himself. For him, the main task on the scene and in the frame is to open, talk to the nerve, to become extremely honest. Perhaps so the work of the artist find a lively visual response.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry was born on May 23, 1985 in the seaside Sevastopol. The fact that he "made his way" to the metropolitan stage, not having dating and connections, Bogdan considers the miracle and irony of fate. He was all interested in the actor, but at the insistence of parents. The family was worried about the boy who was growing, artistic and ignored the rules. For example, deftly stole wallets from buddies to the dispute.

Dmitry Bogdan - biography, personal life, photos, news, actor, TV series,

To direct the boiler energy into a peaceful direction, Bogdana led the eight-year-old son to the Sevastopol Theater of the Young Spectator. There he received the first role of the beetle in the play "Dragonfly and ant". Dima liked this experience: on stage he dressed in a suit, sang and danced. As a child, the artist played princes, cowboys and even Mowgli, and also represented solo vocal dance numbers.

After graduating from school, Dmitry went to enter the theatrical universities of Moscow, but did not give preparing for the introductory tests of sufficient time and diligence, and therefore in most educational institutions "cut off" on the first round. When admitted to the Schukinskaya school, Bogdan met Yuri Nikolayevich Pogrebnichko. The guy went to the course to the master by the Wolnesday, as the competition did not pass, and the parents pay for training first did not have the opportunity.

In an interview, the actor confessed that he went to the cinema to be filmed to give debts to study. However, the "hungry" student years Dmitry recalls with gratitude and enthusiasm. He plunged into an absolutely new environment where she gained another vision of the creative process and acting.

Theater and films

After graduating from the university in 2008, Dmitry replenished the Toruda of the Theater "Near the House of Stanislavsky", whose artistic director was his teacher Yuri Pogrebnichko. The director's style of the master determined the direction of the play of the theater, in which even the classic plays looked unusually and in a new way. Work in this team helped Bogdan not only grow professionally, but also to maturely mature.

Among his theatrical roles salty in the "three sisters", the king in the "Three Musketeers", a former captain in Magadan, Kireev in Chevengur and dozens of others. Shooting in the cinema Dmitry began still a student. His filmography in 2004 replenished the comedy series "Ivanov and Rabinovich", where the artist played Captain Mitu.

Already the next appearance on the screen brought Bogdan a major role: in the melodrama "City Landscape" he embodied the image of the artist Leva, who worries the creative crisis and became the beloved of the main heroine. Since then, the actor is regularly removed in the cinema and serials of different genres - from detectives to comedy. The role of an eccentric pioneer-accelerat in the film Sergey Loban "Shapito-Show" brought Dmitry to the first portion of fame in the general public.

I remember the viewer and Mitya - "Botany," who brought himself a superman, from the series "Slices". Other projects, where Bogdan showed his talent: "Fizruk", "bait for an angel", "Garden Ring", "Year of Culture". The artist is convinced: there are no simple or complex roles, the main difficulty for him is working on itself in the process of mastering the character.

Personal life

Bogdan leads an account in "Instagram", which is periodically replenished with fresh photos, however, the light on the biography and personal life page does not shed. Dmitry's wife, Ekaterina Kudrinskaya, is more open to subscribers, which shares his husband, children and relatives.

They studied at one course of Schukinsky school and got married in August 2011. Now the spouses share the scene of the theater "near the house of Stanislavsky" and raise the weather - the daughter of Masha and the Son Vanya.

Dmitry Bogdan now

2020 turned out to be rich in the premiere rich for Bogdan. For each other, the projects of "Kalashnikov", "Death in the Lens", "Dr. Preobrazhensky" took the screens. In the latter, he played charismatic and inspired by the thrill officer of the KGB Sergey Sergeevich. In early 2021, the viewer again saw Dmitry on the screen, this time in the 4-serial melodraum of the TVC channel "someday tomorrow".


  • 2004 - Ivanov and Rabinovich
  • 2008 - "City Landscape"
  • 2011 - "Shapito Show"
  • 2011 - "Slices"
  • 2015 - "Black Water"
  • 2017 - "Prix for Angel"
  • 2017 - "Dead lucky"
  • 2018 - "Year of Culture"
  • 2019 - "Phantom"
  • 2019 - "Sky is measured by miles"
  • 2020 - "Death in the lens"
  • 2020 - "Kalashnikov"
  • 2020 - "Dr. Preobrazhensky"
  • 2021 - "Someday tomorrow"
  • 2021 - "Khaki Color Resort"

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