Maxim Tikhonov - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, "Real boys against zombies" 2021



In the 2020th "real guys" were twice as much. In the middle of the Quarantine May, the premiere of the 13th season of the comedy serial was held on TNT. And at the end of the year, the audience became acquainted with the full-length film, where the inhabitants of Perm collided with an unusual virus that turns people into zombies. Heroes of Nikolai Naumova, Zoe Berber, Vladimir Selivanova, Valentina Mazunina, Marina Fedunkiv and Masuni Tikhonov, had to live in a new post-apocalyptic reality.

Childhood and youth

On May 2, 1986 in Krasnokamsk, a graduate of the Perm State Institute of Art and Culture, Marina Tikhonov, celebrating the birthday of January 29, presented his spouse to Vladimir Charplets Danil. Almost after 10 years, January 5, 1996, in the family received congratulations on the emergence of the younger son of Maxim.

Maxim Tikhonov in his youth

The boy, at the time limit, became a student of the local school number 3, where there was a place of fights and broken windows, since childhood she dreamed of ballet, but he did not take it, saying that he would grow a plump. Therefore, 7 years of his life, the child gave pop dance.

"My mother is a director, so she prepared me for various competitions of readers. And I liked it. After the 9th grade, I went to enter the theater school. At first I decided to go to Oleg Tabakov College, but it did not work out. Then I went to the Perm Regional College of Art and Culture, "the young man told himself in an interview.

At the end of the college in September 2017, the young man got into service at the Tchaikovsky Theater of Drama and Comedy, and then found himself at the university, which in 1983 graduated from his mother, choosing the department of director and actor skills.

Little spectators waited for meeting with an artist in the "Merchal Roger" and "Three Ivanov". Adults applauded a guide in the performances of "Lisuctre", "Romeo and Juliet", "inventive in love", "inexpensive", "small tragedies", "like gods", "Tale about Frol Schever", "This is not we are so funny, this is life so funny. "


The creators of "real guys" noticed Talented Tikhonov, when he studied at the 4th year of the Perm Regional College of Art and Culture. A student with fellow students invited to the casting that the guy was successful.

The actor was appointed to the role of Jackal - a good one, but the forever "kosying" graduate of PTU. He settled in Outdoor Anton (Anton Bogdanov) and Vovan (Vladimir Selivanov) Auto repair and only took a step in adulthood, but he had already known paternity. Maxim told that before he got into the 12th season of the comedy project, only the first releases of the series watched.

"I did not have problems with the character. There is one complexity - I'm not used to the camera while. I'm "green" in filmmaking, but we grab on the fly. At first I did not even know that you could ask for a duplicate. Of course, there were scenes where I did not suit myself, I wanted to overire everything, but the team laughed, and the director arranged everything, "the rising star of cinema was shared.

The 13th part of the story about Nicolae Naumov, who staging on the path of correction, did not again cost without the participation of the one-refamil of the legendary Stirlitz Vyacheslav Tikhonov. TV viewers and journalists even dubbed his character to whom many duties at work and in his personal life, version 2.0 of Kolyan, similar to him arrogance and naivety.

Despite the recognition of the public and growing popularity, the young man could not boast of interest. Therefore, in the 2020th artist and decided to correct the situation by moving to Moscow.

In the capital of the arrival and found quarantine, introduced due to the raging pandemic coronavirus infection. To self-insulation, the native of Krasnokamsk reacted with humor - included music and sang on the entire apartment of a song, a couple with a friend removes video with stupid dances for the Titstok social network.

Personal life

In an interview at the end of April 2020, the actor did not hide that he suffered from a lack of female attention, flirting with the girls liked only near the box office stores.

Maxim respects sports (in childhood he was in martial arts, and now he does not imagine without a snowboard, as evidenced by the photo in Instagram-Account) and the soul does not get into the nieces-twins Zoe and Alesa.

On the personal page in the social network "Vkontakte" Maxim adds films that have come to the soul. Among them, "Oliver Twist", "Rush Hour", "Hate", "Leo", "face with a scar", "Fear and hate in Las Vegas", "sacrificing a pawn", "12 chairs", "Evening on The farm is near the dikanka, "" As Vitka Garlic, I was a pin in the house of disabled "and many others.

Maxim Tikhonov now

2 weeks before the new 2021, Tikhonov filmography replenished the comedy "Real boys against zombies", January 30, shown on TNT.

Maxim Tikhonov - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor,

On December 18, 2020, the main roles of Nicholas Naumov, Zoya Berber and Vladimir Selivanov came to the Studio of the Evening Urgant show on the Channel One. The artists told the leading Ivan Urgant on how they fell into the series, they called favorite places in Perm and admitted that the full-length tape was removed a year ago, when no one knew about any coronavirus.


  • 2019 - "Real Guys"
  • 2020 - "Real boys against zombies"

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