Elizabeth Maya - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, movies, husband, "instagram" 2021



At the end of November 2020 Elizabeth Mayskaya reported to subscribers stunning news. Another 4 years ago, the actress, which was on the decade, noticed the German director Harald Franklin. He waited when the performer is ready, he wrote a role specifically for her, and now he took off his project for NetFlix. The name of the new work with complex dramatic scenes, the filming of which was carried out in Ukraine, did not open, but it is known that Ealina Lipova participated there.

Childhood and youth

Elizabeth Mayskaya, also known for the name of Kurbamagomedova, was born on May 4, 1985 in Kiev, therefore, he had taken such a spring alias.

The only child in the family did not know anything - parents always agreed with her to, according to them, not to look fools before anyone. Adults worked in trade, Paul's father had 3 higher education, and the mother is a special special, which, however, did not prevent her from becoming the boss, wherever she worry.

Elizabeth Maya - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, movies, husband,

The latter circumstance influenced the method of education - the woman watched the daughter "everything was always clear." But that endowed with an explosive temperament inherited from Highlander's ancestors from Western Ukraine and Dagestan, it was not easy.

"My grandmother was excellent for me: I had my own territory and great respect. Grandmother Anastasia Filippovna - Pedagogue. She never raised his voice in his life, but at the same time with discipline we always had everything well. We were sewn with her, she allowed me to put twins in the notebooks of her students, "recalled the actress.

Talking about the other grandmother Christine Ivanovna, who gave life to five children, granddaughter convinced that the most delicious milk in the world was given by her cows. In addition, she regularly took little Lisa with himself in the sanatorium.

In school years, the girl studied the game on piano, opera vocals, English and drawing. In high school grades, a graduate brightened to KVN, all extracurricular activities led and performed as a solo performer at various views and festivals.

However, the girl dreamed of not about the scene, but he wanted to become a lawyer, defending the research project on jurisdly at the All-Ukrainian competition of young members of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and won the 2nd place. But, having listened to the relatives, the attornika entered Knuki, where he adopted knowledge from Vasily Bashi and Vasil Birzul.

The student did not listen to the Councils in the field of singing from Tamara Kalutian, who was friends with the very Fainan Ranevskaya, repeatedly appeared on the TV show "Our Song", became the second vice-miss at Miss University of Knuki and "made his way" to the Miss Music Final on the M1 channel.


Already in the first year of the Institute of Elizabeth, it got on national television and soon led the weather program. In 2005, a student, at the request of the mother, sent a questionnaire to the teleproekt "Star of the series I will be", where I won and got into the series "Wolf".

At the end of the university, Mayan lived, worked and studied opera singing in Budapest, parallel to the practice at the Central Hungarian television. She managed to give a few years of radio (the transfer "Hello, Doctor!", "Simple Truths", "Life Formula") and take the place of leading news in the morning show on the Channel "City", "Film Fami" and "Morning Espresso" on Tonis, "Says Ukraine" on Ukraine.

Elizabeth Maya - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, movies, husband,

In 2014, the talented Kiev woman worked on the "Corioloman" in Nova Opera Vlad Troitsky, and the next year he made the author of the adaptation of the "Book of Job" for the Opera "Job", becoming a voice.

In parallel with this, the Ukrainian filmography was replenished. Starting from episodes in the 4th and 5th season "Return of Mukhtara", the actress received a major role in the 8th part. Reincarnation in the central characters was to be in the "crimirologist", "Engine of internal combustion", "glass room", "Elena beautiful", "I do not want to lose you" and the project "Hi, dad!" With Prokhorom Dubravin.

""Hello father!" - Not just a melodrama, this is a real drama. My heroine has already lived with the injury of youth, who does not give her peace. Although she is sure that he has coped with her for a long time. But the trigger arises, after which his entire thoughtful, clear, correct, delightful life will fly to the units, "the artist was divided into an interview.

Spectators also remember her by participating in the "blood of angel", "I will find you", "according to the laws of military time - 2", "Begga - 2", "Hello, Mom!" With Anna Kuzina and other projects.

Personal life

The first serious love launched Lisa at the age of 16. The elected of the girl, externally resembling Johnny Depp and distinguished by the mind and halanery, then he already released from the university. Unfortunately, the development of further relations was prevented by the difference in age.

Over time, the actress, TV presenter and the announcer met a person from whom the sole son gave birth to. Personal life was not easy - they died in love, they converged again. As a result, despite mutual feelings to each other, it was decided that it was better to live separately. At the same time, the woman does not interfere with the communication of the father and the child.

In the fall of the 2020, the celebrity confessed in an interview that everything survived, freed and ready to create a family with a reliable man. To educate the heir to the mother tries according to the Mary Montessori technique, catching up to independence, so the boy from an early age helps a parent of home, and now practically does not leave the stove.

Elizabeth Pavlovna is not afraid of cardinal changes in appearance, so maybe, without thinking, briefly trim and change the color of the hair. However, she goes any haircut. May has a slim figure, but photographs in swimsuits in instagram account appear infrequently.

Elizabeth Mayskaya now

At the 2021th, with the participation of May, the exit of detectives "Dead Lilies" and "Social Protection" was planned. In both works, the actress shared the shooting platform with a colleague Artem Karasev.

Elizabeth Pavlovna admitted that he returned to sing and wanted to conquer the "voice of the country", especially for this, after having learned the whole repertoire Tina Karol. Her forces and time was enough for the development of the copyright social project "I'm with you!", Where answers were answered to tricky questions about Coronavirus, the dissemination statistics of the disease, the necessary advice, etc.


  • 2010 - "Vera, Hope, Love"
  • 2012 - "Return of Mukhtara-8"
  • 2013 - "My dad flyer"
  • 2016 - "Criminologist"
  • 2017 - "Internal combustion engine"
  • 2018 - "According to the laws of wartime-2"
  • 2018 - "Blood Angel"
  • 2019 - "I will find you"
  • 2019 - "Glass Room"
  • 2020 - "Hi, dad!"
  • 2020 - "I do not want to lose you"
  • 2020 - "Elena Beautiful"
  • 2020 - "Beggling-2"
  • 2020 - "The worst girlfriend"
  • 2020 - "Close to Heart"
  • 2021 - "Social Protection"
  • 2021 - "Dead Lilies"

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