Alla Ioshpe - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, Stakhman Rakhimov, songs, "Jewish tailor", died 2021



Alla Ioshpe was the Soviet and Russian singer, the performer of lyrical hunters. The music helped the artist to cope with the disease, and the love of the spouse - with the persecution by the authorities.

Childhood and youth

Alla Yakovlevna Ioshpe was born on June 13, 1937 in Ukraine, a Jewishman by nationality. Childhood spent in Moscow with the older sister of Faine, during the Great Patriotic War survived the evacuation to the Urals. We drove on the bus and on the way fell under German bombardment. Frightened, the children jumped up and hid in the grass, but everything cost.

At the age of 10, on the eve of the New Year, the girl hurt her leg, and the infection began. Parents sold everything you can buy medicines. Doctors insisted on amputation. Miraculously, the disease retreated, but health problems remained for life.

It was at that time Alla wanted to become an artist, looking with envy on how other guys dance and sing. She decided that there was nothing better in the world.

Ioshpe graduated from the Philosophy of the Faculty of Moscow State University and defended his dissertation on psychology on the topic "The speed of arbitrary motor reactions in the norm and with frontal brain tumors".


The biography of the actress Ioshpe began in student, combining studies with speeches at the university orchestra. In the performance of Alla Yakovlevna became popular songs of Tzarevna Nesmeyana and "Behind the Light Light".

In 1961, the ensemble performed in the cafe "Youth" on Gorky Street, and among the invited guests at the concert was attended by the Uzbek artist Stakhman Mamajanovich Rakhimov. The artist began to play a song about Tbilisi, and this was the impression on a man that he rose to the scene and soldered the second voice. In the hall merged, and after the execution of the second composition, they stopped dancing. And then they asked to go on bis. Young people understood that they feel each other and need to perform together. According to them, the duet is not just singing together, you need to understand exactly what a partner is doing, even breathing to take at the same time.

Ioshpe and Rakhimov performed under their own surnames, because they wanted to stand out against the background of other groups and orchestras. Stakhman Mamadzhanovich led himself in Gentlemensky, agreeing to put the first female name. Most of their albums did not even have names, photographs of singers on the cover were enough for the plates to be bought.

In their repertoire there were such hits as the "meadow no one", "Alesha", "Autumn leaves", "Goodbye, boys," "three plus five", "Autumn Bells". Artists traveled with concerts all of the USSR and Polmir, but in 1979 fell into disfavor to leadership. The reason was their decision to move for half a year in Israel because of the exacerbation of the disease in Alla Yakovlevna. Domestic experts could not help anything.

Only 10 years later, thanks to the help of Joseph Kobzon, Duet was allowed to speak again. In 1988, their discography was replenished with the album "roads of artists".

September 26, 2020 in the release of the transfer "Hello, Andrei!", Dedicated to the work of Mikhail Shufutinsky, Alla Ioshpe performed the song of Jewish tailor. In October, the artist, together with her husband, became the guest of the Natalia Barbier program "To the cottage!".

On January 29, 2021, Alla Ioshpe and Stakhman Rakhimov became the guests of the "Fate of Man". Artists told Boris Korchevnikov about how their novel began, about the secrets of longevity of living together, about the ban of concerts and why children did not appear in marriage.

Personal life

Music not only gave Alla Ioshpe the possibility of creative self-expression, but also helped in his personal life. At the age of 15, speaking at a family holiday, the girl met the future husband of Vladimir, for whom he came out in 1960. They lived in the same house with his parents, brothers Robert and Allan Chumak, the future famous psychic. The spouses were born daughter Tatiana, she became a doctor. The grandson of the singer, Konstantin, lives in London.

The marriage was happy, but soon the singer went to Stakhan Rakhimov, in which he fell in love with first glance. He himself arranged a serious conversation with Vladimir, and the divorce managed to survive without scandals. For a man, this was also not the first marriage. Having met Alla, Uzbek hid the wedding ring in his pocket and offered to hold home. The artist did not make it surname, because the singer has already become popular under his own. With a former spouse, she retained good relations.

The stars lived at the cottage in Valentinovka near Moscow, where in the 50s on the orders of Joseph Stalin created the village for famous artists. Until the end of the life of Alla Yakovlevna suffered from health problems, the singer was difficult to walk, so the main part of the house was performed by a husband.

Ioshpe and Rakhimov were not delighted with the mercantility of modern society. In his youth, according to their memories, no one demanded fees, because the opportunity to sing herself was perceived as happiness.


January 30, 2021 Alla Ioshpe died. The cause of the death of the artist was the heart problems. The singer was 83 years old.

Stakhman Rakhimov survived the spouse of just a month and a half. People's Artist of the Russian Federation died at the 84th year of life. It is known that after the departure of his wife he was seriously sick.


  • 1963 - "Good evenings on Ob"
  • 1964 - "Serve, we will wait for you"
  • 1964 - "Road"
  • 1966 - "Kargophage"
  • 1973 - "Alla Ioshpe and Stakhman Rakhimov"
  • 1975 - "And water is rolling under the Mostkop"
  • 1976 - "Give the sail ship"
  • 1976 - "Ripping your heart"
  • 1977 - "Why do Flowers need"
  • 1988 - "Artist Roads"
  • 1993 - "Baro of happiness"
  • 1995 - "Seven Forty"
  • 2005 - "Sitting songs in Jewish"

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